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== PCs ==
== Introduction ==
==='''Karame''' ===
This is the main page for my infamous campaign...but it is not quite as-labeled.  For quite some time I ran an OD&D game on the play-by-post forums.  However, the campaign has evolved to run under The Fantasy Trip, another charmingly retro RPG from way back when.
*Neutral Human Fighting Woman
*Str 11 Int 5 Wis 13 Con 8 Dex 14 (+1 Missile Adjustment) Cha 13 (+1 loyalty base)
*HP 4
*AC 7
Large Sack,
Water Skin,
Normal Rations (7),
Torches (6),
Steel Mirror,
Leather Armor,
Light Crossbow,
Quarrels (29),
10 GP

==='''Caleb Thistledown'''===
*Lawful Human Magic-User
*STR 12 INT 11 WIS 10 CON 10 DEX 11 CHA 11
*HP 1
*AC 9
Large Sack,
50' Rope,
Waterskins 2,
Flask of Oil 3,
Normal Rations 2 weeks,
Holy Water 1,
GP 39
*First-Level Spells Known: Hold Portal, Read Magic, Protection from Evil, Light, Charm Person, Magic Missile
*Memorized: Charm Person

==='''Gworg the Unwise'''===
== The Slayers ==
*Neutral Human Fighting Man
Here you can find character record sheets for all of the currently active PCs. <br/>[[The Wyzard Runs TFT: The Adventurers]]
*STR 12 INT 10 WIS 5 CON 11 DEX 9 CHA 5
*HP 4
And here are the PCs for the Platemail subcampaign: [[The_Slayers_II]].
*AC 6
Leather Armor,
One-Handed Sword,
Short Bow,
20 Arrows,
2 Silver-Tipped Arrows,
One Week Normal Rations,
Leather Backpack,
Waterskin (x1),
50' Rope,
6 Torches,
6 Flasks of Oil

== Maps ==
*Neutral Human Fighting Man
From time to time, the players may map wilderness or dungeon areas.  Links to maps and descriptions of those areas should be placed here.  <br/>[[The Wyzard's Maps]]
*STR 14 (5% bonus XP) INT 7 WIS 5 CON 10 DEX 4 (-1 missile adjustment) CHA 13 (+1 loyalty)
*HP 5
== Languages ==
*AC 3
Every PC knows the common tongue as their native language. Below I will list some possible languages; ask if you have other nominations.
Big 2-handed axe, Plate Mail,
Draft Horse,
Saddle Bags,
50' Rope,
10' Pole,
12 Iron Spikes,
3 Large Sacks,
Leather Backpack,
1 week Iron Rations,
15 GP left,

*Goblin (Works with any of the goblinoid races)
*Neutral Human Fighting Man
*Fey (For fairy and forest type creatures)
*STR 17 (+10% XP) INT 14 WIS 5 CON 18 (+1 HP) DEX 13 (+1 missile adjustment) CHA 8
*Draconic (The tongue of dragons - 15 IQ Minimum.  Comprehension of the written form requires the Apprentice talent.)
*Old Amaranthian (Dead language, was spoken in a widespread sorcerous empire)
*Thracian (Originally Spoken by a widely-traveled group of seafaring kingdoms. Still spoken in some isolated colonies.)
Leather backpack,  
*Dwarven (The written form can only be understood by PCs with the Mathematics talent in addition to literacy)
Quart of wine (3),  
*Primalingua (Spoken most frequently by angels, demons, and other powerful spirits. Useful in incantations, ambitious players may use Latin to indicate it in IC posts.  Cost as a dead language, minimum IQ 12, Hieroglyphics required in addition to literacy to understand written form)
Normal rations (7 days),
*Elemental (the various elemental types speak slightly different dialects, but this will allow communication - the PC should pick which dialect they have greatest familiarity with)
Torches (6),
*The Moon Tongue (The common speech of the lands across the great ocean)
Large sack (1),  
*Reptilian (Language of the degenerate lizardfolk. They had an advanced and powerful civilization in the mists of history, but the tribes still living can no longer even read the writing on the walls of the great ziggurats their ancestors raised.  The written form is incomprehensible to humans, but PCs with the Hieroglyphics skill and proficiency with the spoken form might be able to extract some meaning.)
Chain mail,  
*Necrosian, being the common language of the dead.  Not considered a dead language.
Sling Bullets (20),
4 gp

