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This section describe basic equipment you might need in your adventure. More advanced and detailed equipments can be found in the upcoming Equipment Codex.

  1. Equipment Statistics
  2. Weapons
  3. Armors
  4. Electronics Enhancement
  5. Adventurer's gears
  6. Services


  1. Introduction
  2. Melee
  3. Range
  4. Tactical



Arrows: An arrow used as a melee weapon is treated as a light improvised weapon (–4 penalty on attack rolls) and deals damage as a dagger of its size. Arrows come in a leather quiver that holds 20 arrows. An arrow that hits its target is destroyed; one that misses has a 50% chance of being destroyed or lost.
Bolts: A crossbow bolt used as a melee weapon is treated as a light improvised weapon (–4 penalty on attack rolls) and deals damage as a dagger of its size. Bolts come in a wooden case that holds 10 bolts or 5 for a repeating crossbow. A bolt that hits its target is destroyed; one that misses has a 50% chance of being destroyed or lost.
Bullets, Sling: Bullets come in a leather pouch that holds 10 bullets. A bullet that hits its target is destroyed; one that misses has a 50% chance of being destroyed or lost.
A bow is a weapon that shoots arrows powered by the elasticity of the bow and/or its string.
Other names: None
Short bow can be used when riding a horse.
Other names: Longbow
Medium bow cannot be used when riding a horse.
The most simple bow construct made from a straight but flexible wood piece with a string attach to it. If you have a penalty for low Strength, apply it to damage rolls when you use a simple bow. If you have a bonus for high Strength, you cannot apply it to damage rolls when you use a simple bow.
A recurve bow is a bow that, in contrast to the simple bow, has ends that curve away from the archer when the bow is held in shooting position. The technical difference between a recurve and other bows is that when strung, the string touches the limbs of a recurve bow, and only touches the tips of other types. An unstrung recurve bow can have a confusing shape and incorrectly strung bow can be destroyed when attempts were made to fire them. The recurve shape in effect can reduce loading at full draw (let-off) and will impart more energy to the arrow than a simple bow of similar top draw force. If you have a penalty for low Strength, apply it to damage rolls when you use a recurve bow. If you have a bonus for high Strength, you cannot apply it to damage rolls when you use a recurve bow.
A composite bow is made from different materials laminated together, usually applied under tension. Different materials are used so that different material properties can be taken advantage. All composite bows are made with a particular strength rating (that is, each requires a minimum Strength modifier to use with proficiency). If your Strength bonus is less than the strength rating of the composite bow, you can't effectively use it, so you take a –2 penalty on attacks with it. The default composite longbow requires a Strength modifier of +0 or higher to use with proficiency. A composite longbow can be made with a high strength rating to take advantage of an above-average Strength score; this feature allows you to add your Strength bonus to damage, up to the maximum bonus indicated for the bow.
A compound bow is usually a composite recurve bow coupled with pulleys known as eccentric cams. With a traditional single string bow as the string is pulled back the tension increases, so the bow must be aimed and released quickly (else the archer's arm will tire, reducing accuracy). On release the string rapidly accelerates to its fastest and then decelerates for the rest of the string's return to stationary. Using cams reduce the load of the string and allow you to keep the bow ready for a long time. You can also use more weight than normal meaning that you use 1.5 times your strength modifier with compound bow.
A crossbow consists of a prod (similar in appearance to a bow) mounted on a stock, which has a mechanism to wind and shoot its bolts.
Other names: Hand Crossbow
You can draw a light crossbow back by hand.
You can shoot, but not load, a light crossbow with one hand at no penalty.
Other names: None
You draw a medium crossbow back by pulling a lever. Normally, operating a medium crossbow requires two hands. However, you can shoot, but not load, a medium crossbow with one hand at a –2 penalty on attack rolls. You can shoot a medium crossbow with each hand, but you take a penalty on attack rolls as if attacking with two light weapons. This penalty is cumulative with the penalty for one-handed firing.
Other names: Arbalest
You draw a heavy crossbow back by turning a small winch. Normally, operating a heavy crossbow requires two hands. However, you can shoot, but not load, a heavy crossbow with one hand at a –4 penalty on attack rolls.
The repeating crossbow (whether heavy or light) holds 5 crossbow bolts. As long as it holds bolts, you can reload it by pulling the reloading lever (an instantaneous action). Loading a new case of 5 bolts is a Long action that provokes attacks of opportunity.
A grenade is a hand-held bomb designed to be thrown by hand.
Concussion: Living creatures within the concussion grenade's 10-foot burst radius take 4d6 points of non-lethal concussion damage, or half damage on a successful Reflex save (DC 15). Concussion grenades do not affect robots or other nonliving creatures.
Dissolver: This grenade releases a cloud of gas that dissolves organic matter, dealing 2d6 points of acid damage per round to all living creatures and organic materials in a 5-foot-radius burst. Suspended in an artificial gravity well, the cloud persists until the gravity well collapses after 1 minute. The gravity well prevents even strong winds from dispersing the acid cloud.
EMP: The EMP grenade deals no damage to living creatures. However, all electronics equipment take magnetic damage actually affecting the Core of the object instead of hit points..
Fireflush: A fireflush grenade contains a chemical compound that combusts immediately upon contact with oxygen. When a fireflush grenade detonates, it produces geysers of flame that fill a 10-foot burst radius. All creatures and objects within the burst radius take 3d6 points of fire damage. The blast also ignites clothing and other flammable items.
