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==ADD To Character's info==  
==Jason's Planned Projects==
* Robbie Manx:  little burned boy
* Update the [[TIMELINE]]; either account for more recent events or delete most real-world events.
* Geraldo Rivera:  Fox News, Hard Point
* Clean up [[In the News]] page.
* Ian Harrison:  [age 7]  on the plane going to visit his dad in LA, excited about the clouds but afraid of heights. He had 3 comic books with him.
* Merge the two Hopewell Foundation pages into one and merge job descriptions on [[The_Hopewell_Foundation]] page into employees' pages.  
*  Rosalie Brown: [age 64]  African American gradmother going home to LA after her daughters wedding.
* Update Hopewell staff bios, including Joelle's.
*  Doctor Jerry Siegal and Doctor Norio Ishida: Two of the three doctors working for Genzyme who were to perform the chip-removal surgery on Jack.
==Jack opinnions and state of mind==
Not sure if this was ever posted on the wiki.
Vivian: Jack has mixed feelings about Vivian on one hand she seems to be
one part Wonder Woman one part Super Secretary and seems to be able to
get what needs doing done in a pinch. And her loyalty once given in an
impressive and unswayable thing. On the other hand her tottaly lack of
ability to take anything jack trys seriously and her immediate
assumption to jump as far to the opisite of any direction no matter
weather hes being "jack" or has a good idea is frustrating to the young
man. Its his own fault hes chosen to see Vivian as a competent person
and a member of the group but in the end she realy is brains man thru
and thru.
Brian: Jacks untarnished view of Brian being able to do no wrong has
long shaken free and been replaced by a more pragmatic view of the man.
Jack finds it difficult to stomach that Brian trys as hard as he can to
keep from getting his hands dirty as if until recently he hadn't realy
decide if he was in this or not. Aurther and Jack have discussed these
concerns exstensively. Overall though Jack still respects Brian and
thinks of him as the go to man. He thinks Brian has a good heart and is
trying to do the right thing but gets blinded sometime along the away.
But push come to Shove no one can Deny that qualms or not Brian hasn't
been there for his friends each and everytime theve needed him and
that's something that no matter how frustrated jack gets with Brian will
brand the man a friend for life. He worrys about Brians growing 'War'
with Milos and sees the two men as Mirrors to each other.
Milos: Jack used to think Milos maybe had the right ideas and was just
going about them the wrong way. He felt Milos was to readily willing to
abuse his power aginst peoples wills but that other then that maybe the
man wanted good things for the survivers. However recently he has seen
Milos becoming increasingly obsessed with competing with brian to the
point of beginning madness. As well as Jack is starting to think the man
is more concerned with power and seeing himself as a new GOD in the
world. Jack feels this is a very dangerous road. He fears where Milos's
ambitions will lead him. But he didn't truly think of the man as a
threat until Milos actcidently/inadvertently threatened Jacks family.
Mandy: Jacks view of Mandy has changed radically over the last year.
First he saw her as an Idealized hero from the plane A firefighter hero
rescuer of people who could do no wrong.. then she killed and Jack saw
her as human and vulnerable and though he couldn't reconcile what she
did and her reasons for it. It has made his view of her more real and
lead to a closer relationship then he would ever have had with her on
the pedistle he first put her on. Lately Jack has loved watching her
blossom into her own during the rescue work in Pakistan. Of us all she
seems the most stable these days.
Aurther 1.0: Aurther is Jacks best friend how that happened is hard to
say. But he and Jack have been together one way or another for so long
having aurther there is a given. Hes already lost Aurther once when he
lost his memorys for the future. Jack feels protective of Aurther as if
he where a brother Jack could relate to better then his own brothers.
This is a far cry from the original opinion he held of the man
"PSYCHO!!!" Jack is very much worried about loosing Aurther again.
Aurther 2.0: Murdering Psycho, did you see the way he killed those
Soilders without a second thought? Hes everything our Aurther has
managed to leave behind.
Jacks State of mind:
Jack feels like hes drownding lately, Hes finaly starting to accept that
he needs to take responsibility and step forward and be a "Kennedy" or
whatever hes going to be. He wants to help and protect the survivers he
wants to get to the bottom of what happened. He wants to see his
government as his Ally not as his enemy. He wants to do good.. Do the
Right thing.. but what the hell is that?? What way do we go what
decisions do we make? What right do I have to be the one to take action
to make decisions to take responsibility for others lives? Some how the
answer "because you're a kennedy" just wares to thin to Jack.. Hes as
frustrated with his actions always seeming to make things worse as he is
with brains inaction. Jack is not sure what the right thing or right
direction to go is. For once in his life he wants to take some
responsibility and DO something improtiant.. But he finds his misspent
youth poor training for accomplishing these goals.. maybe Father is
right.. maybe it is time for a home coming.. but Jack finds it hard to
believe that even the Mythic Senator Kennedy has the all inclusive right
Jack feels torn between whos right is right. Is Brian right? Is Milos?
Is Senator kennedy? Who has the answer? Whos cause should Jack back?
Jack finds himself pray for some devine stroke that will make him from
Just Jack bennet into young Mr. Kennedy and while he waits with little
hope of it happening he keeps trying to slug his way through the shit
and not fuck up to bad as he trys to do the "right" thing. Why?
Because.. what other choice is there?

