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[[Image:Midnight logo image.jpg|frame| <br> '''[http://darknessfalls.leaderdesslok.com/images/eredane_map1.jpg MAP OF EREDANE]'''  <br> '''Welcome to the Midnight: North & South campaign wiki.''' <br> [http://wiki.rpg.net/index.php/Durgaz:_Contacts Contacts]<br>
[http://wiki.rpg.net/index.php?title=Durgaz:_10_Questions 10 QUESTIONS]<br>
[http://wiki.rpg.net/index.php?title=Durgaz:_Enemies Enemies]<br>
[http://wiki.rpg.net/index.php?title=Durgaz:_Locations Locations]<br>
[http://wiki.rpg.net/index.php?title=Durgaz:_Organizations Organizations]

==='''[[Durgaz's Stuff he knows]]'''===
'''***EYES ONLY***''' This is a specialized "lorebook" of all things that would be immediately available (without skill checks) for the character.  Things will be posted as they come up or are asked about.  Players other than Durgaz SHOULD NOT read this information.

#[[Durgaz: Contacts|Contacts]]<br>
#[[Durgaz: 10 Questions|10 Questions]]<br>
#[[Durgaz: Enemies|Enemies]]<br>
#[[Durgaz: Locations|Locations]]<br>
#[[Durgaz: Organizations|Organizations]]<br>
#[[Durgaz: Miscellaneous|Miscellaneous]]<br>

All the people of '''[Eredane]''' know that freedom is a dying word. '''[The Shadow in the North]''' is a seemingly unstoppable force. The weak and the mad give in to his dark temptations, while the strong and the wise can only fight, and die. Some say that there is no hope against the dark lord and his '''[Night Kings]'''. <br> But the land of Eredane is vast and older than men or elves; throughout the ages, many things have been lost amidst is open plains, its hidden crags, its dark forests, and its cold lakes. Some of those things have been uncovered by accident or design, by the minions of the Shadow or by the forces of light who resist his insane and cruel plans ... these are the secrets of shadow. [[Daily Life Under the Shadow]] <br><br> Through the ages destiny has searched for those with the will and want to make a difference in the Last Age of Man the Light is cast to two groups thousands of miles seperated by land but standing side by side against the Shadow in the North.  One group of '''[Pathwalkers]''' begins their journey in the space between '''[Alvedara]''' and '''[Cambrial]''', while the other find their journey beginning just below '''[Cale]''' some distance from '''[Steel Hill]''' and the '''[Veradeen]'''.
== Gear ==
* ''Armor/Clothes:''
** Half-plate armor, scavenged from an orcish soldier
** Open-faced plate helmet, '' [[Vanguard|'Vanguard']] ''
** Spiked steel mask, '' [[The Veil of Hell|'The Veil of Hell']] ''
* ''Weapons:''
** Talûn-karkû's Vardatch, '' [[Dragondoom|'Dragondoom']] ''
** orcish composite longbow
** 11 arrows
** silvered punch-dagger
* ''Books''
** The Book of Erotic Orcish Poetry  [7.9 lbs]
* ''Charms:''
** (True) a small carved figurine with broken chains dangling from its wrists. Grants the possessor a +4 on Will saves vs. Compulsion effects.
** (True) a tiny wooden mask with no eye-holes. Makes the possessor invisible to Fell.
** (Greater) a yellow and red silk rosette. When smashed, grants a +2 luck bonus to AC for one minute.
** (?) a woven silk wrist strap. When it fastened to the wrist and the hands held out, grants '''detect undead''' in a 60' cone for up to 1 minute.
** (?) a feathered tassel. When the bearer is struck by an attack that beats his AC by 1 or 2, it activates and increases his AC by 1 or 2 against this attack only.
* ''Other''
** set of enchanted blacksmith tools (+4 craft, and another ability that involves reading Elfish)
**  a [http://wiki.rpg.net/images/3/37/White-Worm-fingers.gif necklace of bog orc tusks and two of the White Worm's fingers.]
** small whetstone
** enormous wolf hide, covered in small symbols carved with a heated dagger
** A ''leaf'', with writing, somehow...  It's a mystery!
** 2 sets of manacles
** 6 potions of Cure Serious Wounds (cure 3d8+5 damage each).
** A vial wrapped in a piece of parchment. On the parchment is a drawing of an Orc with snakes for arms. ("The viscious tonic that is azure in color. It smells like peach, tastes like nuts and black pepper.")
** 30' of silk rope
** 27 doses of Aranasil poison (DC 31, Injury, 2d6 Str initial, 2d6 Str secondary).
** A mysterious golden sphere, given by the Witch-Queen.


