The Ghul's Story (Tobyverse)
Born in the 1740s to a secret clan of assassins working for the Ottomans, "Faizal" was the only daughter of one of the high ranking member of the clan. As such, her father decided to train her as his successor, passing her off as a man to others. She quickly became one of the best, recognized as a gifted warrior by many. However, one dark night, she fought a powerful Ghul that had been terrorizing Arabia for centuries, calling himself the Al Shayatin (one of the names of Satan, especially in his role as teacher of sorcery). All her team-mates were killed, and for reasons unknown to her the Ghul, instead of killing her, transformed her into a monster like him.
She spent years in a state of complete despair, without any control over herself. At some point, she started learning to control herself, creating meditation techniques that enabled her to control her supernatural hunger. She met a Dervish, member of that era's University of Light, who helped her fully develop her techniques. And then in 1782 she joined the Seekers of Justice, the late 18th-century version of the Seekers. With them, she managed to become a true hero, doing a lot of good during the eleven years that the Seekers of Justice worked. She was the sole survivor of the team, the rest sacrificing themselves during a climactic battle against Graf Orlok, stopping him from spreading a magical plague that would wipe out all the Turks and sealing him into the Expanse for a century. Over the following two hundred years, she had many other adventures. In 1953, the Ghul who had turned her tried to summon powerful beings from the darkest reaches of the Expanse. She helped stop him, along with a team of other heroes, and finally killed him during a climatic battle atop Mount Ararat.
She has now joined her second Seekers team (it seems having a Ghul member has become kind of traditional at this point). While her team-mates have been more accepting of her female nature than she thought they would (it's harder to adapt to a new era than thought), she still dresses and acts like a man mostly. She's ridiculously tall, at least a head higher than anyone else in the team, and since she usually dresses in really heavy desert clothing, she kind of towers menacingly over everyone. She tends to act really reserved, speaking up only when she has something important to say.
Her power-set is the classic comic-book vampire set, with a few Arabic twists (she can walk during the day, albeit less powerful, and eats flesh instead of blood, etc.)