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rstites's Basic D&D game, set in the famous module B2:  Keep on the Borderlands.
rstites's Basic D&D game, set in the famous module B2:  Keep on the Borderlands.
[http://forum.rpg.net/showthread.php?592726-IC-Griffin-Island-BRP&p=14395448#post14395448 Current In Character Thread]
[http://forum.rpg.net/showthread.php?646398-Recruitment-Keep-on-the-Borderlands Original Recruitment Thread]
[http://forum.rpg.net/showthread.php?596178-OOC-Griffin-Island-BRP Current Out of Character Thread]
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* '''[Keep on the Borderlands]]'''

Revision as of 07:51, 9 September 2012

rstites's Basic D&D game, set in the famous module B2: Keep on the Borderlands.

Original Recruitment Thread

Active Player Characters

- Knuckle Sarnie Halfling hard nut played by WTND

- Dayrell Goldenbrow a dwarf played by Black Adder LXX

- Joe, Magic User played by timonkey

- Edward (That's ed-WAHD, not ED-word) a thief played by Peers

- Richie Lemons a thief played by whutaguy

- Gnaarl the Chosen a magic user played by RoadScholar

PC Holding Pen

- Milo Leagallow a halfling played by Black Adder LXX

- Arthrella Finas a cleric played by Dolnikan

- Rathra Halber a thief played by Dolnikan

- Leander Goodluv a magic user played by James_Sure_Would

- Xanster Silverkin a thief played by James_Sure_Would

- Peligos a fighter played by Peers

- Kerwun of the Silver River Order a cleric played by Peers

- Voodoo Rhythm Shaman played by WTND

- Spider a thief played by whutaguy

- Elgar Donius a dwarf played by RoadScholar

- Harold Barrowside a halfling wanderer played by timonkey

- Brother Milak a cleric played by Fiyero

- Crash Shieldborn a dwarf played by Fiyero

Party Logistics


  • [Keep on the Borderlands]]



- Archy the Example. An example character.

- Test Dummy

Surrounding Lands