Naga Crown

The Naga Crown is a large circlet made of some green metal (likely oxidized copper) and set in the form of three inter-twined snakes coiling around the head of the crown's wearer. The snakes' heads rest at the front of the crown, their gemstone eyes gazing balefully out at the world in front of them. The Hindu religion holds that the Nagas are servants of Varuna, a Vedic god who ruled "the dark half of the sky." He was also the lord of the Asuras (commonly thought of as demons), bringer of rain and floods and the keeper of the souls of the drowned. Like their patron, the Nagas were said to be immortal and capable of controlling the waters and changing their shape. Some named Nagas from Hindu myth include Manasa, Shesha and Vasuki.
The crown is held most sacred to the fanatical Marut Cult and they have proved willing to protect it with their lives. None outside the cult know if the crown possesses any mystic powers or if it's a simple sacred relic. Likewise, the true connection between the Maruts and the Nagas is a mystery to scholars of religion and travelers alike.