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Zeke a.k.a. #9843-01

CN Warforged

Barbarian 6/Warforged Juggernaut 2

Zeke owes his continued existence to Koram, who found and salvaged him after the Karrnathi Army raid into the Mror Holds went awry. He remembers nothing of his time spent as a soldier and believes he gained sentience thanks to Koram. Koram's entusiasm and fascination towards his construct nature have rubbed off on him, convincing him to take the path of the Warforged Juggernaut.

One thing that remains of his former life is a love of battle. He cares little for the day to day struggles of the "squishies", and talk of plotting, intrigue, or even manners bores him immensely.

Unknown to him, his original personality was involved in the raid on Strahd Von Zharovich's (see Minor Villains) castle and partially destroyed in the process. Koram brought the parts back with him, and proceeded to restore Zeke. Koram attributes the difference in personality to the large number of parts he had to use in the rebuilding process, and wonders if this change could be helpful in answering the question of whether or not Warforged truly have a soul.

Zeke doesn't care so long as he gets to smash things. Preferably squishy things that make splorching and crunching noises when he hits them.

Hints for role playing: Zeke isn't a complicated guy. If you think "lovable scamp with a +8 Strength Modifier and a Giant Warhammer that likes to use both", you're pretty much set.

Shadows over Cyre