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(Encumbrance and Movement)
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*Use double brackets [[]] around your characters name to link to the character page.
*Use double brackets [[]] around your characters name to link to the character page.
*[[Brodie Broadcloak]], Human Fighter 1. AC 17, HP 5/5. Spear +1, 1d6. Longbow +2, 1d8.
*[[Eamon Falstaff]], Human Fighter 1. AC 15, HP 2/4. Battle Axe +1, 1d8.
*[[Jelaina]] Paladin 5, AC 2, HP 8/22. Sword 15 (14 vs. spellcasters), 1d8+2 (+3).  Lay on Hands not used.
*[[Lagren the Lurching]] Human Magic-user 1. AC 11, HP 4/4. Dagger +1, 1d4.  
**[[Rana]] Thief 3, AC 6, HP 9/9, Short Sword 20, 1d6-1, Short Bow (20) 18, 1d6 (50/100/150).
*[[Evro]] Human Fighter 1. AC 15, HP 6/6. Two-handed Sword +1, 1d10.
*[[Ithael]] Dwarven Cleric 4, AC 0, HP 14/15. Warhammer 19, 1d6. Cure Light Wounds x2, Bless left.  1 Heroism Potion.
*[[Baldri Orelode]] Dwarf Cleric 1. AC 14, HP 5/5. Mace +0, 1d8-1. Sling +0, 1d4-1.
**[[Seldan]] Bard 1, AC 7, HP 4/4. Sword 20, 1d8, Short Bow (20) 19, 1d6 (50/100/150).
*[[Sheela-Na-Gig]] Human Magic-user 1. AC 11, HP 4/4. Dagger +2, 1d4+2.
*[[Ermias]] Magic-User 2, AC 9, HP 7/7. Staff 20, 1d4-1 (Slow). Sleep and Magic Missile left.
*[[Thalgar]] Fighter 2, AC 2, HP 8/15. War Hammer 18, 1d6+1, Javelin (3) 19, 1d4 (30/60/90).
*[[Brother Jeryll]] Cleric 2, AC 4, HP 10/10. Mace 20, 1d6-1. Cure Light Wounds left.
*[[Angund Fen]] Magic-User 1, AC 8, HP 3/3. Dagger 18, 1d4+1, Dagger 18, 1d4 (10/20/30). Protection from Evil left.
*[[Brick]] Fighter 1, AC 2, HP 3/3. Sword 16, 1d8+3, Sling 19, 1d4 (40/80/160).
*[[Krung]] Fighter 1, AC 3, HP 4/4. Sword 18, 1d8+1.
*[[Morgansfort Blank Sheet]]
*[[Morgansfort Blank Sheet]]
==Deceased and Retired==
*[[Lafren the Languid]] Burnt to death in a fire.
*[[Grigory Thinbeard]] Choked to death in a cloud of poison gas.
*[[Eldrin]] Poisoned by a giant spider.
*[[Calixa]] Mandibled in half by a gi-ant.
*[[Darl]] Ripped apart by a ghoul. 
*[[Fredde Beneathbluff]] Cleft in twain by a gnoll's axe.
*[[Bwalin Dampknocker]] Bisected by a gnoll's axe.
*[[Sheela-Na-Gig]] Decapitated by a hobgoblin's sword.
*[[Cezar]] Torn asunder by a carnivorous ape.
*[[Evro]] Impaled on a goblin's spear.
*[[Baldri Orelode]] Skull fractured by a giant spider.
*[[Deryk the Strong Willed]] Stung to death in the eye by a bee.
*[[Jimbo Leafcutter]] Crushed under burning debris.
*[[Jimbo Leafcutter]] Crushed under burning debris.
*[[Yor]] Burned to death in a fiery trap.
*[[Eldran the Shady]] Bitten in the face by a giant spider.
*[[Eldran the Shady]] Bitten in the face by a giant spider.
*[[Aerylon]] Left the party with Serc the Nimble.
*[[Konrad]] Left the party.
*[[Romanus]] Left the party.
*[[Dwala Nkondlwane]] Left the party.
*[[Vicar Thaharinenhalassa]] Left the party.
*[[Eamon Falstaff]] Left the party.
*[[Brodie Broadcloak]] Left the party.
*[[Lagren the Lurching]] Left the party.
*[[Altheadora "Thea" Brensaeth]] Left the party.
*[[Altheadora "Thea" Brensaeth]] Left the party.
*[[Walter]] Retired after losing his legs
*[[Dohram]] Left the party to serve the Church elsewhere.
*[[Dieterich the Blessed]] Left the party to return to the bishop.
*[[Rewyn]] Left the party to study magic in Greenhaven.
*[[Aldereth the Cunning]] Left the party to study magic in Greenhaven.
'''Henchmen (only started recording these 11/18/18)'''
*[[Tallad]] Legs shredded and torn off by a harpy.
*[[Galatea the Cleric]] Left the party after Grigory died.
*[[Orivel]] Choked by poison gas.
*[[Aubrey]] Choked by poison gas.
*[[Valdia]] Choked on poison gas.
*[[Zaira the Beautiful]] Choked on poison gas.
*[[Locson]] Choked by poison gas.
*[[Quintus the Rager]] Choked on poison gas.
*[[Lyman]] killed by a poison needle trap
