Those Who Stare In The Black, Advancement Point Log: Oksana Arkadyevna Vernadskaya
AP Current: 38 (16 Feb 2014/Game 20)
AP Total Earned: 92 (16 Feb 2014/Game 20)
Advancement Point Cost: Skills = 2xNew Die; Attributes = 4xNew Die.
Go to Oksana Arkadyevna Vernadskaya | Characters | Those Who Stare In The Black
- Oskana Not Introduced.
- Oksana Hires On.
- AP: +3 for game; +1 quick thinking; +2 IC Russian accent; = 6 AP
- AP: +2 for game; +2 doctoring; subtotal = 4; balance: 10 AP
- PP: end game w/4 PP
- PP Spend: 4PP from Game 02 + 6PP from game start = 10PP
- 10PP – 8PP (buy d8 for Perception) = 2 PP
- AP: +2 for game; +1 med speak, +1 give GM plot hook; subt = 4; balance: 14 AP
- PP: +3 for quotes; -1 to make pharm cocktail work; subt = 2; balance: 4 PP
- AP: +2 for game; +1 deck plans; subt = 3; balance: 17
- PP: +3 for pithy quotes, -1 for reroll; subt = 2; balance: 6 PP
Game 06: Interrogations and Discoveries
- AP: +2 for game; +1 PP convert; +2 beer & images; subt = 5; balance: 22
- PP: +1 for doctoring; subt = 1; balance: 7
Pre-Game 07 POINT SPEND!
- Start AP: 22
- Bought: Influence d6, Persuasion specialty d8
- Spend AP: d2 + d4 + d6 + d8 = 20 (subtract from Start AP)
- Balance AP: 2
Game 07: Unexpected Consequences
- AP: +4 for game and role play; +1 beer; subt = 5; balance: 7
- PP: +1 non-violent evasion; +1 technobabble; -2 for +2 step bonus;-1 raise roll 1 pt;-1 reroll; -1 tell crew where trank patches stored; balance: 3
Game 08: New Melbourne Interlude
- AP: +2 for game/role play; +1 beer; +1 food; +1 log; subt = +5; balance: 12
- PP: +0; subt = 0; balance: 3
- AP: + 3 for game/role play; subt = 3; balance 15
- PP: +1 for quip; + 1 for doctoring and scene diagnosis; - 2 for plot detail; sub = 3; balance: 3
Game 09:
- Spend AP: - 6 AP (raise d4 Craft to d6 Craft); subt = -6; Balance AP: 9
Pre-Game 10:
- Spend AP: - 8 AP (raise d6 Craft to specialize: Culinary d8); subt = -8; Balance AP: 1
- AP Start = 1: +3 play; +1 food; +1 records and mechanics; Subt = +5; AP Balance: 6
- PP Start = 3: +1 quip; +1 chocolate ; Subt = 2; PP Balance: 5
- AP Start = 6: +3 for play, +1 game log; subt = 4; balance: 10
- PP Start = 5: +1 quip about caterpillar drive ; subt = 1; balance: 6
- AP Start = 10: +3 for play, +1 food, +1 for wiki, +2 conv PP; subt = 7; balance: 17
- PP Start = 6: +2 pithy quips; subt = 8; balance: 8 - 2 converted to AP = 6
- AP Start = 17: + 1 PP, +5 wiki and beer ;subt = 6; balance = 23
- PP Start = 6; +1 for quip; subt = +1; balance = 7 - 1 converted to AP = 6
- AP Start = 23: +4 for play, wiki, beer ;subt = 4; balance = 27
- PP Start = 6; + 0; subt = 0; balance = 6
- Spend AP:12 pts = Medical Expertise: Plastic Surgery (Specialty) d10, Discipline d2; Total Spend: 12 AP
- AP Start = 15: +3 General Play, + 1 PP conv ;subt = 4; balance = 19
- PP Start = 6; +1 quip, -1 PP conv; subt = 0; balance = 6
- AP Start = 19: +4 Working with Dim'd Cap, +1 Wiki, +1 Conv PP;subt = 6; balance = 25
- PP Start = 6; +1 Idea for GM, +1 Plot synopsis, -1 Dress on Mal, -1 Conv PP; subt = 0; balance = 6
- Spend AP:4 pts = Discipline d4; Total Spend: 4 AP; New AP Balance: 21
- AP Start = 21: +4 role play, +1 wiki, +1 PP conv;subt = 6; balance = 27
- PP Start = 6; +1 role play, +1 inventing term "Temporary Detention Unit/TDU", -1 adding song to Campaign canon, -1 AP conv; subt = 0; balance = 6
Game 18: One Step Forward, Two Steps Back
- AP Start = 27: +3 role play, +1 wiki, +1 medical;subt = 5; balance = 32
- PP Start = 6; -1 reroll; subt = 0; balance = 5
- AP Start = 32: +4 role play, +1 wiki;subt = 5; balance = 37
- PP Start = 5; -1 reroll; subt = 0; balance = 4
Game 20: The Start of Something New
- AP Start = 37: +4 role play, +1 wiki;subt = 5; balance = 42
- PP Start = 4; +1 nuance analysis; subt = 1; balance = 5
- Spend AP: 4 pts = Instruction d2; Total Spend: 4 AP; New AP Balance: 38
- AP Start = 38: +5 ;subt = 5; balance = 43
- PP Start = 5; +1 Chihuahuacabra quip; subt = 1; balance = 6
Game 22: Anvil Season One Finale
- AP Start = 43: +5 base, +1 wiki;subt = 6; balance = 49
- PP Start = 6; -4 to gain d8, +1 baby name, +1 prompt GM (Albion); subt = -2; balance = 4
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