The Master Of The World's Story (Tobyverse)

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JF (as he used to be called) was a brilliant kid. He was born to a rich french family (descended from nobles even!), and from the earliest age it was clear he was smart. As a kid he built complex machines in the backyard, impressing everyone who saw them. So his parents sent him to the Atlantis College of Engineering, where he quickly became one of the star students. Always fascinated with aviation and it's history, he chose to write his Masters thesis on the early days of aviation.

As he was gathering research material, he found in an old warehouse something that would change his life (and history) forever: the remains of Robur's Terror. Jean Robur, aka Robur the Conqueror, was a amazing inventor who managed to build a giant airplane (the Albatross) and the first transforming multi-terrain vehicule (the Terror) but went insane and started calling himself the Master of the World (as told in his biographies by well-renowned french historian Jules Verne). JF, happy as can be, used his money to buy the old machine and try to rebuild it himself. He flunked his class, but he eventually did rebuild the thing. He piloted it himself int he first text flight, vanishing, never to be found...

Until he attacked Paris five years later.

Somehow, the new Master of the World, walking in Robur's footsteps, has managed to gather followers, build a giant sky armada (which, despite looking definitely steampunkish, is quite in advance of modern avionic technology) and get ready to take over the world. From atop the Eiffel Tower, he declared that the world not being content to save itself, he would do so as the new Master of the World. Now, he is not an evil man, he truly cares for his "subjects". He is no mass-murderer, and he will often stop his mad plans to help people during a natural disaster or some such. He truly wants to make the world a better place. But he is also clearly unhinged. He has become the poster child of the so-called "mad-science disease", despite never having been officially diagnosed. In fact, considering that he is on the shit-list of every major power out there, it is amazing that he has never been caught once. Somehow, he always manage to escape or survive despite impossible odds.

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