*[[Albrett]] Skull bashed in by a zombie.
*[[Warryn the Hood]] Both arms cut off by a lupine humanoid.
*[[Patransa]] Left with Rewyn.
*[[Nestor the Broad]] Left with Aldereth.
==Marching Order==
*Current Marching order:
**Jelaina | Thalgar
**Ithael | Brick
**Ermias | Jeryll
**Angund | Seldan
**Krung | Rana
*Party Speed: 60'/turn
'''Stonehell Revisited'''
*Gatehouse - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1hHDWswo2n2uIwJ8x4_ZONzyyMP3aDF-t/view?usp=sharing
*Floor 1 - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1xdCwGHsXD1oBkJ5ChCQMmEPDKouwqedK/view?usp=sharing
*Floor 1 Keyed - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ePYLov44834PCvaNdAX2Zlvd4_tGWCXC/view?usp=sharing
*Basement 1 - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1XeUHwGLFrk_tSjV8ZK_GWquRmWx5kukb/view?usp=sharing
*Basement 1 Keyed - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1tKMODFDCxFVrwhLR4H5HdkKRSIpsg1Nk/view?usp=sharing
*Basement 2 - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1VZssF192FpTyeTeZu4sQQoWqKODJloA3/view?usp=sharing
*Basement 2 Keyed - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1VYN7JOfPrXqc6BiN6HSTHBEnS-q7XP1O/view?usp=sharing
==Encumbrance and Movement==
*Party Movement Rate: Presently 20 (60'/turn)
*Floor 1 - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1giy5y6JoFME6v46GPSFpPZQYvd2B70OZ/view?usp=sharing
*Floor 1 Keyed - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1JCl5mFqa4MvxUDLFSOC08TvW61fgLnSm/view?usp=sharing
*Floor 1 - https://drive.google.com/file/d/11zdazw24o35M5bPnOjxO-j8NzF18s2xx/view?usp=sharing
*Floor 1 Keyed - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1YF9lVhvTOA5vW87lhesszRFbnYSXAVhp/view?usp=sharing
*Floor 2 - https://drive.google.com/open?id=1eVE683TTeiCJ27MO218DyYo-jI4gPEhT
*Floor 2 Keyed - https://drive.google.com/open?id=1aGzENRgv1wRr6IqPyGCJNNmcSUPF_pF-
**Gear: 59
**Treasure: 38gp 8sp
**Move: 20
Stonehell Maps Folder - https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B_io591KyT2Ta1J2NnVOeW9lTEU&usp=sharing
**Gear: 60
*Dungeon Notes - https://docs.google.com/document/d/14R8S1yflgZvLzbKNFz1FcfF87MIxZHaftrqfLlzKx-A/edit?usp=sharing
**Treasure: 9pp 3gp
*Map Key - https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_io591KyT2TeEw5X2FzdkVjdWc/view?usp=sharing
**Movement: 20
*Canyon - https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_io591KyT2TdVJ1dVJndDNKQ1E/view?usp=sharing
*Floor 1 - https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B_io591KyT2TVUdKY3JJTlFyWUE
*Floor 1 keyed - https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_io591KyT2TaHhzVXRxT2dVNU0/view?usp=sharing
**Gear: 106
*Turos Cave - https://drive.google.com/open?id=1qjh_CaEGXg3McHWcOsWY3GllPr0RtIJr
**Treasure: 13pp 1 gp + 12gp
*Turos Cave Keyed - https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B_io591KyT2TV3lmbVdnVzZQanc
**Move: 30
*Turos Cave Level 2 Keyed - https://drive.google.com/open?id=17tVaC2jnzeFTvOLmtEJJTvo4dmqujfv9
*Turos Cave Level 2 - https://drive.google.com/open?id=16xjtk8JLZs47fw1ktNv2xIWNjZBrxKL-
'''Area Map'''
**Gear: 59
**Treasure: 18pp
**Movement: 20
'''Old Maps'''
**Gear: 51
**Treasure: 38gp
**Move: 20
Old Maps Folder - https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B_io591KyT2TX1lYVDBxU3NWT2c
**Gear: 39
**Treasure: 9pp 3gp 2sp
**Movement: 40
==Campaign Docs==
*Cosmology: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-kXA69sPggldVVMelVXdVl1dUE/view?usp=sharing
*Class Notes: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-clYzF5rX8VUFZ6NE5LeElqZk1pS3BrRk5RQkwya3RsLWVr/view?usp=sharing
*Starting Area Notes: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-clYzF5rX8VMHdCNGF5T0RsZlZ0T0FxR3lFWG5zczJ1d2Fj/view?usp=sharing
*Area Map: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1jU2vi2qb5DMb3f2hmMAcuPcxLrPmha1Y/view?usp=drive_link