== The Style Guide ==
*Human Fighting Woman
*Str 14 (+5 %XP) Int 12 Wis 7 Con 10 Dex 10 Chr 5
'''Equipment:'''Chain Mail,
Long Sword,
Light Crossbow & quarrel of 30 bolts,
50' Rope,
12 Iron Spikes,
leather backpack,
6 torches,
flask of oil,
1 quart wine,
1 wk iron rations,
1 wk normal rations

==='''Cariman of the Green'''===
[[The Campaign's Style Guide]] is a page subject to further modification and clarification.  I absolutely encourage players to bring up any issue related to the game's style either in the OOC thread, or with me personally via PM.  These guidelines are designed to make the game fun, comfortable for the players, dramatic, and fast-moving.  If the game is failing in any of those respects, I encourage you to bring it to my attention.  Obviously, we've all been playing the game together long enough that we should all be on roughly the same page.  This is more a codification of things I've already been encouraging rather than a completely new creation.
* Human Cleric Level 1
* STR 9 INT 9 WIS 12 CON 11 DEX 10 CHA 4
Chain Armor,  
Sling & Bullets,  
leather backpack,
6 torches,
steel mirror,
wooden holy symbol,
1 wk iron rations,
1 wk normal rations,
* Remaining GP: 16

==='''Sarlinha, the Silver Owl'''===
== An Introduction to The Fantasy Trip ==
* Human Cleric Level 1
* Deity: She Who Lives In Darkness
* STR 9, INT 9, WIS 13, CON 12, DEX 12, CHA 12
*'''Equipment:''' Light horse, Saddle, Saddlebags, Waterskin, 6 torches, Chain armour, Helmet, Shield, One-handed weapon (mace), Wooden holy symbol, 2 wks normal rations, 50' rope
*Remaining GP: 0

==='''Frederik, the Friendly'''===
The Fantasy Trip is an early rpg/tactical combat game.  It was designed in large part by Steve Jackson, and illustrates many core concepts that would later become the foundation for GURPS.  It is, however, much less complex and more focused than GURPS.<br/>
*Lawful Human Magic-User
*Strength: 12 Intelligence: 12 Wisdom: 9 Constitution: 10 Dexterity: 8 Charisma: 13 (+1 loyalty modifier)
In very general terms, a character in The Fantasy Trip is defined by three statistics, some number of Talents (and possibly spells), and the equipment they carry.  The three attributes are Strength, Dexterity, and IQ.  Almost everything you can attempt in the game is controlled by rolling some number of six-sided dice (usually 3) and attempting to get under one of your attribute scores.
*Strength represents your physical power and toughness.  You can take an amount of damage up to your Strength before being defeated (and possibly killed) in combat.  It also controls how much you can carry without being encumbered and what weapons you can wield properly.  Further, it measures the maximum amount of Exhaustion you can take, which is very important for those who wish to cast spells.
*Dexterity is used to determine in what order you act, and is also rolled against to hit in combat or cast spells successfully.  Armor and other factors can Adjust your DX, usually downward.  This is known as your Adjusted Dexterity.  Whenever something calls for your DX, you use your current adjusted figure.  Keep a high Adjusted Dexterity is very important!  Without it, you will not successfully attack or cast spells.
* 3 daggers
*IQ is a measure of your character's intellect, willpower, and ability to effectively master social situations.  It also controls what Talents and Spells you have access to, since all Talents and Spells have a minimum IQ to learn. 
* Mule (named "Pregib"), Saddle, saddlebags, 50' rope, 12 iron spikes, 2 small sacks, 1 large sack
*Talents and Spells are purchased with Talent Points.  A starting PC will have Talent Points equal to their IQ+2.  They can purchase talents that let them use weapons, have advanced skills, or gain the ability to learn spells.  Every Talent has a minimum IQ, a cost in Talent Points, and may have prerequisites.
* waterskin, Iron Rations, 2 weeks
*Spells are purchased like Talents, except that they all cost only one Talent Point apiece.  A character must gain access to a spell through a talent, and they can then learn it.  A character casts a spell they know by declaring the action, rolling under their AdjDX on 3d6, and then spending the Strength Cost in Exhaustion (this doesn't affect carrying capacity or other Strength-based matters in any, other than potentially making the character unconscious.)  A character who fails the spellcasting roll still expends 1 Exhaustion.  A character cannot spend more Exhaustion on a spell than it would take to reduce them to 0 Strength, including however much damage they have taken.
* 12 torches, 3 flasks of oil
*Weapons have a minimum Strength to use, and usually do damage in proportion to how much strength it takes to wield them.  Armor lets you resist a certain amount of damage from each hit, but adjust DX downward in compensation.
* Remaining GP: 4
*1st Level Spells Known: Magic Missile, Shield, Sleep, Light, Hold Portal (Sleep memorized but used for the day)
Characters gain XP as they adventure.  XP can be used to purchase attribute points and talent points.  XP should generally be spent during downtime.

