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FARTHING (*)[edit]

Prerequisites: Telepathy

Effect: The range on telepathic effects is doubled.


Prerequisite: Telepathy, Mind Probe

Effect: This power allows the character to alter the memories of another. In order to use this technique, the character must first find and learn the information she wishes to change using the Mind Probe technique; once this is done, the character may make an activation roll to alter the memory. If the character wins the activation roll with an ordinary success, she is able to alter any single memory or piece of information in the target's mind; however, any related thoughts or memories (such as mnemonic devices for remembering passwords) will be left intact, which may end up confusing the target or alerting him to the memory alteration.

If the character wins with an exceptional success, not only is the chosen memory or piece of information altered, but any related memories will also shift and alter to accommodate the changed information, rendering the target unable to detect the memory alteration without outside help. The memory changes caused by use of this technique are permanent, although the target may eventually realize that his memories are incorrect through interaction with other characters.

The target takes on the Altered Memories Condition.

Activating this technique costs 1 verve, and has a range of (Power Level) yards. An alternative use for this power is to remove the altered memories, restoring the originals and resolving the Condition.

MIND HAZE (*)[edit]

Prerequisite: Telepathy

Effect: The character is able to flood the target's mind with psychic noise, preventing action. On a successful activation of this power the character applies the Confused or Distracted Condition to their target. On an exceptional success both may be applied. On a dramatic failure, the target's player applies one of these conditions to the telepath.

MIND PROBE (****)[edit]

Prerequisites: Telepathy

Effect: The character is able to read the long-term memories of her target. In order to use this merit, the character must make an extended activation roll and score a number of successes based on the chart below.

TargetSuccesses Needed
Typical ThoughtsTarget's Resolve +2
PrivateResolve + Composure
Vitally PrivateResolve + Composure + 2
Repressed/Amnesic2 X (Resolve + Composure)
Traumatic+1 to +5
Guarded+Target's Subterfuge
Psychically Secured+2, +4, or +8

'Guarded', above, refers to an individual intentionally hiding their thoughts on a subject, typically because they suspect someone wants to know the truth and the subject doesn't wish them too. 'Private' refers to anything of a personal nature the subject wouldn't speak aloud in most company. 'Vitally Private' refers to potentially damaging information. 'Where the bomb is hidden' is typically Guarded information. A secret identity is typically Vitally Private. If the character knows someone is going through their mind looking for their secret identity, it becomes Guarded & Vitally Private. The attribute values above reflect current values, so players may try to produce circumstances that will lower the effective values before attempting to enter a subject's mind. The character using the Mind Probe technique may make a maximum number of rolls equal to the character's Resolve, and each roll takes one turn. A character targeted by Mind Probe may make a reflexive (Wits + Composure - activating character's Telepathy rating) roll to become aware of the psychic intrusion, and if successful, may contest each roll with a reflexive Resolve + Telepathy + Power Level. Each roll costs one verve, though an Exceptional Success allows the next roll to be for free. The technique has a range of (Power Level) yards.


Prerequisite: Telepathy

Effect: The character is able to expand her awareness and detect nearby mental activity. A single success on the activation roll makes the character aware of every entity with at least the intelligence of an insect within (Power Level + Telepathy) x 5 yards of her. The character may extend the range on the effect by adding another 10 yards for each -2 penalty they apply to the roll.

A dramatic failure on the roll applies the Distracted Condition.

The character is aware of both the location and the nature of each detected intelligence; for example, she would be able to recognize that the primitive minds in the floorboards belong to cockroaches and that the more advanced, familiar intelligences on the other side of the wall are humans. When faced with an unfamiliar intelligence, such as an A.I. or an extra-dimensional being, the character will learn the qualities of the intelligence ("highly advanced and extremely logical," or "similar in strength to a human but completely unfamiliar") but will not recognize the manner of entity to which they belong.

Once the character is familiar with a subject's mental signature, the character is able to track a target from a great distance by focusing on his mental activity. A single success on the activation roll allows the character to detect her target if he is anywhere within (Power Level + Telepathy) miles; each additional success on the activation roll doubles this range. If the target character is in range and his brain is functional, the activating character is immediately aware of his exact location in relation to her. If the target is not in range, or if his brain is no longer functioning, this power fails to detect them.

This effect would allow an individual to recognize an impostor, provided they had met the individual previously. Time and familiarity may modify the activation roll.

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