*Area Map Key: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1E1_OSRJxT-li5RZKBMxCXTaXU8VPWjls/edit?usp=drive_link&ouid=107720009905014791886&rtpof=true&sd=true
*Quests and Rumors: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-kXA69sPgglX01ZeGhTazFxaTQ/view?usp=sharing
*World Notes: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1dUzp-hHrH10X2V_Ef4aoDIXYkR31eRX3bNMYVnr3aJk
==Finances Not on Person==
*[[Jelaina]] 4000 gp (Silverhollow)
==Time Passed==
*Last updated:11/23/23
*Total time in campaign up to 3/13/18 is unknown (probably only a year or so).
*Since 3/13: About 15 days (11/30/18) - Starting here, I'm assuming it was the 11th month in the world also
*1 day in Sakkara, then 2 weeks selling, finding a crusader, hiring henchmen, and learning new spells. (Living Expenses paid)
*1 day in Sakkara, 2 days healing, 3 days travel to Loria, 2 weeks in Loria selling and hiring, 3 days back to Turos, 1 day in Turos (Winter starts)
*1 day in Sakkara, 28 days healing (Living Expenses paid; due again in 3 days)
*During the healing time: 3 days to Silverhollow, 3 days in Silverhollow, 1 day in Nuromen's Necropolis, 2 days in town
*1 more day in the necropolis, then back to Silverhollow.
*14 days healing (Living Expenses paid; due again in 19 days)
*7 days' journey from Silverhollow to Loria, with a 1-day stop at Turos
*7 days in Loria selling treasure and looking for henchmen.
*4 days across the sea to the haunted forge.
*1 day in the forge.
*3 days across the sea back to Loria.
*2 weeks in Loria selling gems, looking for info, and learning new spells. (Living Expenses paid; due again in 12 days) (Spring starts)
*4 days across the sea to the forge.
*1 day in the forge.
*4 days across the sea back to Loria.
*1 week in town selling new loot from the forge and looking for new party members.  (Living Expenses paid; due again in 26 days)
*2 weeks further in town waiting for the arrival of their wounded henchmen and doing some research.
*1 week traveling north through Alverton to Greenhaven.
*4 days in Greenhaven meeting the bishop and preparing to journey east.
*4 days journey to the Three Martyrs and finding the Citadel of Chaos.
*2 days in the citadel and then camping in the woods.
*4 days to get back to Greenhaven.
*1 week to allow Warryn's eye to heal. (Living Expenses paid; due again in 14 days)
*4 days to get to the citadel.
*4 days to get back to Greenhaven.
*1 week to study magic and sell items.  (Living Expenses paid; due again in 29 days)
*4 days back to the citadel.
*4 days back to Greenhaven.
*1 week to shop and for Aldereth to full heal.
*4 days to the citadel. (Summer starts)
*4 days back.
*2 weeks for Ithael to heal and to shop in Greenhaven.  (Living Expenses paid; due again in 22 days)
*4 days back to the citadel, one long day in the citadel, camp in the woods, then 4 days back.
*4 weeks in Greenhaven to sell items, hire henchmen, consult sages, and find an artificer.  (Living Expenses paid, due again in 15 days)
*16 days traveling from Greenhaven all the way to Silverhollow and then to Stonehell.
==Magic Items Unclaimed==
An ornate shield (chaos temple)
Scroll of Ward Against Elementals
Scroll of Choking Grasp, Animate Dead, and Web
Scroll of Cure Light Wounds, Bless, Cure Disease
Potion of Flying (chaos temple)
Potion of invisibility (chaos temple)
==Treasure Unsold==
*6 Gems worth 50 gp each
*4 Amethysts worth 100 gp each
*3 Gems worth 100 gp each
*7 Bone Fetishes - 32 gp each
==Treasure Found==
* Fine suit of chainmail (presently unclaimed)
* Journals from the dwarf forge
* scroll from chaos temple drawer
From Temple of Chaos
* wand (chest from zombie room)
* potion (IC #1363)
* Magic ring from fountain
* 7 (remaining) magic beans