== Outstanding Plot Hooks ==
== Current House Rules ==
A list of treasure maps, legends, rumors, vendettas, and similar that have yet to be pursued.

== Unassigned Loot ==
This section is also subject to modification and clarification.  I'm going to start out using less than the entire body of rules, and may introduce them slowly over timeIn some cases I will be simplifying, disallowing, or otherwise expanding on the RAWI will generally put notice in the OOC thread before instituting any substantial change.
This is loot that doesn't yet "belong" to a PC, or has not yet been identifiedIt should nonetheless be noted who is carrying any given item, in case they fall into a pit or are devouredAny item not listed on a particular character's sheet or indicating whom is carrying it may be judged lost.

Ebony and silver scroll case of uncertain value - with Professor Randall
*Characters become unconscious at 0 Strength, and can go negative to an amount equal to their Strength divided by three, rounding down.  So, a character with twelve strength can go to -4.  This does not generally apply to NPCs.
*A character's Exhaustion effectively adds to his current damage to determine whether he is unconscious.  A spellcaster cannot "overcast" and take himself to negative strength.  Exhaustion can't kill you, but it can sure get you killed.
*At the current time, we are not using Grievous wounds or any other special damage effects, weapon damage types, or similar.
*There is something like a system for critical hits and misses in the book.  Ignore critical miss type effects.  A double damage result adds a D6 to your damage roll, a triple damage result adds 2d6 to your damage roll.
*A character's monthly upkeep cost equals 1 gold crown for each 100 XP it would cost for them to buy an attribute point.  In the case of PCs at the current time, this is 2 Gold Crowns per month.
*For ease of reference, the monetary system is as follows: One Gold Crown (c) is 20 silver shillings (s.)  One silver shilling is 12 copper pence (p.)  One pence is worth four farthings (f.)  A gold crown is a really substantial amount of money.  Many people in the setting might never have two of these to rub together, or even a single one.  A shilling is a pretty good amount of money.  A few silver shillings would be a quite a bit of money to most people.  Copper pence are normal pocket money, what you'd use to pay for meals and drinks and basic services.  If you need really serious money, you can carry around a gold Mark (worth six crowns) or jewels (prices as per page 15 of In The Labyrinth.)
*We will be maintaining the use of tokens.  I will, from time to time, hand these out to the players.  One token may be spent to force a reroll of any die roll in the game, but the new result must be taken (unless you want to keep spending tokens.)  Two tokens may be spent to gain a Talent Point.  Four may be spent to gain an attribute point.  This may only be done during the normal times for spending XP, e.g., downtime.

