Character:Sun and Moon United in Splendor: Difference between revisions

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====Story Awards (10XP)====
====Story Awards (10XP)====
====Other Awards (Variable)====
====Other Awards (Variable)====
*12/09/2009: 174 Initial
====Backgrounds (3XP/dot)====
====Backgrounds (3XP/dot)====
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====Non-Favoured Charms (12XP)====
====Non-Favoured Charms (12XP)====
===Debt until===
30/12/2014, UTC+12

Revision as of 00:22, 12 September 2009

Sun and Moon United in Splendor


Character in Once more with feeling, played by Andrensath.

Caste: Waxing Moon
Concept: Angry Sun King Seneschal who still remembers the First Age.

Needs writing.


Get revenge for the Usurpation



  • The ability to protect his bondmate from the Wyld Hunt. (Desire) (+)
  • Bronze Faction Sidereals (Hatred) (-)



Describe here in full your Caste anima power. Also tell us your totemic form.



  • Strength ••••
  • Dexterity •••••
  • Stamina ••••


  • Charisma •••••
  • Manipulation •••••••
  • Appearance •••••


  • Perception ••••••
  • Intelligence •••
  • Wits •••••

Caste and Favoured Attributes are italicized.

... 24 Bonus Points Spent -SunRunner 01:31, 11 September 2009 (PDT)


Favoured Abilities

  • Dodge •••••
  • Integrity •••••
  • Martial Arts •••••
  • Presence •••••
  • Survival •••••

Unfavoured Abilities


  • Archery
  • Athletics •••••
  • Awareness •••••
  • Resistance


  • Larceny
  • Linguistics •••••
  • Performance •••••
  • Ride
  • Sail •••••
  • Socialize •••
  • Stealth


  • Bureaucracy
  • Investigation
  • Lore ••
  • Occult ••
  • Medicine

... 45 of 35 Abilities. 10 Bonus Points. -SunRunner 01:33, 11 September 2009 (PDT)


Artifact 6 (Legendary): Insidious Moonsilver Shards

  • Moonsilver Shapeshifting Weapon
  • (Attack Statistics) Speed 4, Accuracy +6, Damage +9L, Defense +6, Rate (Infinite), Disarming, Martial Arts, Reach
  • (Clinch Statistics) Speed 5, Accuracy +6, Damage +7L, Defense --, Rate (Infinite), Clinching, Martial Arts, Piercing, Reach
  • Allows the attuned wielder to assume multiple Martial Art Style Form Charms, up to a maximum of (Essence) different Form Charms at any one time. Considered a form weapon for any martial arts that the wielder knows.
  • Attunement: 15 motes

Artifact 6 (Legendary): Moonsilver CBA

  • Does not count as armour for the purposes of Lunar native Martial Arts Styles.

Enhanced Healing

Enchanted Stride

Illusionary Disguise

Artifact 5: Protoshinmaic Vortex

  • Used to power and empower the CBA

Artifact 2: Aegis-Inset Amulets

Artifact 2: Skin-Mount Amulet

Artifact 2: Skin-Mount Amulet

Artifact 2: Skin-Mount Amulet

Artifact 2: Skin-Mount Amulet

Backing 6 (Legendary): The Silver Pact

  • Faction: Sun King Seneschals

Backing 2: Changing Moon Society

Manse 5: Gem of Immortality

Manse 5: Gem of Madness

Manse 5: Gem of Perfect Mobility

Manse 5: Gemstone of Essence Flows

This hearthstone is a brilliant glittering stone that shines when it is attuned to an Essence user. This stone serves as a conscious control over the flows of Essence within an Essence User. Any effects that impact the character's essence use, such as charms that increase the cost of using charms or effects that directly drain essence from the character's pool such as soulsteel, give you a (Willpower+Essence) roll vs. a difficulty of (Enemy's Permanent Essence) to cancel that effect. Whenever an effect would affect your essence pool the gem flickers brightly. As a secondary effect, any item that this item is attached to, so long as the hearthstone is attuned and functioning, is unable to be deattuned from the wielder as long as it is held. Effects that normally deattune a weapon automatically fail. Releasing an attuned item, such as a Daiklave, will cause it to deattune normally.

Manse 5: Jewel of the Forest Warriors

Manse 5: Stone of Loyalty

Reputation 5: Eldest Sun King Seneschal

... 62 of 10 Backgrounds: 52 Bonus Points. -SunRunner 01:34, 11 September 2009 (PDT)



Ward 5: Seventh Night of the Wolves

  • Seventh Night's Mentor.
  • Fellow Sun King Seneschal.

Ward 3: Devil in the Pale Moonlight

  • Devil's Mentor.
  • Fellow Sun King Seneschal.

Ward 2: Li Jin Gang

  • Self-inflicted.
  • Fellow Sun King Seneschal.