==Future Plot Arcs Ideas==
''The changes we make.  Like, the first three arcs are he "establishing arcs" on some level, setting up the broad strokes of who the characters are and how they interact with the world, and after that we get into the "coming into our own for the first time" arc.

==Survivors "Found" by Jack==
To my mind, that makes it the arc of positive changes and bettering the world before the fifth arc, wherein our enemies fuck us up the ass, only for us to win back to goodness in the sixth arc, but that's me.   
He sent them all Cell Phones.
86 total, including:
#  Julie Young
#  Alex Young
#  Maggie Young
#  Julia Lee  (on Leno with Ellen DeGeneres, James Denton, and Five for Fighting performs.  George Clooney cancelled. 2/4/05)
#  Beth
#  Vivian  (Ohio)
#  Marks
#  Harley
# Regan (MD)
#  Christopher Clarkson (PA)
#  Bobbie McCormick (WV)
#  Carrie Sellers (GA) [age 23] aka. Janice Peters

What changes are the survivers making in the world. Not just us but all over. Now that everyone has had time to get home and time for there powers to begin to reveal themselves and to deal with immediate bigotry and then celebrity. Now I think its about time to see how the survivers are choosing to user their abilitys. Who fades into the wood work who fails tragicly who means well but accomplishes little and who moves mountains and erects great monuments for good or ill.
Then I think that just as we are realy getting into the groove of trying to make a difference some weird revliation about our origin would but a spin or twist on that of some kind.
The next arc would be about discovery of where we get our powers and what happened to us. Only to have said quest/introspection interuped by villains kicking our butts and what not.''

==NEW PEOPLE'S Background==
*  [age 53]  Actress/Photographer, took pictures of the 9/11 incendent on plane.
*  [age 65 and 67]  From MA, James is a retired teacher and assistant principal married to his retired secretary, Mary.
*  [age 76]  From MA, a priest at Holy Cross Church.
*  [age 52]  from MA, a Marine Surveyor.
*  [age  65]  from MD, a 6th grade teacher at Backus Middle School in DC, her group was on a National Geographic Society Educational trip.
*  [age 67]  from VA, a retired Navy Admiral and pilot from American Airlines.  He was injured in the incident and wasn't able to help land the plane.
*  [age 29]  from CA, a Boeing propulsion engineer.
*  [age 20]  a Tokyo, Japan student.
*  [age 24]  from VA, a physical therapist at John Hopkins University Hospital

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*  Muslim:  declare "Godlike" to be "Anathema" and denounce them as a curse, excommunicating the terrorists.
*  Christian Groups:  say the term "Godlike" being blasphemous.
*  Hindu:  believe the Godlike are avatars.
"Measure Twice, Cut Once"
Facing Death and Surviving
*  Fake Death
*  Real Death
*  Why "resurection" only works once
Up:  Travelling away from the Big Bang, generally thought of as
travelling in the future.
Down:  Travelling toward the Big Bang, generally thought of as
travelling in the past.
Level:  Teleporting
Yet:  Actions you have yet to perform.  This is considered your
"required personal future".
Gemini Incident:  Encountering oneself.  Each incident naturally happens
twice.  Once for the junior and again for the elder of oneself.
==Something Random==
[,3858,5349916-113162,00.html Asteroid to impact with earth!]

