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- Main Page; Keep On The Borderlands

- Main Page; Dayrell Goldenbrow

  S 16 +2 bonus
  I 10
  W  9 
  D 10 
  C 14 +1 bonus
  C  9 
  HP    38
  AC     0
  XP 37437 (+10%) (64000)
  MV     6"
  ML    10
      Plate Mail +1  - wt 250
      Bastion (Dragon Scale Shield +1 - fire resistant)      - wt 50
      Spear +3       - wt 30
      Flaming Sword  - wt 30
      Javelins of Lightning (1)
      Backpack - wt 80

Encumbrance: 360 + 80 = 440

Treasure on Person:

  • Gems (100) x 5

Treasure stored at Arduum:

  • Jewelry (1600)
  • Jewelry (9000)
  • Gems (100) x 5
  • Gems (500) x 15
  • Gems (10) x 5

Given by Dayrell after the Giants:

  • 2 jewels (1000 gp each) = 2000
  • Jewels (1400, 900) = 2300
  • 5 gems (500 gp each = 2500
  • 5 gems (1000 gp each) = 5000
  • 1 piece of silk (200gp)
  • TOTAL: 12,000 gp