Fragmentation: The most common military grenade, this is a small explosive device that sprays shrapnel in all directions when it explodes. The purchase DC given is for a box of 6 grenades.
Gravitic: When this grenade detonates, it releases incredible gravitational forces. All creatures within a 10-foot-radius burst are crushed for 4d6+8 points of bludgeoning damage. A successful Reflex save (DC 15) halves the damage.
Singularity: A singularity grenade generates a gravity field so powerful that it bends space into a miniature black hole. The black hole instantly devours all light and matter before collapsing and vanishing. Any character or object in the grenade's 5-foot burst radius takes damage. A successful Reflex save (DC 15) halves the damage. If the damage is enough to make a creature lose three times it's Constitution, the grenade leaves no trace of the creature behind.
Stun: A stun grenade deals no damage, but any creature within its 15-foot burst radius that fails a Reflex save (DC 18) must immediately make a Fortitude save (DC 15) or be stunned for 1d4 rounds. A creature that succeeds on the Reflex save is not required to make a Fortitude save and is unaffected by the grenade. A stun grenade has no effect on robots and other creatures immune to stunning effects.
A pistol is a mechanical device that fires projectiles at high velocity, using a propellant such as gun powder or compressed air that is generally used one handed..
Other names: Derringer
Light pistol are small and easily concealable. You get a +2 bonus on Sleight of Hand checks made to conceal a light pistol on your body (see the Sleight of Hand skill). Because light pistol cause less damage than medium pistol and are mostly single shot, it is rarely used as a main weapon, but make it perfect to surprise an opponent.
Other names: Revolver
Medium pistol are semi-automatic pistol.
Other names: Submachine gun
Heavy pistols are automatic weapon that can fire a lot of bullets in a very short time. They are normally used with two-handed, but you can use them with only one end but suffer a -4 penalty.
The first type of firearms used a simple spark made from a flint to ignite gunpowder and shoot bullet. You must put from the nose of the firearms gunpowder and ammo making this type of firearm very long to reload.
Cartridge firearms combine the cap, the charge and the bullet itself into a single metal cartridge easily loaded into the weapon. While this type of firearm contains a few ammos, they still need to be put one by one if the firearm.
Firearms that used magazine to hold a pack of ammo that can be recharged as a group instead of one by one.
Gunpowder is not used anymore in those firearms. A magnetic pulse pushes the bullet very fast outside of the gun.
This firearm used a gravity induction engine to propel a bullet.
Laser weapons come in many shapes and sizes, from pistols to rifles and other long arms. Many different forms of technology can be used to create laser weapons, resulting in many different forms of lasers; short, self-contained beams are as common as longer, solid stream lasers, while others produce spherical balls of energy and others fire laser rings.
Plasma occurs when gases become electrically charged after losing electrons. Plasma weapons condense this electrically charged gas into a destructive force that can eat through solid objects and cause severe damage. Like laser weapons, plasma weapons come in many varieties. Most plasma weapons generate their destructive ammunition by superheating gasses held inside specialized power packs and then compressing those gasses into a focused plasma round.
Resembling a laser rifle, a disintegrator fires a micro-singularity that obliterates the target's molecular structure on impact.
Battery contains energy used by weapons. Once empty, the battery must be replaced and can be recharge later.
Induction weapon create their own energy as they need. They do not need to replace the energy source for the weapon.
A rifle is any long gun which has a rifled barrel. A rifled barrel incorporates two or more helical grooves in its bore which impart a spin upon the projectile as it travels down the barrel. The angular momentum thereby imparted to the projectile partially insulates it from certain aerodynamic forces which would otherwise cause it to deviate more substantially from a straight path. The consequent gyroscopic stability allows for much greater accuracy, and therefore, effective range, than would otherwise be attainable through the use of a non-rifled barrel.
Rifles must always be used two-handed whatever their sizes.
Other names: Assault Rifle, Hunting Rifle
Medium rifle are semi-automatic and automatic firearms with a long range of action.
Other names: Sniper rifle
Heavy rifle are specifically made to have long range and strike foes at a distance with very few shots.
Construct: See pistols
A shotgun is a firearm typically used to fire a number of small spherical pellets, the shot, from a smoothbore barrel of relatively large diameter. Compared to many bullets, the energy of any one ball of shot is fairly low, making shotguns useful primarily as close-combat weapons or defensive weapons where the short range ensures that many of the balls of shot will hit the target.
Shotguns must always be used two-handed whatever their sizes.
Construct: See pistols
The usual construction of a sling comprises a small cradle or pouch that holds the projectile in the middle of two lengths of cord. In use, both of the cords are held in the hand, the sling is swung at arms length and then one of the two cords is released thus freeing the projectile which may be propelled at great speed.
Other names: Shepherd's sling
Your Strength modifier applies to damage rolls when you use a sling, just as it does for thrown weapons. You can fire, but not load, a sling with one hand. Loading a sling is a move action that requires two hands and provokes attacks of opportunity.
You can hurl ordinary stones with a sling, but stones are not as dense or as round as bullets. Thus, such an attack deals damage as if the weapon was designed for a creature one size category smaller than you and you take a –1 penalty on attack rolls.