== NPCs ==
== New and Modified Talents ==
The players may wish to make note of important or interesting NPCs

== Maps ==
From time to time, the players may map wilderness or dungeon areas.  Links to maps and descriptions of those areas should be placed here.

* Map showing location of standing stones:
== Setting Essays ==
** Carried by the Professor, found at the burnt out inn in the boney hands of the ex-propriator
** It describes a path through the hills and forests off to the Northeast. While the cartographer was slightly vague about the precise terrain through which one might travel, it does contain enough information about distances and landmarks so as to be useful. Assuming it is accurate rather than fictitious. The path terminates at what appears to be a hill topped with a ring of standing stones.

** In the same hand as the various notes on the route to take to get there, there is some description of the destination. The writing is in the common tongue, anyone with at least close to typical intelligence can read it.
Here will be posted the occasional essay that I write about the setting.  If it seems piecemeal, that's intentional. I don't want to define too much.

** "Here rests the crypt-complex which is the last remnant of the People of the Weeping Wood. The tomb of their chieftain Renf the Red-Handed is said to be somewhere within, and to still contain his burial treasures. Those who delved to recover them have returned empty-handed, if at all."
[[The_Wyzard_Setting_Essays|I want to read the essays]].

== Items of Historical Interest ==

== Locations ==
Here are maintained an archive of material from the earlier incarnation of the game, when it was being run under OD&D rules.
Notes on unmapped areas such as cities, &c.

== House Rules & Other Behind-the-Curtain Matters ==
*Here can be found the original character sheets: [[The Wyzard Runs OD&D: The Slayers]]
To the extent that the players are informed, this information will go here.
*[[Missing, Retired, or Dead PCs]]
*[[Campaign Miscellanea]]
*[[OD&D Rules Material]]
*[[The_Wyzard_Gworgs_Giants|Gworg's Giants]]
*A collection of oddments and citations from the various game threads: [[The Wyzardly Encyclopedia]]

*Hit Points: Unlike future editions of the game, all of a PC's hit dice will be re-rolled at each level, with the new total being taken if it is higher than the previous total.
== Links to the game-related threads ==
*Hit Points, 2: As an act of entirely undeserved mercy, this game will allow PCs to survive being reduced to 0 HP at the option of the player. If one is reduced to 0 HP, one is semiconscious and prone. Further activity is likely to prove fatal, and a period of convalescence above and beyond the normal time required for healing will be necessary to restore the PC to health and well-being. At the player's option, the PC can simply lack the will to live and expire normally.
*[ IC IV]
*Modifiers in Combat: As an act of simplification, situations which give a clear advantage to one party or another in combat, which that party is able and inclined to take advantage of, will generally give a +2 or -2 to-hit or to AC, as appropriate. Attacking from behind (or while invisible, etc.) against an opponent who is completely unaware will grant a +4.
*[ IC III]
*Weapon Damage: As written in book 1, all weapons do 1d6. In order to prevent odd results from this (such as everyone packing daggers due to their inexpense) I have modified this somewhat. Poor-quality weapons are less expensive, but have some drawback. Examples: Quarterstaves cannot be used one-handed, daggers and slings do only 1d4 damage. Large, two-handed weapons are slightly more expensive and require both hands. However, for a hit with these weapons I will roll 2d6 damage and take the better of the two results.
*[ IC II]
*Combat Modifiers & Weapon Damage, Continued: Each weapon has situations in which it is better or poorly suited. In those situations, the +2 or -2 modifier referred to above will apply. It is suggested that in these circumstances (facing a charging enemy with a readied spear, grappling with a dagger or short sword, fighting a wooden enemy with an axe) the player make some note of how they think their weapon will give an advantage, either in the form of an IC statement of intent, or in an OOC spoiler-block, etc. This is not the same as a "stunt bonus" and no particular artfulness is required in the description. This is about how the PC takes advantage of terrain or the attributes of their enemy to use their weapon to its best effect. In extreme cases, the weapon damage might be modified as well.
*[ IC]
*[ OOC IV]
*[ OOC II]
*[ OOC]
*[ Recruitment]
*[ AP]

Latest revision as of 19:42, 29 February 2012


This is the main page for my infamous campaign...but it is not quite as-labeled. For quite some time I ran an OD&D game on the play-by-post forums. However, the campaign has evolved to run under The Fantasy Trip, another charmingly retro RPG from way back when.

