Delilah Crew Relationship Map: Difference between revisions

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|align="center" valign="bottom" width="16%"|[[Image:Tian.jpeg|75px]]<br> [[Grace Tian]]
|align="center" valign="bottom" width="16%"|[[Image:Tian.jpeg|75px]]<br> [[Grace Tian]]
|align="center" valign="bottom" width="16%"|[[Image:VictoriaT.jpg|75px]]<br>[[Viktoria Tikhonova]]  
|align="center" valign="bottom" width="16%"|[[Image:VictoriaT.jpg|75px]]<br>[[Viktoria Tikhonova]]  
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! [[Image:Levitt-quick.jpg|100px]]<br> [[Valentine Quick]]
! [[Image:Levitt-quick.jpg|100px]]<br> [[Valentine Quick]]
||Val doesn't understand Rachel's motivations or how she thinks at all.
||'''Asset: ''' ''All the History:'' When Rachel's history with Delilah gives him insight into a decision<br> '''Complication: ''' ''Judgment from the Pilot's Cabin:''  When Rachel judges Val by how his father did things
||Val doesn't trust Poco not to throw them all under the bus if it benefits him.
||'''Asset: ''' ''Got Your Back:'' When Poco stands by him during a less than legal transaction or situation<br> '''Complication: ''' ''Practically Criminal:''  Undermines or questions Val's decision because of practical self-interest
||Val towards Tian.
||'''Asset: ''' ''Order Squared:'' When the crew follows an order Val gives by way of Tian <br> '''Complication: ''' ''We're in Public: When Tian questions an order in front of non-crew '' 
||Val considers Vikki his safe space, where he doesn't have to worry about drama and mistrust.
||'''Asset: ''' ''Let's Go!:'' When Val relies on Vikki's crush/enthusiasm to bolster his faith<br> '''Complication: ''' ''Abusing the Privilege:'' When Val abuses Vikki's crush as a way to get things done.
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![[Image:Ross-McAlister.jpg|75px|]]<br> [[Rachel McAlister]]
![[Image:Ross-McAlister.jpg|75px|]]<br> [[Rachel McAlister]]
||Rachel towards Val
||'''Asset: ''' ''Like a son:'' When Rachel's love and promise to his father awakens her inner lioness<br> '''Complication: ''' ''Momma Knows Best:''  When Rachel treats Val like a little boy
||Rachel towards Poco
||'''Asset: ''' ''Two Old Sailors'' When Rachel's shared spacer history reminds her of something useful in a past adventure<br> '''Complication: ''' ''Multiplier:''  When Rachel and Poco magnify each other's worst traits
||Rachel towards Tian  
||'''Asset: ''' ''Mommas:'' When Rachel and Tian share the momma intuition link<br> '''Complication: ''' ''Lead Mare:''  When Rachel and Tian butt heads over decisions
||Rachel towards Vikki
||'''Asset: ''' ''Love for Delilah'' When Vikki groks the wonder that is the ship and gets Delilah's soul<br> '''Complication: ''' ''Talk a lot Don'tcha:''  When Rachel tunes out most of what Vikki says
|- align="center"
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![[Image:Giamatti.jpg|85px|]]<br> [[Tony Malloy| Tony "Poco" Malloy]]  
![[Image:Giamatti.jpg|85px|]]<br> [[Tony Malloy| Tony "Poco" Malloy]]  
||Poco towards Val
||'''Asset:''' ''You Know I'm Right'': When the Boss agree's with Poco's pragmatism.<br> '''Complication:''' ''Here we go again'': When the boss pulls the crew needlessly into danger.
||Poco towards Rachel
||'''Asset:''' ''Bunch of Damn Fools'': When Poco convinces Mama Bear to go with her spacer instincts.<br> '''Complication:''' ''Getting to Old for this'': When Mama Bear's cavalier flying puts the crew in danger.
||Poco towards Tian
||'''Asset:''' ''Unspoken Bonds'': When the Doctor places trust in Poco's "heart of gold".<br> '''Complication:''' ''Slippery, Bloody Slope'': When the Doctor's Reaver is showing.
||Poco towards Vikki
||'''Asset:''' ''Fool me Once'': When Poco uses Tink's altruism to win her support.<br> '''Complication:''' ''Tuned Out'': When Poco's tendency to ignore Tink gets him into trouble.
|- align="center"  
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![[Image:Tian.jpeg|75px]]<br> [[Grace Tian]]
![[Image:Tian.jpeg|75px]]<br> [[Grace Tian]]
||Val's got a lot on his plate and she admires the way he's stepped up to become the captain. She feels like they're dancing around one another just a little bit, learning where the lines in the sand are going to be drawn. As he matures into his own role, she's seeing the potential there for a really good captain -- he already has people skills. What he really needs, in her opinion, is to simply earn the respect of his team -- he's a lieutenant who just got put in command of an old master sergeant (*cough*Rachel*cough*) and would do well to listen to her with regard to what his father was actually out here doing. Delilah already has a reputation, and Val's going to need to know what THAT is before he can really forge his own path with it.
||'''Asset: ''' ''Captain's Number One:'' When Val backs her decisions as XO<br> '''Complication: ''' ''Contagious Indecision:'' When Val waffles about a decision that needs to be made
||Rachel is a great pilot and she hopes they can become friends. It's clear to her that Rachel's been around the block a few times and she's not sure that they have anything really in common except perhaps being older than the others. She figures they're going to butt heads at times; Rachel is very set in her ways and Tian isn't sure she LIKES some of those ways.
