Mahou Shoujo: Roanapur: Noriko Netsuke

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Noriko is a character in Mahou Shoujo:Roanapur, played by sybrid.

NETSUKE Noriko[edit]

Magical Girl Name:

Defining Moment: Killed the demon that murdered her parents and swore revenge against the organization that sent it

Badass Type: Smartass


  • Meta: Little did you know I was in X club at school! -- Noriko was in a lot of very improbable clubs at her school. Reskinned from "Little Did You Know That I Am A Robot"
  • Profession: Honor Student -- Noriko took her studies seriously at school and developed a habit for occasionally thinking things through carefully. Reskinned from "Teacher"

Gear: Naginata: Weapon +1, Wardress Armor: +2


Noriko's father was a reasonably well-to-do courier with his own pilot license. While flying her and her mother in a small seaplane to a vacation in Bangkok, her father received a business phone call (on his expensive, brick-like satellite phone) and made the decision to make a quick detour to Roanapur to pick up some 'goods' that he would be transporting back to Japan after the vacation. Some organization (perhaps the ones selling the goods, she's not sure) decided to attack her family and steal whatever it was they were transporting (Noriko suspects strongly that it was contraband) and said organization did so with a few thugs and a summoned demon. She managed to escape with her life and kill the demon with the help of Kanzoutsukamu, and she has stayed in Roanapur since partially out of a sense of obligation to Kanzoutsukamu and mostly because she's trying to work out which organization killed her parents.

She's since managed to find living space in a rat-infested hovel of a little one room apartment, which she pays for primarily through her day work as a bicycle courier. Although she'd be thrilled to be paid to hunt demons, she generally does that without pay - Kanzoutsukamu wants demons dead, so she hunts them. She personally feels she owes too great an obligation to him/her/it to screw around looking to get paid when there's a demon to slay.



  • Diego Fernando: Early in Norkio's 'career' as a magical girl, she fought a demon with the power to possess other people, and the final person it chose to take over was the leader of a local Colombian drug gang. Noriko, assuming that her weapon could only hurt demons, ended the possession by bisecting the man at the waist with her naginata (awkward conversation later: "Guys, so, uh, it turns out our weapons work on regular people... ehhhhh? You knew!?") Diego was that leader's second in command and best friend, and he's had it out for Noriko ever since. Diego isn't, by any means, a major mover in Roanapur, but he's got enough guys to make things unpleasant for Noriko with the occasional ambush and just enough resources to pay for the occasional hit squad. He only knows what Noriko's magical girl persona looks like, but he would gladly pay to know who she actually is. Those who know him outside of when he's trying to kill Noriko say he's a devoted father. Noriko thinks of the guy as an inept nuisance (he hasn't killed her yet!) and the trouble he keeps causing her has almost become like comforting background noise to life in Roanapur. Diego has objectively made the world a slightly worse place, as having to deal with the various attempts on her life has helped Noriko overcome any objections she had with killing.
  • "Sensei": An old ex-assassin Japanese martial artist living in Roanapur, 'Sensei' (the only name by which Noriko knows him) has been helping Noriko learn how to fight with the naginata. Or, as he put it the first time he saw her form, "That stance is great if you're trying to win a tournament and will get you killed in a real fight." He has been teaching her the Higo Koryu school style. In return for the training, she's occasionally helped him out with the occasional odd job (which so far have *not* involved violence, just stuff like 'go get my groceries', 'make me dinner', or 'clean this area that I can't quite reach anymore because of my bad back'). He's casually sexist (which annoys Noriko, but she holds her tongue) and she suspects he's mostly okay with teaching her how to use the naginata because it's a 'woman's weapon.' Noriko doesn't think he knows she's a magical girl; he only interacts with her when she's 'off-duty' so to speak. He lives in a little two floor building, with the ground floor being the dojo (and has quite a few weapons on display) and the second floor being his living space.


  • Shizuka: (Friendly) Noriko's opinion of Shizuka is basically that she is awesome. With her living family dead, one of her coping mechanisms has been to latch onto a couple of others to think of as surrogate family, and while she doesn't actually realize she's doing this or thinking this way, she tends to treat Shizuka with the regard one might give a Cool Older Sister. Outwardly this is largely expressed by Noriko deferring to Shizuka (and occasionally in Noriko mimicking her).
  • Riri: (Friendly) If Shizuka is Noriko's secretly-in-her-head awesome older sister, then Riri is Noriko's secretly-in-her-head adorable clumsy little sister. There are times when her behavior seems a bit weird, but Noriko chalks that up to her probably being from Osaka or something. Outwardly, this is largely expressed by Noriko tending to treat Riri like a child that she is friendly to - sometimes she'll buy candy to share with her, for instance, and probably tends to come off as a bit patronizing towards her.
  • Xiahe: (Professional) Noriko has a part-time job as a bicycle messenger in Roanapur, and the few deliveries she's made to the Chinese Consulate have been picked up by Xiahe. While they haven't talked much (Noriko's not really sure why; she tries to be friendly with people), none of the deliveries she's made or picked up from Xiahe have ever started with "Make sure it's delivered in 18 minutes if you value your life" or "Try not to jostle the package too much or it'll go off" or "What do you mean you don't think you could move a dead body on your bike?! Maybe it's not a dead body! Maybe it's just a rolled up carpet then. Can you carry one of THOSE!?" which pretty much elevates her to the status of FAVORITE CUSTOMER. This status was recently challenged when a colleague of Xiahe received a bomb at Xiahe's office, but Noriko decided to hold that against said colleague instead.

Character Songs[edit]