Project Majin Overdrive:Campaign

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This page carries information about the capaign world, which is heavily influenced by the science fiction animated series ExoSquad and Blue Gender.

Plot Summary[edit]

The series takes place in the 22nd century (around 2118-2120). Humans (ofter referred to as "Terrans") have expanded their presence beyond Earth, terraforming and colonizing Venus and Mars ("the Homeworlds"). At the start of the series, the Homeworlds were in conflict with the Pirate Clans, a group of rebel humans occupying parts of the outer solar system. After the Clans raided one too many unarmed homeworld freighters, the Earth Congress dispatched the entire Exofleet, humanity's space-based military, against them.

While war with the Pirate Clans loomed, a revolt was about to begin among the Neosapiens. The Neosapiens were a genetically engineered humanoid race, bred to be physically stronger and smarter than humans and used primarily as slaves during Mars and Venus colonization. The maltreatment of the Neosapiens led to their first revolt 50 years earlier, but that rebellion was crushed. The new insurrection has been thoroughly planned by the Neosapien Governor of Mars, Phaeton, and began shortly after the Exofleet went after the Pirate Clans (of course, its absence was a part of the plan, as well). The Neosapiens captured the Homeworlds without much effort.

The two seasons that the series was on the air followed the progress of the war, as seen through the eyes of Able Squad, an elite E-frame squad, composed of J.T. Marsh, Nara Burns, Maggie Weston, Kaz Takagi, Alec DeLeon, Rita Torres, Wolf Bronski, and Marsala (a Neosapien).

The second season ends with the defeat of the Neosapiens and the liberation of the Homeworlds. The series was cancelled soon afterwards. However, Exosquad ended with a cliffhanger, suggesting that the third season would have been about a war against a new alien race, and that the Terrans and the Neosapiens would have been forced to ally with each other.

Where the Campaign Picks Up[edit]

This campaign was designed to act as the "lost third season" of the series. Instead of an alien invasion forcing them to work together, a secret cabal of artificial intelligences infiltrated the military infrastructure of moth sides, shutting down weapons and other military applications and forcing a stalemate. Susequently, both Terrans and Neos don't like being manipulated by the AIs.

Somethime in the year 2250, creatures described as "dragons" began their assault on Earth and subsequently Mars. The only surviving forces managed to escape to the now reactivated lunar base Selene.

Neo Sapiens[edit]

The Neosapiens are a race of genetically engineered sentient humanoids based on the race of the same name in the science fiction animated television series Exosquad.


Neosapiens visually resemble seven to nine feet tall humans with pale blue skin. They have four fingers, including two opposable thumbs, on each hand, and four toes on each foot. Completely hairless, they also have a brightly colored tattoo, a so-called brood mark, on their foreheads, which denotes what brood they were created in. The brood mark is unique for every Neosapien and helps to distinguish them from each other, since their visual appearance doesn't vary as much as humans' one.

Origins & History[edit]

In the Exosquad universe, the Neosapiens were created by the humans (often called "Terrans" by Neosapiens, whose nickname among humans is "Neos" or, derogatory, "Sapes") sometime in the early 2040s to serve as slave laborers on Mars, as a part of their terraforming efforts there and on Venus. This also explains their appearance: the blue skin would make them easily visible on Mars and their well-muscled physique would make them very strong workers.

Neosapiens are physically far superior to baseline humans. They can breathe in far thinner atmospheres, with a much higher carbon dioxide content (which again makes sense for a race designed to work on Mars). They have greater strength, speed, stamina, and vision. In addition, they require very little food and have no need to sleep. Indeed, Neosapiens have been genetically optimized in virtually every bodily attribute.

Although there are Neosapiens of both genders, they are reproduced only by batched cloning in a brood chamber. They are incapable of sexual reproduction, and are in fact bred to be sterile by the Terrans in an unsuccessful attempt to control them.

Neosapien Revolt[edit]

Nearly all of the Neosapiens were slaves in the Martian mines before the recent Neosapien rebellion. Although they were granted increased rights following the Neosapien revolts of the late 2060s (including control of Mars), most Neosapiens still live in virtual slavery.

Automutation Syndrome[edit]

The genetic engineering of the Neosapiens was imperfect, as all Neosapiens feared developing the Automutation Syndrome. Although the exact nature of this disorder has never been properly studied, it supposedly involves a Neosapien's DNA becoming unstable, turning his or her body into a pile of talking mush. Phaeton, the leader of the second Neosapien rebellion, himself developed this disorder after his fall from Martian Olympus Mons after a fight against J.T. Marsh, confining him completely to a life-support suit for the rest of his life. By the end of the war, there was still no known cure to Automutation Syndrome.

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