==Setting Background==
All the people of Eredane know that freedom is a dying word. The Shadow in the North is a seemingly unstoppable force. The weak and the mad give in to his dark temptations, while the strong and the wise can only fight, and die. Some say that there is no hope against the dark lord and his Night Kings. <br> But the land of Eredane is vast and older than men or elves; throughout the ages, many things have been lost amidst is open plains, its hidden crags, its dark forests, and its cold lakes. Some of those things have been uncovered by accident or design, by the minions of the Shadow or by the forces of light who resist his insane and cruel plans ... these are the secrets of shadow.  [[Daily Life Under the Shadow]]

==EVIL in the World==
*  '''JAHZIR''':  the Sword of Shadow.  Jazir is the most known of all Night Kings, the absolute ruler of Erenland.  His frequent court is in the city of  ???.  Early in the winter of  ???  he began a pilgrimage to Erenhead where it's said he would name the generals that would continue leading his armies.  The most feared turn of events would be to know who would take over the Kaladrune campaign.
*  '''SUNULAEL''':  the Priest of Shadow.  Though little is known of the Priest, all know it is he that has the potential of being the dominant of the Night Kings.  His mechinations worm as tenticles through all Shadow units.  He is supreme priest of the Order of Shadow and rules the Legates through fear and promise.  His court waivers between the city of Cambrial to the South and within the halls of Theros Obsidia in Highwall (??).  Early in the Winter of ??  he has begun feuling Jahzir's armies with an undead host emenating from Cambrial.
*  '''ZARDRIX''':  the Wrath of Shadow.  The dragon beast said to have little care left and perhaps less sanity in neverending destructive service to the Shadow.  She spends a great deal of time on her perch in Theros Obsidea and amidst the land she surveys in the Norther Marches.
*  ''' ??? ''':  the Sourceror of Shadow.  Little to nothing is known of this Night King.
==GOOD in the World==
==GRAY in the World==
'''[http://darknessfalls.leaderdesslok.com/images/eredane_map1.jpg the Continent of EREDANE]''' on the world of Aryth in the heart of MIDNIGHT.
===Through the AGES===
*  [[the First Age of Aryth]]
*  [[the Second Age of Aryth]]
*  [[the Third Age of Aryth]]
===The Calendar Year===
*  [[Months of the Year]]:  better known as "ARCS" to folk of Aryth.
**  1  - Shareel
**  2  - Doshram
**  3  - Sahaad
**  4  - Senneach
**  5  - Halail
**  6  - Zimra
**  7  - Obares
**  8  - Hanud
**  9  - Hisha
**  10 - Sutara
==Artifacts, Covenant Items & Charms==
===Prophecy & Scripture===
* [[the Scrolls of Aradil]]:  These scrolls of prophecy penned for over a millenia since the last battles.  Recently completed and put in the hands of her most trusted [[Eyes of Aradil]] they hope to one day united the Kingdom of Elves, the Dwarven Clans and the survivors of the Dragon Council of [[the First Age of Aryth]].
===Messages of Note===
===Known Covenant Items===
===Charm's found or rumored of===
===Special Materials===
* [[Mithral in Midnight]]
* [[Special Materials|Other Special Materials]]
==Riddles and Rhyme of Eredane==
==News & Events==
'''House Rules in effect in The Scroll Bearers campaign:'''
*  No XP penalty for multiclassing. Instead, characters with levels in a preferred class gain a bonus feat at 1st, 5th, and 10th class level.
*  Bonus skill ranks from high intelligence can be used to buy a full rank in non-class skills, not a half-rank.
''[These house rules were adopted from d20 Conan by Mongoose.]''
*  Beyond the spells granted by Channeler levels and feats, channeling spellcasters can learn a number of spells equal to their casting ability modifier each character level.  The total number of spells a character can learn in this manner is cumulative.  So, if a character with a 16 (+3 modifier) in her casting ability score were to learn only one new spell at level 1 (beyond the spells granted by Channeler levels and feats), she would be able to learn five new spells at level 2.  For the purposes of counting the total number of spells learned by a character, 0-level spells count as half a spell.
*  [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alignment_%28role-playing_games%29 Alignment]:  Defined at Wikipedia.
*  [http://www.fantasyflightgames.com/PDF/3.5%20midnightspelllist.pdf Midnight spells list], updated to 3.5 ed. rules
*  [http://darknessfalls.leaderdesslok.com/midnight_spell-list.htm Full spell list from ''Darkness Falls'' SRD site]
* [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wiki Wiki One-on-One!]
* [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wiki Wiki-up at Wikipedia!]
* [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Role-playing_game RPG defined by Wiki!]
* [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gamemaster Game Master defined by Wiki!]
* [http://www.fantasyflightgames.com/ Fantasy Flight Games]:  Creators of the Midnight setting.
[[Midnight: North & South Portal|PORTAL]] &nbsp;|&nbsp; [[Midnight RPG - THE SOUTHIES|THE SOUTHIES]] &nbsp;|&nbsp; [[DURGAZ]] &nbsp;|&nbsp;  [[ERANON]] &nbsp;|&nbsp; [[ZAL'KAZZIR]] &nbsp;|&nbsp; [[Kyuad|KYUAD]]
** [http://www.fantasyflightgames.com/midnight.html Midnight Homepage]
** [http://www.fantasyflightgames.com/cgi-bin/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=6 Official Midnight Forum]
* [http://www.againsttheshadow.org/index.php Against the Shadows]:  Uber-fan Website, THE place to go for all things Midnight.
** [http://www.againsttheshadow.org/index.php?name=PNphpBB2&file=index AtS Forums]
* [http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/welcome Dungeons & Dragons Homepage]
* [http://darknessfalls.leaderdesslok.com/ Darkness Falls]:  The Midnight SRD
*  [[Midnight Contract]]:  this is a easy list talking about game group social things, it's just handy to know what's expected.
* [http://www.againsttheshadow.org/modules.php?op=modload&name=Sections&file=index&req=viewarticle&artid=43&page=1 Intro to Midnight: DMs]
* [http://www.againsttheshadow.org/modules.php?op=modload&name=Sections&file=index&req=viewarticle&artid=42&page=1 Intro to Midnight: Players]
* [http://www.againsttheshadow.org/modules.php?op=modload&name=FAQ&file=index Midnight: FAQ]
* '''Names''' a list of naming reference for the different cultures of Ayrth in Midnight. You can get the idea of how to think about the NPC cultures and such, especially the humans
** '''Dorns''': Celtic and Norse.
** '''Sarcosans''': Persian and Arabic.
** '''Erenlander''': Spanish, English and French.
** '''Dwarven''': Hebrew and the catalogue on the Poetic Edda.
** '''Gnomes''': Slav and Italian.
** '''Wood Elves''': Tolkien Elvish and Celtic.
** '''Sea elves''': Tolkien Elvish and Celtic.
** '''Jungle Elves''': Central African, Hindi and Sanskrit.
** '''Snow Elves''': Russian.
** '''Orcs''': Germanic.
** '''Halflings''': Irish, Native American and Gypsy.
* [[Kevin Perrine Campaign SPOILER Page]]:  GM EYES ONLY,  NOT for players of this campaign!!
[http://wiki.rpg.net/index.php/MIDNIGHT_RPG_Campaigns:_Main_Page Midnight RPG Wiki]
[http://wiki.rpg.net/index.php/Durgaz:_Contacts Contacts]<br>
[http://wiki.rpg.net/index.php?title=Durgaz:_10_Questions 10 QUESTIONS]<br>
[http://wiki.rpg.net/index.php?title=Durgaz:_Enemies Enemies]<br>
[http://wiki.rpg.net/index.php?title=Durgaz:_Locations Locations]<br>
[http://wiki.rpg.net/index.php?title=Durgaz:_Organizations Organizations]
==possible Covenant Items==
*  ???
[[Midnight: North & South Portal]]