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* Officer Jim Mullins:  To open this issue you are Office Jim Mullins.  You're not a rookie...  yeah right... keep tellin yourself that.  The guys at the squad all make fun that you ain't pulled yer gun yet.  They hate you, you're sure of it.  If only you could prove...  Hey why not check out the park  (Potomac Park)  down by the Awakening statue.  That's where that twisted "brother" is taking down good people.  The guys say he's one of the 9/11 Freaks, he is -  Tommy Morris saw him, said he's big... huge.  and oh shit... what was that?!?!....
* Officer Jim Mullins:  To open this issue you are Office Jim Mullins.  You're not a rookie...  yeah right... keep tellin yourself that.  The guys at the squad all make fun that you ain't pulled yer gun yet.  They hate you, you're sure of it.  If only you could prove...  Hey why not check out the park  (Potomac Park)  down by the Awakening statue.  That's where that twisted "brother" is taking down good people.  The guys say he's one of the 9/11 Freaks, he is -  Tommy Morris saw him, said he's big... huge.  and oh shit... what was that?!?!....

* BRIAN:  Barbara Walters, Larry King, 20/20., JHU:  speaking at commencement speaker for John Hopkins,  honarary degree
Presidential Medal of Freedom
* AUTHUR:  Army Medal of Honor  -  with Agent Vernon Marks
* MANDY: Presidential Medal of Freedom
* JACK: Video Podcast:  Diggnation is a weekly tech/web culture show based on the top social bookmarking news stories.
* Dermot Galloway:  RETURNS  …  [age 19]  Friend to Jack Bennett in his return to Georgetown. Also the son of Milos Wiazowski Former Senator from Palo Alto, CA. and Survivor.
* Doctors for GOLF?  Two of the three doctors working for Genzyme who were to perform the chip-removal surgery on Jack.
** Doctor Jerry Siegal
** Doctor Norio Ishida
** ??________________
A private organization that exists to aid and help realize the potential of those people with the unique genetic condition, or rather an endlessly varied set of conditions, referred to as the Godlike power.
Within the heirarchy of the Foundation is the sub-organization known as the Gilgamesh Trust. 
* BACKGROUND:  Gilgamesh of Uruk, the greatest king on earth, two-thirds god and one-third human, the strongest super-human who ever existed. But his people complain that he is too harsh, so the sky-god Anu creates the wild-man Enkidu, a worthy rival as well as distraction. Enkidu is tamed by the seduction of a female priestess/harlot Shamhat.
Serono  -  reproductive health / neurology work based in  Geneva, Switzerland
==HOPEWELL Supporters==
* BIO  -  Biotechnology Industry Organization,  his former company [ ]  is the premiere trade organization for biotech information/distribution/advocacy  with office about 2 blocks away.  They offer some of the support Jack is looking for.
==Jason's Planned Projects==
* Add FAA Regs to [[Legal Matters]]
* Update the [[]] to account for some more recent events.
* Add Anti-Milos press release to [[Press Releases]].  (Plus, clean up that page.)
===For Jason to add to his written list at home===
* Can Vivian turns things invisible to some people but not to others?  Can she grant her own (apparent) ability to see invisible things to other people? 
* Can Survivors use their powers on other people without those people knowing it?  Specifically: 1) Do people know when Brian's Mimicing them?  2) Can Vivian turn someone invisible without them realizing?  3) Can Jack suppress someone's powers without them knowing? 
* Can Jack figure out how Milos' powers work by observing his "aura?"
* Offer help in [ Kashmiri earthquake] relief - clearing blocked paths, ferrying supplies.
* Send Jack to talk to [[Bobbie McCormick]] about providing relief for the [ Malawi food crisis].  (Nat'l. disaster declared October 15th.)
** "International aid is also needed to help build irrigation systems."  Is that something Brian can help with?  Or Arthur?
* [ Drought in Brazil] as "the result of unusually high temperatures in the Atlantic Ocean, that have also been linked to this year's devastating hurricanes."  Can Mandy help with this?