Stone Age[edit]
Name Price Find Weight
Light - 10 0 lb.
Bronze/Iron Age[edit]
Name Price Find Weight
Axe, Bronze
Light 5 12 3 lb.
Axe, Iron
Light 4 10 3 lb.
Bow, Recurve
Short 7 13 2 lb.
Light 2 10 0 lb.
Hammer, Bronze
Light 3 12 2 lb.
Hammer, Iron
Light 2 10 2 lb.
Spear, Bronze
Light 3 14 3 lb.
Medium 4 16 3 lb.
Spear, Iron
Light 2 12 3 lb.
Medium 3 14 3 lb.
Sword, Bronze
Light 4 12 1 lb.
Sword, Iron
Light 3 10 1 lb.
Middle Ages[edit]
Name Price Find Weight
Axe, Steel
Light 5 12 3 lb.
Bow, Recurve
Short 7 11 2 lb.
Medium 8 14 3 lb.
Bow, Composite
Short 8 14 2 lb.
Medium 10 17 3 lb.
Light 9 18 2 lb.
Medium 7 13 4 lb.
Heavy 8 16 8 lb.
Huge 11 19 300 lb.
Crossbow, Repeating
Medium 10 17 6 lb.
Heavy 11 19 10 lb.
Hammer, Steel
Light 3 10 2 lb.
Light 2 10 0 lb.
Spear, Steel
Light 3 12 3 lb.
Medium 4 16 3 lb.
Sword, Iron
Light 4 10 1 lb.
Age of Reason[edit]
Name Price Find Weight
Axe, Steel
Light 5 12 3 lb.
Blast 9 18 1 lb.
Hammer, Steel
Light 3 10 2 lb.
Pistol, Flintlock
Medium 7 15 2 lb.
Gunpowder Barrel 8 16 5 lb.
Rifle, Flintlock
Medium 9 18 10 lb.
Light 2 10 0 lb.
Sword, Iron
Light 4 10 1 lb.
Industrial Age[edit]
Name Price Find Weight
Axe, Steel
Light 5 12 3 lb.
Fragmentation 5 12 1 lb.
Hammer, Steel
Light 3 10 2 lb.
Flamethrower 7 15 50 lb.
Grenade 4 16 7 lb.
Rocket 5 16 5 lb.
Heavy 10 17 25 lb.
Pistol, Cartdridge
Medium 5 12 2 lb.
Rifle, Cartdridge
Medium 8 16 9 lb.
Shotgun, Cartridge
Medium 7 15 7 lb.
Sword, Iron
Light 4 10 1 lb.
Information Age[edit]
Name Price Find Weight
Bow, Compound
Short 4 12 2 lb.
Medium 5 14 3 lb.
Fragmentation 5 12 1 lb.
Flamethrower 7 15 50 lb.
Grenade 4 16 7 lb.
Rocket 5 16 5 lb.
Heavy 10 17 25 lb.
Pistol, Magazine
Light 5 10 3 lb.
Medium 6 13 3 lb.
Heavy 7 15 5 lb.
Rifle, Magazine
Medium 7 15 10 lb.
Heavy 8 18 20 lb.
Shotgun, Magazine
Medium 7 15 7 lb.
CyberGenetic Age[edit]
Name Price Find Weight
Concussion 3 12 1 lb.
EMP 4 12 2 lb.
Fireflush 3 12 2 lb.
Launcher, Mini
Grenade 4 14 4 lb.
Rocket 5 14 5 lb.
Pistol, Laser Battery
Medium 7 13 2 lb.
Heavy 8 16 2 lb.
Pistol, Magnetic
Light 4 10 1 lb.
Medium 5 12 1 lb.
Heavy 6 15 1 lb.
Rifle, Laser Battery
Heavy 8 16 2 lb.
Rifle, Magnetic
Medium 7 15 6 lb.
Heavy 8 18 10 lb.
Space Age[edit]
Name Price Find Weight
Dissolver 4 12 2 lb.
Gravitic 5 12 1 lb.
Stun 3 12 1 lb.
Launcher, Mini
Grenade 4 14 4 lb.
Rocket 5 14 5 lb.
Pistol, Gravity
Light 3 10 1 lb.
Medium 4 10 1 lb.
Heavy 5 10 1 lb.
Pistol, Laser Induction
Light 5 13 2 lb.
Medium 6 13 2 lb.
Heavy 7 13 2 lb.
Pistol, Plasma Induction
Light 6 15 3 lb.
Medium 7 15 3 lb.
Heavy 8 15 3 lb.
Rifle, Gravity
Medium 6 13 4 lb.
Rifle, Laser Induction
Heavy 9 16 10 lb.
Rifle, Plasma Induction
Heavy 10 19 15 lb.
Energy Age[edit]
Name Price Find Weight
Singularity 4 12 2 lb.
Pistol, Plasma Induction
Light 5 10 2 lb.
Medium 6 13 2 lb.
Heavy 7 15 2 lb.
Pistol, Singularity
Light 6 15 3 lb.
Medium 7 13 3 lb.
Heavy 8 15 3 lb.
Rifle, Plasma Induction
Heavy 9 16 8 lb.
Rifle, Singularity
Heavy 10 21 10 lb.