Latest revision as of 10:18, 17 December 2008

Durgaz's Stuff he knows[edit]

***EYES ONLY*** This is a specialized "lorebook" of all things that would be immediately available (without skill checks) for the character. Things will be posted as they come up or are asked about. Players other than Durgaz SHOULD NOT read this information.


  1. Contacts
  2. 10 Questions
  3. Enemies
  4. Locations
  5. Organizations
  6. Miscellaneous


  • Armor/Clothes:
  • Weapons:
    • Talûn-karkû's Vardatch, 'Dragondoom'
    • orcish composite longbow
    • 11 arrows
    • silvered punch-dagger
  • Books
    • The Book of Erotic Orcish Poetry [7.9 lbs]
  • Charms:
    • (True) a small carved figurine with broken chains dangling from its wrists. Grants the possessor a +4 on Will saves vs. Compulsion effects.
    • (True) a tiny wooden mask with no eye-holes. Makes the possessor invisible to Fell.
    • (Greater) a yellow and red silk rosette. When smashed, grants a +2 luck bonus to AC for one minute.
    • (?) a woven silk wrist strap. When it fastened to the wrist and the hands held out, grants detect undead in a 60' cone for up to 1 minute.
    • (?) a feathered tassel. When the bearer is struck by an attack that beats his AC by 1 or 2, it activates and increases his AC by 1 or 2 against this attack only.
  • Other
    • set of enchanted blacksmith tools (+4 craft, and another ability that involves reading Elfish)
    • a necklace of bog orc tusks and two of the White Worm's fingers.
    • small whetstone
    • enormous wolf hide, covered in small symbols carved with a heated dagger
    • A leaf, with writing, somehow... It's a mystery!
    • 2 sets of manacles
    • 6 potions of Cure Serious Wounds (cure 3d8+5 damage each).
    • A vial wrapped in a piece of parchment. On the parchment is a drawing of an Orc with snakes for arms. ("The viscious tonic that is azure in color. It smells like peach, tastes like nuts and black pepper.")
    • 30' of silk rope
    • 27 doses of Aranasil poison (DC 31, Injury, 2d6 Str initial, 2d6 Str secondary).
    • A mysterious golden sphere, given by the Witch-Queen.