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[[Alternate Godlike Convocations For Consideration]]
[[Alternate Godlike Convocations For Consideration]]

==Five Stages of Mourning==
The stages of mourning are universal and are experienced by people from all walks of life. Mourning occurs in response to an individual's own terminal illness or to the death of a valued being, human or animal. There are five stages of normal grief.
In our bereavement, we spend different lengths of time working through each step and express each stage more or less intensely. The five stages do not necessarily occur in order. We often move between stages before achieving a more peaceful acceptance of death. Many of us are not afforded the luxury of time required to achieve this final stage of grief. The death of your pet might inspire you to evaluate your own feelings of mortality. Throughout each stage, a common thread of hope emerges. As long as there is life, there is hope. As long as there is hope, there is life.
1. '''Denial and Isolation'''
The first reaction to learning of terminal illness or death of a cherished pet is to deny the reality of the situation. It is a normal reaction to rationalize overwhelming emotions. It is a defense mechanism that buffers the immediate shock. We block out the words and hide from the facts. This is a temporary response that carries us through the first wave of pain.
2. '''Anger'''
As the masking effects of denial and isolation begin to wear, reality and its pain re-emerge. We are not ready. The intense emotion is deflected from our vulnerable core, redirected and expressed instead as anger. The anger may be aimed at inanimate objects, complete strangers, friends or family. Anger may be directed at our dying or deceased pet. Rationally, we know the animal is not to be blamed. Emotionally, however, we may resent it for causing us pain or for leaving us. We feel guilty for being angry, and this makes us more angry.
The veterinarian who diagnosed the illness and was unable to cure the disease, or who performed euthanasia of the pet, might become a convenient target. Health professionals deal with death and dying every day. That does not make them immune to the suffering of their patients or to those who grieve for them.
Do not hesitate to ask your veterinarian to give you extra time or to explain just once more the details of your pet's illness. Arrange a special appointment or ask that he telephone you at the end of his day. Ask for clear answers to your questions regarding medical diagnosis and treatment. Discuss the cost of treatment. Discuss burial arrangements. Understand the options available to you. Take your time. Both you and your veterinarian will find that honest and open communication now are an invaluable long-term investment.
3. '''Bargaining'''
The normal reaction to feelings of helplessness and vulnerability is often a need to regain control. If only we had sought medical attention sooner. If we got a second opinion from another doctor. If we changed our pet's diet, maybe it will get well. Secretly, we may make a deal with God or our higher power in an attempt to postpone the inevitable. This is a weaker line of defense to protect us from the painful reality.
4. '''Depression'''
Two types of depression are associated with mourning. The first one is a reaction to practical implications relating to the loss. Sadness and regret predominate. We worry about the cost of treatment and burial. We worry that, in our grief, we have spent less time with others that depend on us. This phase may be eased by simple clarification and reassurance. We may need a bit of helpful cooperation and a few kind words. The second type of depression is more subtle and, in a sense, perhaps more private. It is our quiet preparation to separate and to bid our pet farewell. Sometimes all we really need is a hug.
5. '''Acceptance'''
Reaching this stage of mourning is a gift not afforded to everyone. Death may be sudden and unexpected or we may never see beyond our anger or denial. It is not necessarily a mark of bravery to resist the inevitable and to deny ourselves the opportunity to make our peace. This phase is marked by withdrawal and calm. This is not a period of happiness and must be distinguished from depression.
Pets that are terminally ill or aging appear to go through a final period of withdrawal. This is by no means a suggestion that they are aware of their own mortality, only that physical decline may be sufficient to produce a similar response. Their behavior implies that it is natural to reach a stage at which social interaction is limited. The dignity and grace shown by our dying pets may well be their last gift to us.
==Future Arcs==
''The changes we make.  Like, the first three arcs are he "establishing arcs" on some level, setting up the broad strokes of who the characters are and how they interact with the world, and after that we get into the "coming into our own for the first time" arc.
To my mind, that makes it the arc of positive changes and bettering the world before the fifth arc, wherein our enemies fuck us up the ass, only for us to win back to goodness in the sixth arc, but that's me. 
What changes are the survivers making in the world. Not just us but all over. Now that everyone has had time to get home and time for there powers to begin to reveal themselves and to deal with immediate bigotry and then celebrity. Now I think its about time to see how the survivers are choosing to user their abilitys. Who fades into the wood work who fails tragicly who means well but accomplishes little and who moves mountains and erects great monuments for good or ill.
Then I think that just as we are realy getting into the groove of trying to make a difference some weird revliation about our origin would but a spin or twist on that of some kind.
The next arc would be about discovery of where we get our powers and what happened to us. Only to have said quest/introspection interuped by villains kicking our butts and what not.''