Name Craft DC Craft Time Hardness Hit Point Core
Axe, Stone
Light 12 1 hr. 8 2 1
Axe, Bronze
Light 12 1 hr. 11 2 1
Axe, Iron
Light 12 1 hr. 10 3 1
Axe, Steel
Light 12 1 hr. 12 4 1
Bow, Simple
Short 12 4 hr. 5 3 1
Bow, Recurve
Short 15 4 hr. 5 3 1
Medium 15 4 hr. 5 5 1
Bow, Composite
Short 18 8 hr. 5 3 1
Medium 18 8 hr. 5 5 1
Bow, Compound
Short 18 8 hr. 5 3 1
Medium 18 8 hr. 5 5 1
Crossbow, Simple
Light 18 4 hr. 5 2 1
Medium 18 4 hr. 5 2 1
Heavy 18 4 hr. 5 5 1
Huge 25 2 days 5 50 15
Crossbow, Repeating
Medium 22 8 hr. 5 2 1
Heavy 22 8 hr. 5 5 1
Blast 15 2 hr. 10 2 1
Concussion 15 2 hr. 20 6 2
Dissolver 15 2 hr. 50 12 11
EMP 15 2 hr. 20 6 2
Fireflush 15 2 hr. 20 6 2
Fragmentation 15 2 hr. 12 4 1
Gravitic 15 2 hr. 50 12 11
Singularity 15 2 hr. 50 12 11
Stun 15 2 hr. 50 12 11
Hammer, Stone
Light 12 1 hr. 8 2 1
Hammer, Bronze
Light 12 1 hr. 11 3 1
Hammer, Iron
Light 12 1 hr. 10 2 1
Hammer, Steel
Light 12 1 hr. 12 4 1
Flamethrower 18 4 hr. 12 15 11
Grenade 18 4 hr. 12 15 11
Rocket 18 4 hr. 12 15 11
Launcher, Mini
Grenade 18 4 hr. 20 25 12
Rocket 18 4 hr. 20 25 12
Machinegun, Cartridge
Medium 22 8 hr. 12 30 13
Machinegun, Magazine
Medium 22 8 hr. 12 30 13
Pistol, Flintlock
Medium 15 2 hr. 10 4 1
Gunpowder 18 8 hr. 5 2 1
Pistol, Cartridge
Medium 15 2 hr. 12 4 1
Pistol, Magazine
Light 15 2 hr. 12 4 1
Medium 15 2 hr. 12 4 1
Heavy 18 4 hr. 12 6 2
Pistol, Magnetic
Light 16 4 hr. 20 4 1
Medium 18 4 hr. 20 4 1
Heavy 20 8 hr. 20 6 2
Pistol, Gravity
Light 16 4 hr. 50 8 6
Medium 18 4 hr. 50 12 11
Heavy 20 8 hr. 50 16 11
Pistol, Laser, Battery
Light 16 4 hr. 20 4 1
Medium 18 4 hr. 20 6 2
Heavy 20 8 hr. 20 8 6
Pistol, Laser, Induction
Light 16 4 hr. 50 8 6
Medium 18 4 hr. 50 12 11
Heavy 20 8 hr. 50 16 11
Pistol, Plasma, Battery
Light 16 4 hr. 50 8 6
Medium 18 4 hr. 50 12 11
Heavy 20 8 hr. 50 16 11
Pistol, Plasma, Induction
Light 16 4 hr. 50 8 6
Medium 18 4 hr. 50 12 11
Heavy 20 8 hr. 50 16 11
Pistol, Singularity
Light 16 4 hr. 50 8 6
Medium 18 4 hr. 50 12 11
Heavy 20 8 hr. 50 16 11
Rifle, Flintlock
Medium 18 4 hr. 10 10 11
Rifle, Cartridge
Medium 18 4 hr. 12 15 11
Rifle, Magazine
Medium 18 4 hr. 12 15 11
Heavy 22 8 hr. 12 15 11
Rifle, Magnetic
Medium 18 4 hr. 20 25 12
Heavy 22 8 hr. 20 25 12
Rifle, Gravity
Medium 18 4 hr. 50 50 15
Heavy 22 8 hr. 50 50 15
Rifle, Laser, Battery
Heavy 22 8 hr. 20 25 12
Rifle, Laser, Induction
Heavy 22 8 hr. 50 50 15
Rifle, Plasma, Battery
Heavy 22 8 hr. 50 50 15
Rifle, Plasma, Induction
Heavy 22 8 hr. 50 50 15
Rifle, Singularity
Heavy 22 8 hr. 50 50 15
Shotgun, Cartridge
Medium 22 8 hr. 12 15 11
Shotgun, Magazine
Medium 22 8 hr. 12 15 11
Light 12 1 hr. 5 1 1
Spear, Bone
Light 12 1 hr. 3 3 1
Medium 14 1 hr. 3 3 1
Spear, Stone
Light 12 1 hr. 8 3 1
Medium 15 1 hr. 8 3 1
Spear, Bronze
Light 12 1 hr. 11 3 1
Medium 15 2 hr. 11 5 1
Spear, Iron
Light 12 1 hr. 10 3 1
Medium 15 2 hr. 10 5 1
Spear, Steel
Light 12 1 hr. 12 3 1
Medium 15 2 hr. 12 5 1
Sword, Bone
Light 12 1 hr. 3 1 1
Sword, Stone
Light 12 1 hr. 8 2 1
Sword, Bronze
Light 12 1 hr. 11 3 1
Sword, Iron
Light 12 1 hr. 10 2 1
Sword, Steel
Light 12 1 hr. 12 4 1
Sword, High-Frequency
Light 15 4 hr. 20 6 2
Sword, Beam
Light 16 4 hr. 50 10 10