Revision as of 08:35, 30 June 2024

Morgansfort zpsor3xjn3c.JPG


  • Use double brackets [[]] around your characters name to link to the character page.
  • Jelaina Paladin 5, AC 2, HP 8/22. Sword 15 (14 vs. spellcasters), 1d8+2 (+3). Lay on Hands not used.
    • Rana Thief 3, AC 6, HP 9/9, Short Sword 20, 1d6-1, Short Bow (20) 18, 1d6 (50/100/150).
  • Ithael Dwarven Cleric 4, AC 0, HP 14/15. Warhammer 19, 1d6. Cure Light Wounds x2, Bless left. 1 Heroism Potion.
    • Seldan Bard 1, AC 7, HP 4/4. Sword 20, 1d8, Short Bow (20) 19, 1d6 (50/100/150).
  • Ermias Magic-User 2, AC 9, HP 7/7. Staff 20, 1d4-1 (Slow). Sleep and Magic Missile left.
  • Thalgar Fighter 2, AC 2, HP 8/15. War Hammer 18, 1d6+1, Javelin (3) 19, 1d4 (30/60/90).
  • Brother Jeryll Cleric 2, AC 4, HP 10/10. Mace 20, 1d6-1. Cure Light Wounds left.
  • Angund Fen Magic-User 1, AC 8, HP 3/3. Dagger 18, 1d4+1, Dagger 18, 1d4 (10/20/30). Protection from Evil left.
  • Brick Fighter 1, AC 2, HP 3/3. Sword 16, 1d8+3, Sling 19, 1d4 (40/80/160).
  • Krung Fighter 1, AC 3, HP 4/4. Sword 18, 1d8+1.
  • Morgansfort Blank Sheet

Deceased and Retired

Henchmen (only started recording these 11/18/18)

Marching Order

  • Current Marching order:
    • Jelaina | Thalgar
    • Ithael | Brick
    • Ermias | Jeryll
    • Angund | Seldan
    • Krung | Rana
  • Party Speed: 60'/turn