==Notes for NTAC==


Latest revision as of 19:36, 31 December 2006

Jason's Planned Projects[edit]

  • Update the TIMELINE; either account for more recent events or delete most real-world events.
  • Clean up In the News page.
  • Merge the two Hopewell Foundation pages into one and merge job descriptions on The_Hopewell_Foundation page into employees' pages.
  • Update Hopewell staff bios, including Joelle's.

Jack opinnions and state of mind[edit]

Not sure if this was ever posted on the wiki.

Vivian: Jack has mixed feelings about Vivian on one hand she seems to be one part Wonder Woman one part Super Secretary and seems to be able to get what needs doing done in a pinch. And her loyalty once given in an impressive and unswayable thing. On the other hand her tottaly lack of ability to take anything jack trys seriously and her immediate assumption to jump as far to the opisite of any direction no matter weather hes being "jack" or has a good idea is frustrating to the young man. Its his own fault hes chosen to see Vivian as a competent person and a member of the group but in the end she realy is brains man thru and thru.

Brian: Jacks untarnished view of Brian being able to do no wrong has long shaken free and been replaced by a more pragmatic view of the man. Jack finds it difficult to stomach that Brian trys as hard as he can to keep from getting his hands dirty as if until recently he hadn't realy decide if he was in this or not. Aurther and Jack have discussed these concerns exstensively. Overall though Jack still respects Brian and thinks of him as the go to man. He thinks Brian has a good heart and is trying to do the right thing but gets blinded sometime along the away. But push come to Shove no one can Deny that qualms or not Brian hasn't been there for his friends each and everytime theve needed him and that's something that no matter how frustrated jack gets with Brian will brand the man a friend for life. He worrys about Brians growing 'War' with Milos and sees the two men as Mirrors to each other.

Milos: Jack used to think Milos maybe had the right ideas and was just going about them the wrong way. He felt Milos was to readily willing to abuse his power aginst peoples wills but that other then that maybe the man wanted good things for the survivers. However recently he has seen Milos becoming increasingly obsessed with competing with brian to the point of beginning madness. As well as Jack is starting to think the man is more concerned with power and seeing himself as a new GOD in the world. Jack feels this is a very dangerous road. He fears where Milos's ambitions will lead him. But he didn't truly think of the man as a threat until Milos actcidently/inadvertently threatened Jacks family.

Mandy: Jacks view of Mandy has changed radically over the last year. First he saw her as an Idealized hero from the plane A firefighter hero rescuer of people who could do no wrong.. then she killed and Jack saw her as human and vulnerable and though he couldn't reconcile what she did and her reasons for it. It has made his view of her more real and lead to a closer relationship then he would ever have had with her on the pedistle he first put her on. Lately Jack has loved watching her blossom into her own during the rescue work in Pakistan. Of us all she seems the most stable these days.