In this column you'll see the damage dice to use when an opponent is hit by the weapon.

When there are two dices if damage specify in this entry, this mean that this weapon is a double weapon. A double weapon can be used to strike with two different parts of the weapon. Attacking with both parts is considered as using a second weapon.

Damage Type

Weapons are classified according to the type of damage they deal: bludgeoning, piercing, slashing, laser. Some creature may be resistant or immune to attacks from certain types of weapons.

Some weapons deal damage of multiple types. If a weapon is of two types, the damage it deals is not half one type and half another; all of it is both types. Therefore, a creature would have to be immune to both types of damage to ignore any of the damage from such a weapon.

In other cases, a weapon can deal either of two types of damage. In a situation when the damage type is significant, the wielder can choose which type of damage to deal with such a weapon.


Any attack at less than this distance is not penalized for range. However, each full range increment imposes a cumulative –2 penalty on the attack roll. A thrown weapon has a maximum range of five range increments. A projectile weapon can shoot out to ten range increments.


The number of ammo the weapon can hold before being recharged.


Time take to reload completely the weapon.


The number of shot you can make against the same target as an action one category slower. All attack uses the same roll, but suffer from a -8 penalty. The range increment is much shorter when using multiple attacks: it is 1/4 of your normal range increment with a minimum of 5 feet. All penalties can be reduced with the Range skill Double Shot Feat.


The number of square you can hit if you attack using an area of effect instead of a specific target. This action takes one initiative category slower to resolve. All targets with a Defense below your attack roll results suffer damage from the weapon. All attack uses the same roll, but suffer from a -8 penalty. The range increment is much shorter when using spread attack: it is 1/4 of your normal range increment with a minimum of 5 feet. All penalties can be reduced with the Range skill Spread Shot Feat.

