Talk:Things To Do In Seattle When Your Dead

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Psychotic Fits[edit]

Having done a few sandbox style games, I can assure you that they are unlikely to cause any sort of mental disorders in and of themselves. They are however, exhausting at times. I'm looking forward to seeing some NPCs soon. -- Bill 13:39, 1 January 2008 (PST)

Hi, I've a possible new character for you.[edit]

I'm not sure how much chatting you've done with your regular players, but I was the new guy who popped into the character building session last Tuesday and I've come up with a character built out of that session. They mentioned the need for a hacker, and perhaps a bit of a face, so I was working from that. We cooked up a possible joining hook jointly for this character and the other newly entering one, Luce, by means of this character Imogen having Yuri's fixer cousin as one of his contacts. He would have worked with Luce before and have bargained for them to come in as a pair so that he has a bodyguard while entering this seemingly warzone.

I have more thoughts on his background worked out, but I wanted to check that a) you actually did want another player in your game and b) that the joining story seen above and the character sheet linked below were both acceptable before I finalized it all. I worked him up as a technomancer and as a hacker, but the hacker version is below as it seemed to turn out better (although his background story is supposed to include the unusued potential to be a technomancer). Please feel free to give me any thoughts you have on all of this. User:Ninedragonned/Characters/Imogen_Duwamish

--Ninedragonned 23:38, 14 March 2008 (PDT)