The Alchemist's Story (Tobyverse)

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Al-Jaziri is not his real name: he used to be a rich emir's son, enjoying life without responsibility with his money, and has since changed his name to that of a legendary inventor to hide his old identity. One of his hobbies was collecting antiquities with history related to "special" people and the supernatural. At a strange bazaar one day he found a book that would change his life: the Kitab-al-Aracir, an ancient treatise on alchemy. His money and free time was now all spent on alchemy, as he finally discovered a meaning to his life. After years of experiments, he attempted to transmute the Philosopher's Stone, to transform his soul into true Spirit... and failed.

The transformation that occurred was flawed, he having not cleansed his soul of all impurities. He now hides his face behind a golden mask and his body behind heavy clothes, so that no one but him knows what his body looks like now. His blood was replaced with quicksilver. And he has visions. Whenever he looks at people or thinks about a particular subject, he is assaulted by strange images, highly-symbolic, revealing the alchemical truths behind it (and perhaps a bit of it's past or future), but it is hard to control. The Alchemist therefore lives in isolation, to try and control his new sight.

The Alchemist is basically the keeper of the Seeker's base: a secret cave of wonders he either found or built (it's not quite clear) inside a hidden mountain range within the Rub-al-Kali. While his powers are unsuited for combat, his skills with alchemy and strange visions make him a perfect helper.

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