Name Damage Damage Type Range Mag Reload Shot Spread
Bow, Simple
Short 1d6 Piercing 50 ft. - Short 1/2 -
Bow, Recurve
Short 1d6 Piercing 60 ft. - Short 1/2 -
Medium 1d8 Piercing 100 ft. - Short 1/2 -
Bow, Composite
Short 1d6 Piercing 70 ft. - Short 1/2 -
Medium 1d8 Piercing 110 ft. - Short 1/2 -
Bow, Compound
Short 1d6 Piercing 80 ft. - Short 1/2 -
Medium 1d8 Piercing 120 ft. - Short 1/2 -
Crossbow, Simple
Light 1d4 Piercing 30 ft. - Short 1 -
Medium 1d8 Piercing 80 ft. - Short 1 -
Heavy 1d10 Piercing 120 ft. - Standard 1 -
Crossbow, Repeating
Medium 1d8 Piercing 80 ft. 5 Long 1 -
Heavy 1d10 Piercing 120 ft. 5 Long 1 -
Blast 2d6 Concussion 10 ft. - Short 1 -
Concussion 4d6 Concussion 10 ft. - Short 1 -
Dissolver 2d6 Acid 10 ft. - Short 1 -
EMP 4d6+4 Magnetic 10 ft. - Short 1 -
Fireflush 3d6 Fire 10 ft. - Short 1 -
Fragmentation 4d6 Slashing 10 ft. - Short 1 -
Gravitic 4d6+8 Bludgeoning 10 ft. - Short 1 -
Singularity 4d6+44 Energy 10 ft. - Short 1 -
Stun Special1 - 10 ft. - Short 1 -
Grenade - Ammo 70 ft. - Short 1 -
Rocket 4d6+24 Concussion 150 ft. - Standard 1 -
Launcher, Mini
Grenade - Ammo 70 ft. - Short 1 -
Rocket 4d6+24 Concussion 150 ft. - Standard 1 -
Machinegun, Cartridge
Huge 2d6+4 Ballistic 110 ft. L Short - 4
Machinegun, Magazine
Huge 2d6+8 Ballistic 110 ft. L Short - 4
Pistol, Flintlock
Medium 1d6+4 Ballistic 15 ft. - Long 1 -
Gunpowder 3d6 Concussion 10 ft. - Short 1 -
Pistol, Cartridge
Medium 1d6+4 Ballistic 20 ft. 6 Long 1 -
Pistol, Magazine
Light 1d4+3 Ballistic 30 ft. 15 Short 1 -
Medium 1d6+4 Ballistic 30 ft. 15 Short 1/2 -
Heavy 1d8+5 Ballistic 30 ft. 20 Short 1/2 4
Pistol, Magnetic
Light 1d4+3 Ballistic 40 ft. 30 Short 1/2 -
Medium 1d6+4 Ballistic 40 ft. 30 Short 1/2 4
Heavy 1d8+5 Ballistic 40 ft. 30 Short 2/3 6
Pistol, Gravity
Light 1d4+3 Ballistic 50 ft. 30 Short 1/2 -
Medium 1d6+4 Ballistic 50 ft. 30 Short 1/2 4