Stonehell Revisited





Stonehell Maps Folder - https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B_io591KyT2Ta1J2NnVOeW9lTEU&usp=sharing


Area Map https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-kXA69sPgglNVVnMVo1LUptWnM/view?usp=sharing

Old Maps

Old Maps Folder - https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B_io591KyT2TX1lYVDBxU3NWT2c

Campaign Docs

Finances Not on Person

Time Passed

  • Last updated:11/23/23
  • Total time in campaign up to 3/13/18 is unknown (probably only a year or so).
  • Since 3/13: About 15 days (11/30/18) - Starting here, I'm assuming it was the 11th month in the world also
  • 1 day in Sakkara, then 2 weeks selling, finding a crusader, hiring henchmen, and learning new spells. (Living Expenses paid)
  • 1 day in Sakkara, 2 days healing, 3 days travel to Loria, 2 weeks in Loria selling and hiring, 3 days back to Turos, 1 day in Turos (Winter starts)
  • 1 day in Sakkara, 28 days healing (Living Expenses paid; due again in 3 days)
  • During the healing time: 3 days to Silverhollow, 3 days in Silverhollow, 1 day in Nuromen's Necropolis, 2 days in town
  • 1 more day in the necropolis, then back to Silverhollow.
  • 14 days healing (Living Expenses paid; due again in 19 days)
  • 7 days' journey from Silverhollow to Loria, with a 1-day stop at Turos
  • 7 days in Loria selling treasure and looking for henchmen.
  • 4 days across the sea to the haunted forge.
  • 1 day in the forge.
  • 3 days across the sea back to Loria.
  • 2 weeks in Loria selling gems, looking for info, and learning new spells. (Living Expenses paid; due again in 12 days) (Spring starts)
  • 4 days across the sea to the forge.
  • 1 day in the forge.
  • 4 days across the sea back to Loria.
  • 1 week in town selling new loot from the forge and looking for new party members. (Living Expenses paid; due again in 26 days)
  • 2 weeks further in town waiting for the arrival of their wounded henchmen and doing some research.
  • 1 week traveling north through Alverton to Greenhaven.
  • 4 days in Greenhaven meeting the bishop and preparing to journey east.
  • 4 days journey to the Three Martyrs and finding the Citadel of Chaos.
  • 2 days in the citadel and then camping in the woods.
  • 4 days to get back to Greenhaven.
  • 1 week to allow Warryn's eye to heal. (Living Expenses paid; due again in 14 days)
  • 4 days to get to the citadel.
  • 4 days to get back to Greenhaven.
  • 1 week to study magic and sell items. (Living Expenses paid; due again in 29 days)
  • 4 days back to the citadel.
  • 4 days back to Greenhaven.
  • 1 week to shop and for Aldereth to full heal.
  • 4 days to the citadel. (Summer starts)
  • 4 days back.
  • 2 weeks for Ithael to heal and to shop in Greenhaven. (Living Expenses paid; due again in 22 days)
  • 4 days back to the citadel, one long day in the citadel, camp in the woods, then 4 days back.
  • 4 weeks in Greenhaven to sell items, hire henchmen, consult sages, and find an artificer. (Living Expenses paid, due again in 15 days)
  • 16 days traveling from Greenhaven all the way to Silverhollow and then to Stonehell.

Magic Items Unclaimed

An ornate shield (chaos temple)

Scroll of Ward Against Elementals

Scroll of Choking Grasp, Animate Dead, and Web

Scroll of Cure Light Wounds, Bless, Cure Disease

Potion of Flying (chaos temple)

Potion of invisibility (chaos temple)

Treasure Unsold

  • 6 Gems worth 50 gp each
  • 4 Amethysts worth 100 gp each
  • 3 Gems worth 100 gp each
  • 7 Bone Fetishes - 32 gp each

Treasure Found

  • Fine suit of chainmail (presently unclaimed)
  • Journals from the dwarf forge
  • scroll from chaos temple drawer

From Temple of Chaos

  • wand (chest from zombie room)
  • potion (IC #1363)
  • Magic ring from fountain
  • 7 (remaining) magic beans