Xia: The Way of the Sorcerer
Xia: Main Page -> Xia: Inner Masteries -> Xia: The Way of the Sorcerer
"You know three dozen spells, and I know only three. Yet at this duel's end, it seems I am victorious. How did I win? The truth is that it doesn't matter how many spells you know... what matters is how you use them."
This page is a Lore Sheet for the The Way Of the Sorcerer, a set of Inner Masteries reflecting intense training in spellcasting and understanding of the arcane.
Efficiency of Casting[edit]
"It is not that I am casting spells faster than you..." *teleports* "...more that I have maximised the economy of motion and words in the casting..." *rune blasts* "...so can still cast a spell, while talking to you, and while attacking you... like THIS!" *stab!*
Keywords: Continuous;
Effect: Any Magic you know replaces the "Action" keyword with the "Modifier" keyword, unless it also has the "Attack" keyword.
Arcane Energies[edit]
"Out of Chi already? You have no stamina... I can keep this up all night."
Keywords: Continuous;
Effect: Each turn, reduce the cost of the first Magic you cast by 1 yang chi or 1 yin chi.
"This is blood and bone magic. No power without cost."
Keywords: Continuous;
Effect: Any time you use a Magic that has a Yang Chi cost you can instead choose to pay some or all of the Yang Chi cost with an equivalent amount of Physical Resilience. Any time you use a Magic that has a Yin Chi cost you can instead choose to pay some or all of the Yin Chi cost with an equivalent amount of Mental Resilience.
This page created by Asklepios.