Heavy 1d8+5 Ballistic 50 ft. 30 Short 2/3 6
Pistol, Laser, Battery
Light 1d4+6 Laser 40 ft. 10 Short 1 -
Medium 1d6+8 Laser 40 ft. 10 Short 1/2 2
Heavy 1d8+10 Laser 40 ft. 10 Short 1/2 4
Pistol, Laser, Induction
Light 1d4+6 Laser 60 ft. - - 1/2 -
Medium 1d6+8 Laser 60 ft. - - 1/2 4
Heavy 1d8+10 Laser 60 ft. - - 2/3 6
Pistol, Plasma, Battery
Light 1d4+9 Plasma 60 ft. 10 Short 1 -
Medium 1d6+12 Plasma 60 ft. 10 Short 1/2 2
Heavy 1d8+15 Plasma 60 ft. 10 Short 1/2 4
Pistol, Plasma, Induction
Light 1d4+9 Plasma 80 ft. - - 1/2 -
Medium 1d6+12 Plasma 80 ft. - - 1/2 4
Heavy 1d8+15 Plasma 80 ft. - - 2/3 6
Pistol, Singularity
Light 1d6+16 Energy 100 ft. - - 1/2 -
Medium 1d8+20 Energy 100 ft. - - 1/2 4
Heavy 1d10+24 Energy 100 ft. - - 2/3 6
Rifle, Flintlock
Medium 1d8+5 Ballistic 40 ft. 1 Long 1 -
Rifle, Cartridge
Medium 1d8+5 Ballistic 50 ft. 8 Short 1/2 4
Rifle, Magazine
Medium 1d8+5 Ballistic 60 ft. 30 Short 1/2 4
Heavy 1d10+6 Ballistic 120 ft. 5 Short 1/2 -
Rifle, Magnetic
Medium 1d8+5 Ballistic 70 ft. 40 Short 1/2 4
Heavy 1d10+6 Ballistic 140 ft. 10 Short 1/2 -
Rifle, Gravity
Medium 1d8+5 Ballistic 80 ft. 50 Short 1/2 4
Heavy 1d10+6 Ballistic 160 ft. 10 Short 1/2 -
Rifle, Laser, Battery
Heavy 1d10+12 Laser 160 ft. 5 Short 1/2 -
Rifle, Laser, Induction
Heavy 1d10+12 Laser 180 ft. 10 Short 1/2 -
Rifle, Plasma, Battery
Heavy 1d10+18 Plasma 180 ft. 5 Short 1/2 -
Rifle, Plasma, Induction
Heavy 1d10+18 Plasma 200 ft. 10 Short 1/2 -
Rifle, Singularity
Heavy 1d10+24 Energy 220 ft. - - 1/2 -
Shotgun, Cartridge
Medium 1d8+5 Ballistic 30 ft. 2 Standard 1/2 -
Shotgun, Magazine
Medium 1d8+5 Ballistic 30 ft. 8 Short 1/2 -
Axe, Light 1d6 Slashing 10 ft. - Short 1 -
Sling 1d4 Bludgeoning 50 ft. - Short 1 -
Spear, Light 1d6 Piercing 20 ft. - Short 1 -
Spear, Medium 1d8 Piercing 20 ft. - Short 1 -
Spear, Polearm 1d10 Piercing 10 ft. - Short 1 -
Sword, Light 1d4 Piercing 10 ft. - Short 1 -