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Welcome to Shanya Almafeta's TEARZ™ Roleplaying Game.  Unlike most roleplaying games, TEARZ™ is a <i>real</i> roleplaying game, not a rollplaying game, where your Tale Enablers™ allow you to tell a story anywhere you want!  TEARZ™ is a game where your Imagination Know No Limit™.
Welcome to Shanya Almafeta's TEARZ™ Roleplaying Game.  Unlike most roleplaying games, TEARZ™ is a <i>real</i> roleplaying game, not a rollplaying game, where your Tale Enablers™ allow you to tell a story anywhere you want!  TEARZ™ is a game where your Imagination Know No Limit™.
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* [[TEARZ:Alignments|Alignments]]
* [[TEARZ:Alignments|Alignments]]
* [[TEARZ:Secondary_Stats|Secondary Stats]]
* [[TEARZ:Secondary_Stats|Secondary Stats]]
* Classes:  TEARZ™ gives you more character options than any other RPG out there -- not even D&D can touch our skill!  TEARZ™ is <b>truly</b> a <i>role</i> playing game!
* Classes:  TEARZ™ gives you more character options than any other RPG out there -- not even D
**  [[TEARZ:CTECs|Cyborg Tale Enabling Classes (C.T.E.C.s™)]]
**  [[TEARZ:ETECs|Educated Tale Enabling Classes (E.T.E.C.s™)]]
**  [[TEARZ:FTECs|Furry Tale Enabling Classes (F.T.E.C.s™)]]
**  [[TEARZ:MTECs|Magical Tale Enabling Classes (M.T.E.C.s™)]]
**  [[TEARZ:MATECs|Martial Artistic Tale Enabling Classes (M.A.T.E.C.s™)]]
**  [[TEARZ:OTECs|Occupational Tale Enabling Classes (O.T.E.C.s™)]]
**  [[TEARZ:PTECs|Psionic Tale Enabling Classes (P.T.E.C.s™)]]
**  [[TEARZ:RTECs|Racial Tale Enabling Classes (R.T.E.C.s™)]]
**  [[TEARZ:STECs|Superheroic Tale Enabling Classes (S.T.E.C.s™)]]
**  [[TEARZ:XTECs|Xenolifeform Tale Enabling Classes (X.T.E.C.s™)]]
**  [[Talk:TEARZ:TECs|(OOC: TALK: TECs)]]
* [[TEARZ:Skills|Skills and Weapon Wielding Familiarities (W.W.F.s™)]]
* [[TEARZ:Points|Wound Points (W.P.s™), Stun Points (S.P.s™), Qi Points (Q.P.s™), Telepathic Control Points (T.C.P.s™), Mana Accumulation Points (M.A.P.s™), and Experience Points (EX.P.s™)]]
* Equipment:
** [[TEARZ:TALEs|Technology Advancement Level Equivalents (T.A.L.E.s™)]]
** [[TEARZ:Basic_Equipment|Basic Gear]]
** [[TEARZ:Weapons|Weapons]]
** [[TEARZ:Armor|Armor]]
** [[TEARZ:Vehicles|Vehicles]]
** [[TEARZ:Mecha|Mecha]]
** [[TEARZ:Magic_Items|Magical Items]]
* [[TEARZ:Spells|Spells]]
** [[TEARZ:HSF_Table|Horrible Spell Failure (H.S.F™) Table]]
* [[TEARZ:Prana|Prana]]
* [[TEARZ:Cybernetics|Cybernetics]]
* [[TEARZ:Superpowers|Superpowers]]
* [[TEARZ:Psi|Mystik MindSkapes™]]
The rules of TEARZ™ are specially designed to make true <i>role</i>playing not only a possibility, but a necessity!
* [[TEARZ:Resolution|Resolution]]
* [[TEARZ:Combat|Combat]]
* [[TEARZ:Environment|Environmental Hazards (E.H.s™)]]
==The World Of TEARZ™==
* [[TEARZ:Backstory|The History Of TEARZ™]]
* [[TEARZ:Locations|Locations]]
* [[TEARZ:Countries|Countries]]
* [[TEARZ:Polyverse|Explore The Polyverse™!!]]
* [[TEARZ:Sample_Characters|Sample T.E.s™]]

Revision as of 15:10, 13 September 2007

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Welcome to Shanya Almafeta's TEARZ™ Roleplaying Game. Unlike most roleplaying games, TEARZ™ is a real roleplaying game, not a rollplaying game, where your Tale Enablers™ allow you to tell a story anywhere you want! TEARZ™ is a game where your Imagination Know No Limit™.

Before You Play

Creating A Character

In TEARZ™, we do not call our characters player characters, because that is for panzies. Instead, our Tale Enablers (T.E.s™) permit players to tell the type of story they WANT to play!!

  • Backgrounds, which make your character more awesome than any RPG ever before by giving him a history before you start playing!
  • Attributes
  • Alignments
  • Secondary Stats
  • Classes: TEARZ™ gives you more character options than any other RPG out there -- not even D