||'''Asset: ''' ''No Words Required:'' When intentions are communicated with a single look<br> '''Complication: ''' ''You Ain't the Boss of Me:'' When Rachel challenges or disobeys an order
||Tian has complicated feelings about Poco. She thinks he's clearly learned to look out for Number 1 at all costs. She has the sense that he's not going to let people close, but that down deep he's a pretty decent guy. It's wading through all the lies and the 'at all costs' actions he takes to FIND that guy that will be the challenge.
||'''Asset: ''' ''Silent Partner:'' When Poco willingly helps Tian's altruism<br> '''Complication: ''' ''I'm Going To Hit You:'' When Poco's self-interest conflicts with Tian's intentions
||Vikki seems to bring out the best and worst in Tian's instincts. She has a lot of book learning on her and no practical experience in life, so Tian feels very protective and wants to look out for the girl. But she seems to be of the mind that everything in the Verse is a spy adventure, often allowing speculation to run rampant in her head and jumping to conclusions or taking action based on her assumptions. It's not helping that ... well, Tian's LIFE is a gorram conspiracy at the moment. It drives Tian UP THE WALL. Having Vikki under her wing reminds her a little bit of her son's teenaged years, when everything was a grand adventure and he was totally invincible, so damn the torpedos and full speed ahead.
||'''Asset: ''' ''Optimist Prime:'' When Viki's viewpoint helps Tian see the bright side<br> '''Complication: ''' ''Tuning Out:'' When Viki’s prattle goes on too long
|- align="center"
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![[Image:VictoriaT.jpg|75px]]<br>[[Viktoria Tikhonova]]  
![[Image:VictoriaT.jpg|75px]]<br>[[Viktoria Tikhonova]]  
||Vikki is rather crushed out on the Captain (for the time being). She knows he was given a raw deal and admires how he's managed it, seeing him as rather noble in assuming responsibility for ''Delilah'' and the crew. She knows he's got his faults but is willing to give him the benefit of the doubt. In her more realistic moments, she knows the crush can't lead to anything but trouble and so far, she's been able to keep it from causing trouble.
||'''Asset: ''Starry-Eyed Crush''''' - When Valentine asks Vikki to do anything<br> '''Complication: ''Crushed with Disappointment''''' - When Valentine asks or does something that runs counter to her idealistic perception of ''him''
||Vikki sees Rachel as the widely traveled eccentric Aunt and wise Grandmother, full of funny stories and due the respect of an elder. She privately worries that Rachel might try taking on more duties than she can handle in her winter years, working too hard when she should be taking it easy ... but knows well enough never to mention "retirement": that's a fast track to landing in the da fen and Vikki would like to remain in Rachel's good graces.
||'''Asset: ''Kindred Spirits''''' - When Rachel and Vikki share in their empathy for ''Delilah''<br> '''Complication: ''Spirits Misaligned''''' - When Rachel does anything that Vikki feels is hurting ''Delilah''
||Vikki likes Poco as her goofy Gēgē who's had scrapes with the law. She doesn't consider him a danger to her personally but she does wish he were less of a danger to himself. Of his ability with machines and engines, she admires him and would like to learn from him if possible. His most recent stunt with the guns has put her in a tough position: she knows his heart was in the right place, even if he was motivated by money ... but she doesn't want to seem to take his side against the Captain and the chain of command.
||Vikki admires Tian and considers her like the Jiějiě she's never had. That doesn't keep her from mothering the older woman on occasion. Vikki has taken it on herself to make sure Tian eats and sleeps properly and also tries to keep the conspiracy theories/paranoia from influencing Tian unduly.
||'''Asset: ''Favorite Brother/Uncle''''' - When Poco asks Vikki for her help or opinion <br> '''Complication: ''Stop Being a Jerk!''''' - Whenever Poco does/orders something that seems mean or shady
||'''Asset: ''Mother/Daughter/Sister''''' - Whenever Tian treats her like a sister or an adult <br> '''Complication: ''Mother Hen''''' - Vikki's worry over Tian's state of health (mental or physical)
== Relationship Triggers ==
Each Character can create/define a "relationship" with any other. This represent your relationships with the other crew. In each case, you define the circumstances when it is an '''asset''', and when it is a '''complication'''.<br>
When it is an Asset, you can spend a plot point and get a stepped up asset D8 (it doesn't count as an asset unless you spend the point)<br>
When it is a complication, you can declare it so and create a D6 Complication or step it up, and get a plot point.<br>
You can continue to get plot points by stepping up the complication (once per scene)<br>
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Latest revision as of 23:05, 21 January 2015