Aurther 1.0: Aurther is Jacks best friend how that happened is hard to say. But he and Jack have been together one way or another for so long having aurther there is a given. Hes already lost Aurther once when he lost his memorys for the future. Jack feels protective of Aurther as if he where a brother Jack could relate to better then his own brothers. This is a far cry from the original opinion he held of the man "PSYCHO!!!" Jack is very much worried about loosing Aurther again.

Aurther 2.0: Murdering Psycho, did you see the way he killed those Soilders without a second thought? Hes everything our Aurther has managed to leave behind.

Jacks State of mind:

Jack feels like hes drownding lately, Hes finaly starting to accept that he needs to take responsibility and step forward and be a "Kennedy" or whatever hes going to be. He wants to help and protect the survivers he wants to get to the bottom of what happened. He wants to see his government as his Ally not as his enemy. He wants to do good.. Do the Right thing.. but what the hell is that?? What way do we go what decisions do we make? What right do I have to be the one to take action to make decisions to take responsibility for others lives? Some how the answer "because you're a kennedy" just wares to thin to Jack.. Hes as frustrated with his actions always seeming to make things worse as he is with brains inaction. Jack is not sure what the right thing or right direction to go is. For once in his life he wants to take some responsibility and DO something improtiant.. But he finds his misspent youth poor training for accomplishing these goals.. maybe Father is right.. maybe it is time for a home coming.. but Jack finds it hard to believe that even the Mythic Senator Kennedy has the all inclusive right plan..

Jack feels torn between whos right is right. Is Brian right? Is Milos? Is Senator kennedy? Who has the answer? Whos cause should Jack back?

Jack finds himself pray for some devine stroke that will make him from Just Jack bennet into young Mr. Kennedy and while he waits with little hope of it happening he keeps trying to slug his way through the shit and not fuck up to bad as he trys to do the "right" thing. Why? Because.. what other choice is there?

Future Plot Arcs Ideas[edit]

The changes we make. Like, the first three arcs are he "establishing arcs" on some level, setting up the broad strokes of who the characters are and how they interact with the world, and after that we get into the "coming into our own for the first time" arc.

To my mind, that makes it the arc of positive changes and bettering the world before the fifth arc, wherein our enemies fuck us up the ass, only for us to win back to goodness in the sixth arc, but that's me.

What changes are the survivers making in the world. Not just us but all over. Now that everyone has had time to get home and time for there powers to begin to reveal themselves and to deal with immediate bigotry and then celebrity. Now I think its about time to see how the survivers are choosing to user their abilitys. Who fades into the wood work who fails tragicly who means well but accomplishes little and who moves mountains and erects great monuments for good or ill.

Then I think that just as we are realy getting into the groove of trying to make a difference some weird revliation about our origin would but a spin or twist on that of some kind.

The next arc would be about discovery of where we get our powers and what happened to us. Only to have said quest/introspection interuped by villains kicking our butts and what not.


Weather Powers

  • relieve drought
  • avert floods
  • tornado watch
  • ultimate meteorologists
  • stopping acid rain
  • rejuvenating the ozone layer

Earth Powers

  • periodically safely relieve the tectonic stress near faultlines and active volcanos OTHER WORK
  • US Fish and Wildlife
  • NOAA (National Oceanographic and Atmostphe Administration)
  • US Geology Curvey


  • duh


  • missing persons
  • crime detective work


“Team 9” - W*USA, DC. Mike Walter reports jumping from the “Unexplained” segment to the “BY THE WAY” segment … “Need a diversion from the news of the day? Come here for the offbeat and unique stories that you'll have to see to believe! “ on Mandy Smith’s incident at JHMC. [for more By the way… ]
Sponsored by Navy f14 Tomcat LT James “Goat Boy” Bates of the Black Knights, the designation of the first line of the 2006 new Boeing F/A-18E/F/G Super Hornet a fighter and attack aircraft in service with the United States Navy. The Super Hornet is essentially an all-new aircraft, with similar appearance to and some systems carried over from the F/A-18C/D Hornet. - Designation: “Horizon Series” for Jaffe’s bring Bates “back from the horizon”

