Star Wars: Ultimate Starfighting Championship: Difference between revisions

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Line 34: Line 34:
| '''Obsolete'''
| '''Obsolete'''
| ''TIE Fighter''
| '''N-1 Starfighter'''
| '''N-1 Starfighter'''
| '''Cloakshape Fighter'''
| '''Cloakshape Fighter'''

Revision as of 00:48, 2 August 2021


These rules are primarily based on Clark Valentine's Tachyon Squadron, with a few changes. In order to fit what I feel is more in keeping of 'A galaxy far, far away', I've taken some elements from Kriegszeppelin Valkyrie... which as it turns out is also by Clark Valentine. Go figure.

Additional inspiration came from:

  • Michael Stackpole's Rogue Squadron series. Duh.
  • Top Gun. Also duh.
  • Iustam's Salamis/Battlestar Galactica game, run using Tachyon Squadron rules.
  • Pstjmack's Raiders of the Rim/Star Wars game, which bases it's space combat on Tachyon Squadron, but expands it to ships of all sizes.
  • Discussion posts [1] between Reddit users DaStainlessSteelRat and DiceSpacer who statted many of the fighters and systems for Tachyon Squadron, which I used as a starting point.

Rule Modifications


Starfighter Squadrons in Star Wars are 12 pilots (up until the most recent games/novels) so I'm brining in the concept of wingmen from Kriegszeppelin Valkyrie.

Expanding on this notion... elements of fighters can group up into Flights or whole Squadrons for teamwork bonuses to take down larger capital ships.

Single Fighter No Teamwork Bonus
Element (2-3) +1 Teamwork
Flight (4-7) +2 Teamwork
Squadron (8-19) +3 Teamwork
Wing (20-48) +4 Teamwork

This would primarily be for PC's grouping together to take on Capital ships and as a way to abstract the squadron to squadron combat in the background, rather than rolling dozens of fighters individually.

Fighter Types

Interceptor Fighter Bomber Support
Obsolete TIE Fighter N-1 Starfighter Cloakshape Fighter
Last Generation TIE Line Z-95 Headhunter ARC-170
Current Generation A-wing, TIE Interceptor, TIE Brute X-wing Y-wing, B-wing, TIE Bomber U-wing, TIE Reaper

All the main fighters, X-wing, Y-wing, A-wing and B-wing will be defined as current generation fighters. Older fighters such as the Z-95 Headhunter are considered last generation.

Last Gen fighters have 3 stunts worth of bonuses Current Gen fighters have 4 stunts worth of bonuses. Modified or Next Gen fighters can have 5 (or more) stunts worth of bonuses, but may carry with it some additional risks.

Starfighters are classified as either a Interceptor designed for starfighter to starfighter combat, a Bomber designed for attacking capital ships, or as a multi-role... for which we will use the term Fighter... which is capable of both.

The high concept can be invoked for a bonus as long as it is greater than that of the opposing starfighter. A Fighter can invoke it to shoot a Bomber, and an Interceptor can invoke it to shoot a Fighter, but a Fighter can't invoke it to shoot an Interceptor.


Despite the many different naming conventions found across the galaxy, the Old Republic, Empire and now the New Republic all use the this basic categorization.

0- Starfighters/transports
1- Corvette class 80-195m
2- Frigate class 200-395m
3- Cruiser class 400-895m
4- Dreadnaught class 900-1895m
5- Super class 1900m+

I like the concept of scale that FATE/FAE introduced, so I'll be working different angles to use it as a way to make Capital ships more dangerous and unique.


While we could provide statistical bonuses for more aspects of each fighter, the goal of the game is not simulation. The stunts chosen (which are subject to change) are designed to give the feel for each fighter. Aspects provide narrative permission to perform CAA's that simulate the other features.

"Hyperdrive Equipped" Can jump to hyperspace. Duh. "Shield Equipped" The Pilot can use technology to Create Shield advantages. The first one of the combat has Mediocre (+0) difficulty. Only two free invokes can be active at any given time. the difficulty increases by 1 for each invoke that has been used. "Ion Equipped" Can use gunnery to create CAA's related to Ionization of the target ship. Defended against via the targets pilot skill... bypasses shields.

Rebel Starfighters

X-wing (NR)
“Foremost Multi-role Fighter” “Shield & Hyperdrive Equipped” “xxx”

  • High Performance Engines: Max 1 Pilot die on Overcome and
  • Quad Laser Cannons: Max 1 Gunnery die on Attacks with lasers.
  • Astromech Slot: Max 1 Technology die on Overcome and CAA actions related to repairs
  • Proton Torpedoes: Tech, Corvette Scale, Weapon 2, 2 uses

Y-wing (NR)
“Venerable Bomber” “Shield & Hyperdrive Equipped” “Rugged Construction”

  • Dorsal Turret (Snap Shots)
  • Ion Cannons: Maximize 1 Gunnery die on CAA’s with ion cannons.
  • Astromech Slot: Max 1 Technology die on Overcome and CAA actions related to repairs
  • Ordinance Bay

A-wing (NR)
“Temperamental Interceptor” “Jammer, Shield & Hyperdrive Equipped” “Elusive Target”

  • Event Horizon Engines: Max 2 Pilot (2 stunts)
  • Vectored Thrust: Max 1 Tactics
  • Concussion Missiles: Tech, Starfighter Scale, Weapon 2, 4 uses (Interceptors Only)

B-wing (NR)
“High Maintenance Bomber” “Ion, Shield & Hyperdrive Equipped” “Beefy Blockade Buster”

  • Heavy Laser Cannons: Weapon: 2
  • Ion Cannons: Maximize 1 Gunnery die on CAA’s with ion cannons.
  • Advanced Targeting computer: Maximize 1 Gunnery/Technology die for attacks against capital ships.
  • Ordinance Bay

U-wing (NR)

Imperial Fighters

TIE/IN Interceptor (GE) AKA “Squint”
“Military Grade Interceptor”

  • High Performance Engines: Max 1 Pilot die when defending against attacks
  • Quad Laser Cannons: Max 1 Gunnery die on Attacks with lasers.
  • Power Shunt: Max 1 Technology died on CAA’s related to power distribution.
  • Agile Frame: Max 1 Tactics die on overcome actions related to positioning.

TIE/RB Brute (GE) AKA “Wink”
“Up Gunned Interceptor” “Integrated Droid Processor” “High Speed, High Mass”

TIE/SA Bomber (GE) AKA “Dupe”

  • Advanced Targeting computer: Maximize 1 Gunnery/Technology die for attacks against capital ships.
  • Reinforced Hull: Maximize 1 Pilot die for defending against attacks.
  • Double Ordinance Bay (2 stunts)

TIE/SK Striker (GE) AKA "Uni"

TIE/RP Reaper (GE) "AKA "Brow”