The Slayers[edit]

Here you can find character record sheets for all of the currently active PCs.
The Wyzard Runs TFT: The Adventurers
And here are the PCs for the Platemail subcampaign: The_Slayers_II.


From time to time, the players may map wilderness or dungeon areas. Links to maps and descriptions of those areas should be placed here.
The Wyzard's Maps


Every PC knows the common tongue as their native language. Below I will list some possible languages; ask if you have other nominations.

  • Goblin (Works with any of the goblinoid races)
  • Fey (For fairy and forest type creatures)
  • Draconic (The tongue of dragons - 15 IQ Minimum. Comprehension of the written form requires the Apprentice talent.)
  • Giantish
  • Old Amaranthian (Dead language, was spoken in a widespread sorcerous empire)
  • Thracian (Originally Spoken by a widely-traveled group of seafaring kingdoms. Still spoken in some isolated colonies.)
  • Elven
  • Dwarven (The written form can only be understood by PCs with the Mathematics talent in addition to literacy)
  • Primalingua (Spoken most frequently by angels, demons, and other powerful spirits. Useful in incantations, ambitious players may use Latin to indicate it in IC posts. Cost as a dead language, minimum IQ 12, Hieroglyphics required in addition to literacy to understand written form)
  • Elemental (the various elemental types speak slightly different dialects, but this will allow communication - the PC should pick which dialect they have greatest familiarity with)
  • The Moon Tongue (The common speech of the lands across the great ocean)
  • Reptilian (Language of the degenerate lizardfolk. They had an advanced and powerful civilization in the mists of history, but the tribes still living can no longer even read the writing on the walls of the great ziggurats their ancestors raised. The written form is incomprehensible to humans, but PCs with the Hieroglyphics skill and proficiency with the spoken form might be able to extract some meaning.)
  • Necrosian, being the common language of the dead. Not considered a dead language.

The Style Guide[edit]

The Campaign's Style Guide is a page subject to further modification and clarification. I absolutely encourage players to bring up any issue related to the game's style either in the OOC thread, or with me personally via PM. These guidelines are designed to make the game fun, comfortable for the players, dramatic, and fast-moving. If the game is failing in any of those respects, I encourage you to bring it to my attention. Obviously, we've all been playing the game together long enough that we should all be on roughly the same page. This is more a codification of things I've already been encouraging rather than a completely new creation.

An Introduction to The Fantasy Trip[edit]

The Fantasy Trip is an early rpg/tactical combat game. It was designed in large part by Steve Jackson, and illustrates many core concepts that would later become the foundation for GURPS. It is, however, much less complex and more focused than GURPS.

In very general terms, a character in The Fantasy Trip is defined by three statistics, some number of Talents (and possibly spells), and the equipment they carry. The three attributes are Strength, Dexterity, and IQ. Almost everything you can attempt in the game is controlled by rolling some number of six-sided dice (usually 3) and attempting to get under one of your attribute scores.