  • Navy Fighter Pilot Tomcat LT James “Goat Boy” Bates comes back to thank Brian… Navy f14 Tomcat LT James Bates of the Black Knights, the designation of the first line of the 2006 new Boeing F/A-18E/F/G Super Hornet a fighter and attack aircraft in service with the United States Navy. The Super Hornet is essentially an all-new aircraft, with similar appearance to and some systems carried over from the F/A-18C/D Hornet. - Designation: “Horizon Series” for Jaffe’s bring Bates “back from the horizon”

The Reaper - “Angels of death In the Bible, death is viewed under form of an angel sent from God, a being deprived of all voluntary power. The "angel of the Lord" smites 185,000 men in the Assyrian camp (II Kings xix. 35). "The destroyer" kills the first-born of the Egyptians (Ex. xii. 23), and the "destroying angel" ("mal'ak ha-mashḥit") rages among the people in Jerusalem (II Sam. xxiv. 15). In I Chronicle xxi. 15 the "angel of the Lord" is seen by King David standing "between the earth and the heaven, having a drawn sword in his hand stretched out over Jerusalem." The biblical Book of Job (xxxiii. 22) uses the general term "destroyer" ("memitim"), which tradition has identified with "destroying angels" ("mal'ake Kabbalah") and Prov. xvi. 14 uses the term the "angels of death" ("mal'ake ha-mawet").

  • Nicole Simms: To open this issue you are Nicole Simms. You know you're pretty, something like the homely girl from the OC, but you might cringe when someone compliments you. You're always wondering when the shoe is going to drop. You've got a good condo in Georgetown. You could have a car but there's no need with the transit. You're down in the Potomac Park tonight meeting a senator to "talk" about an issue you have... You've got some good info for your job at the Times and you're looking to get scoop. He's supposed to be around here soon, near that funky statue park thing called the Awakening. Looks like an old guy floundering and sinking in the ground - WEIRD. Where is Senator Chaffe?
  • James "Truck" Hill: To open this issue you are James "Truck" Hill. You're one of the "soldiers" in the Lincoln Westmoreland crew. They call it a gang in DC, it's a brotherhood. You're with your boy "G-man" (Marcus Gunter) down in the park (Potomac Park) scopin for civilians that shouldn't outa be down here. You're a black guy, African America if you're a stuff white fuck, nigger if you're a dead man or my nigga if you're G-man. You think you saw some legs just back at the big ass hand stickin outa the ground (the Awakening statues). You like white bread, you're a killer, you like white meet... nice....
  • Marcus "G-man" Gunter: To open this issue you are Marcus "G-man" Gunter. You're one of the "soldiers" in the Lincoln Westmoreland crew. They call it a gang in DC, it's a brotherhood. You're with your boy "Truck" (James Hill) down in the park (Potomac Park) scopin for civilians that shouldn't outa be down here. You're a black guy, African America if you're a stuff white fuck, nigger if you're a dead man or my nigga if you're Truck. You think you saw some legs just back at the big ass hand stickin outa the ground (the Awakening statues). You're not a killer, Truck is. It don't bother you, but fuck man - you'd rather enjoy the bitch before you get dinner - on her of course.
  • Officer Jim Mullins: To open this issue you are Office Jim Mullins. You're not a rookie... yeah right... keep tellin yourself that. The guys at the squad all make fun that you ain't pulled yer gun yet. They hate you, you're sure of it. If only you could prove... Hey why not check out the park (Potomac Park) down by the Awakening statue. That's where that twisted "brother" is taking down good people. The guys say he's one of the 9/11 Freaks, he is - Tommy Morris saw him, said he's big... huge. and oh shit... what was that?!?!....

Alternate Godlike Convocations[edit]

Alternate Godlike Convocations For Consideration

Notes for NTAC[edit]