Crew Member
Valentine Quick

Rachel McAlister

Tony "Poco" Malloy

Grace Tian

Viktoria Tikhonova

Valentine Quick
N/A Asset: All the History: When Rachel's history with Delilah gives him insight into a decision
Complication: Judgment from the Pilot's Cabin: When Rachel judges Val by how his father did things
Asset: Got Your Back: When Poco stands by him during a less than legal transaction or situation
Complication: Practically Criminal: Undermines or questions Val's decision because of practical self-interest
Asset: Order Squared: When the crew follows an order Val gives by way of Tian
Complication: We're in Public: When Tian questions an order in front of non-crew
Asset: Let's Go!: When Val relies on Vikki's crush/enthusiasm to bolster his faith
Complication: Abusing the Privilege: When Val abuses Vikki's crush as a way to get things done.

Rachel McAlister
Asset: Like a son: When Rachel's love and promise to his father awakens her inner lioness
Complication: Momma Knows Best: When Rachel treats Val like a little boy
N/A Asset: Two Old Sailors When Rachel's shared spacer history reminds her of something useful in a past adventure
Complication: Multiplier: When Rachel and Poco magnify each other's worst traits
Asset: Mommas: When Rachel and Tian share the momma intuition link
Complication: Lead Mare: When Rachel and Tian butt heads over decisions
Asset: Love for Delilah When Vikki groks the wonder that is the ship and gets Delilah's soul
Complication: Talk a lot Don'tcha: When Rachel tunes out most of what Vikki says

Tony "Poco" Malloy
Asset: You Know I'm Right: When the Boss agree's with Poco's pragmatism.
Complication: Here we go again: When the boss pulls the crew needlessly into danger.
Asset: Bunch of Damn Fools: When Poco convinces Mama Bear to go with her spacer instincts.
Complication: Getting to Old for this: When Mama Bear's cavalier flying puts the crew in danger.
N/A Asset: Unspoken Bonds: When the Doctor places trust in Poco's "heart of gold".
Complication: Slippery, Bloody Slope: When the Doctor's Reaver is showing.
Asset: Fool me Once: When Poco uses Tink's altruism to win her support.
Complication: Tuned Out: When Poco's tendency to ignore Tink gets him into trouble.

Grace Tian
Asset: Captain's Number One: When Val backs her decisions as XO
Complication: Contagious Indecision: When Val waffles about a decision that needs to be made
Asset: No Words Required: When intentions are communicated with a single look
Complication: You Ain't the Boss of Me: When Rachel challenges or disobeys an order
Asset: Silent Partner: When Poco willingly helps Tian's altruism
Complication: I'm Going To Hit You: When Poco's self-interest conflicts with Tian's intentions
N/A Asset: Optimist Prime: When Viki's viewpoint helps Tian see the bright side
Complication: Tuning Out: When Viki’s prattle goes on too long

Viktoria Tikhonova
Asset: Starry-Eyed Crush - When Valentine asks Vikki to do anything
Complication: Crushed with Disappointment - When Valentine asks or does something that runs counter to her idealistic perception of him
Asset: Kindred Spirits - When Rachel and Vikki share in their empathy for Delilah
Complication: Spirits Misaligned - When Rachel does anything that Vikki feels is hurting Delilah
Asset: Favorite Brother/Uncle - When Poco asks Vikki for her help or opinion
Complication: Stop Being a Jerk! - Whenever Poco does/orders something that seems mean or shady
Asset: Mother/Daughter/Sister - Whenever Tian treats her like a sister or an adult
Complication: Mother Hen - Vikki's worry over Tian's state of health (mental or physical)

Relationship Triggers[edit]

Each Character can create/define a "relationship" with any other. This represent your relationships with the other crew. In each case, you define the circumstances when it is an asset, and when it is a complication.
When it is an Asset, you can spend a plot point and get a stepped up asset D8 (it doesn't count as an asset unless you spend the point)
When it is a complication, you can declare it so and create a D6 Complication or step it up, and get a plot point.
You can continue to get plot points by stepping up the complication (once per scene)