  • Strength represents your physical power and toughness. You can take an amount of damage up to your Strength before being defeated (and possibly killed) in combat. It also controls how much you can carry without being encumbered and what weapons you can wield properly. Further, it measures the maximum amount of Exhaustion you can take, which is very important for those who wish to cast spells.
  • Dexterity is used to determine in what order you act, and is also rolled against to hit in combat or cast spells successfully. Armor and other factors can Adjust your DX, usually downward. This is known as your Adjusted Dexterity. Whenever something calls for your DX, you use your current adjusted figure. Keep a high Adjusted Dexterity is very important! Without it, you will not successfully attack or cast spells.
  • IQ is a measure of your character's intellect, willpower, and ability to effectively master social situations. It also controls what Talents and Spells you have access to, since all Talents and Spells have a minimum IQ to learn.
  • Talents and Spells are purchased with Talent Points. A starting PC will have Talent Points equal to their IQ+2. They can purchase talents that let them use weapons, have advanced skills, or gain the ability to learn spells. Every Talent has a minimum IQ, a cost in Talent Points, and may have prerequisites.
  • Spells are purchased like Talents, except that they all cost only one Talent Point apiece. A character must gain access to a spell through a talent, and they can then learn it. A character casts a spell they know by declaring the action, rolling under their AdjDX on 3d6, and then spending the Strength Cost in Exhaustion (this doesn't affect carrying capacity or other Strength-based matters in any, other than potentially making the character unconscious.) A character who fails the spellcasting roll still expends 1 Exhaustion. A character cannot spend more Exhaustion on a spell than it would take to reduce them to 0 Strength, including however much damage they have taken.
  • Weapons have a minimum Strength to use, and usually do damage in proportion to how much strength it takes to wield them. Armor lets you resist a certain amount of damage from each hit, but adjust DX downward in compensation.

Characters gain XP as they adventure. XP can be used to purchase attribute points and talent points. XP should generally be spent during downtime.

Current House Rules[edit]

This section is also subject to modification and clarification. I'm going to start out using less than the entire body of rules, and may introduce them slowly over time. In some cases I will be simplifying, disallowing, or otherwise expanding on the RAW. I will generally put notice in the OOC thread before instituting any substantial change.

  • Characters become unconscious at 0 Strength, and can go negative to an amount equal to their Strength divided by three, rounding down. So, a character with twelve strength can go to -4. This does not generally apply to NPCs.
  • A character's Exhaustion effectively adds to his current damage to determine whether he is unconscious. A spellcaster cannot "overcast" and take himself to negative strength. Exhaustion can't kill you, but it can sure get you killed.
  • At the current time, we are not using Grievous wounds or any other special damage effects, weapon damage types, or similar.
  • There is something like a system for critical hits and misses in the book. Ignore critical miss type effects. A double damage result adds a D6 to your damage roll, a triple damage result adds 2d6 to your damage roll.
  • A character's monthly upkeep cost equals 1 gold crown for each 100 XP it would cost for them to buy an attribute point. In the case of PCs at the current time, this is 2 Gold Crowns per month.
  • For ease of reference, the monetary system is as follows: One Gold Crown (c) is 20 silver shillings (s.) One silver shilling is 12 copper pence (p.) One pence is worth four farthings (f.) A gold crown is a really substantial amount of money. Many people in the setting might never have two of these to rub together, or even a single one. A shilling is a pretty good amount of money. A few silver shillings would be a quite a bit of money to most people. Copper pence are normal pocket money, what you'd use to pay for meals and drinks and basic services. If you need really serious money, you can carry around a gold Mark (worth six crowns) or jewels (prices as per page 15 of In The Labyrinth.)
  • We will be maintaining the use of tokens. I will, from time to time, hand these out to the players. One token may be spent to force a reroll of any die roll in the game, but the new result must be taken (unless you want to keep spending tokens.) Two tokens may be spent to gain a Talent Point. Four may be spent to gain an attribute point. This may only be done during the normal times for spending XP, e.g., downtime.

New and Modified Talents[edit]

Setting Essays[edit]

Here will be posted the occasional essay that I write about the setting. If it seems piecemeal, that's intentional. I don't want to define too much.

I want to read the essays.

Items of Historical Interest[edit]

Here are maintained an archive of material from the earlier incarnation of the game, when it was being run under OD&D rules.

Links to the game-related threads[edit]