Humble Mouse Shape

Towering Beast Form


Compassionate Mirror Nature

Courtesan's Possession

Flickering Star Infusion

Foreign Weaver's Apprentice

Honing the Stolen Form

Intimate Training Recollection

Prey's Skin Disguise

Sky-Heart Mastery


Essential Mirror Form

  • Demons
  • Primordial creatures up to Tyrant Lizard in size
  • Elementals
  • Gods
  • Ghosts
  • Plasmics

Green Sun Child

Heart-Theft of the Behemoth

Hearth-and-Flame Shell

Heavenly Servant Imitation

Lost Pet Phantasm

Stygian Mask


Life of the Hummingbird

Taste of Luna's Children

Shattered Silver Cage

War Form

Deadly Beastman Transformation

  • Enhanced Vision
  • Feathers
  • Chameleon
  • Talons
  • Glider

Devastating Ogre Enhancement

Man-Animal Perfection

Perfected Hybrid Interaction

Terrifying Beastman Alteration

  • ... 26 of 15 Knacks. 55 Bonus Points. -SunRunner 01:36, 11 September 2009 (PDT)
    • 25 of 15 Knacks. 50 Bonus Points. -Andrensath 9:22, 11-9-2009 UTC



Glance-Oration Technique



Clay-Wetting Practice
Lunar Blade Reconfiguration


Finding the Needle's Eye
Golden Tiger Stance
Wary Swallow Method
Wind Dancing Method
Flowing Body Evasion
Flowing Body Ascension
Becoming Water's Envy


Mask of White Jade

Cat Face Presentation

Labyrinth of the Beast

Commanded to Fly


Perfect Fear Scent

Terrifying Lust Infliction

Silver Heart Infliction

Martial Arts Styles

Celestial Styles

Celestial Dragon Style
  • Perfect Lotus: from Root to Bulb
Piercing Gaze of The Dragon
Terrifying Dragon's Roar
Talons of the Celestial Dragon
Celestial Dragon Form
Respiring Red Dragon Breath
Donning White Dragon Armaments
Adopting Blue Dragon Fury
Emulating Black Dragon Grace
Expressing Green Dragon Vigour
Celestial Dragon Body Meditation
Celestial Rat Style
  • Perfect Lotus: from Root to Bulb
Uncanny Rodent Awareness
Scampering Vermin Maneuver
Scuttling Shadows Distraction
Celestial Rat Form
Slipping Through Cracks Attitude
Pestilent Fang Technique
Contagion-Ridden Beast Infliction
Endless Horde of the Rat King
Flee the Sinking Ship Defense
Quintessential Survivor Attitude
Horse Style
  • Perfect Lotus: from Root to Bulb
Iron Shod Kick
Buck the Rider
Slip the Bridle
Weather the Lash
Horse Form
Gallop on the Wind Method
Hoof from the Heavens Blow
Majesty of the Stallion Stance
The Pale Horse Neighs
Stampede of the Celestial Herd
Lunar Hero Style
  • Lunar native Style
Foot-Trapping Counter
Rabid Beast Attitude
Thousand Claw Infliction
Lunar Hero Form
Snake Body Technique
Coiled Serpent Strikes
Armor-Rending Claw Fist
Crouching Tiger Stance
Den Mother Method
Running Through the Herd
Predator Distraction Method
Terrible Wolverine Onslaught
Tiger Style
Crimson Leaping Cat Technique
Striking Fury Claws Attack
Tiger Form
Raging Tiger Pounce
Spine-Shattering Bite
Stalking Cat Movement Meditation
Leap From Cloaking Shadows Attack
Celestial Tiger Hide
Angry Predator Frenzy Style
Raging Hippopotamus Style
Hidebound Arms
Strength of the Ungulate
Submerging Hippo Technique
Raging Hippopotamus Form
Paralyzing Bellow
Rage of the Just
Thunderous Charge
Armor of White Anger
Cavernous Maw
Unbreakable Stride
Behemoth of Earth and Water
Raging Phoenix Style
Grain Amongst Sand Method
Flame Avoidance Stance
Sudden Expression of Determination
Reflexive Interception Kata
Fire Still Burns
Raging Phoenix Form
Nine-Edged Weapon Method
Weakening Onslaught Prana
Inferno Takes Flight
Shark Style
Gills and Fins Technique
Crushing Jaws Maneuver
Shark Form
Drowning the World Technique
Superior Hunter's Senses
Maiming Bite Attack
Cunning Shark Taste
Blur of Teeth and Blood Technique
Unrelenting Predator Focus
Smiling Kitsune Style
Vulpine Grace
Heart of the Fox
Cornered Ferocity
Deceptive Musk
Smiling Kitsune Form
Elusive Cunning
Fox Fire
Bite of the Fox
Laughing at the Hunter
Stag Style
Forceful Antler Method
Charging Elk Approach
Startled Fawn Defense
Stag Form
Pre-emptive Charge Strike
Sweeping Antler Method
Strengthened Hide Method
Twisting Antler Strike
Gouging Prong Strike
Antler Shedding Defense
Wedded Moon Style
Leaping Interposition Method
Pack Mentality Practice
Wedded Moon Form
Herding the Sheep Method
Opportunistic Flanking Practice
Bond-Forging Meditation
Glorious Sublimation of the Wedded Moon

Sidereal Styles

Iridescent Synthesis of Destiny Style
Golden Barque of the Heavens Ascending
Golden Barque of the Heavens Descending
Golden Barque of the Heavens Resplendent
Cerulean Lute of Harmony Ascending
Cerulean Lute of Harmony Descending
Cerulean Lute of Harmony Resplendent
Crimson Panoply of Victory Ascending
Crimson Panoply of Victory Descending
Crimson Panoply of Victory Resplendent
Forbidding Manse of Ivy Ascending
Forbidding Manse of Ivy Descending
Forbidding Manse of Ivy Resplendent
Violet Bier of Sorrows Ascending
Violet Bier of Sorrows Descending
Violet Bier of Sorrows Resplendent
Iridescent Synthesis of Destiny Form


Charm Name

  • 137 of 0 Charms: 685 Bonus Points. -Andrensath 23:08, 11 September 2009 (UTC)


  • Permanent Essence: 6
  • Personal motes: /
  • Peripheral motes: /

  • Committed: 23 peripheral

  • Willpower: 10/10

... Essence 6 of 3. Willpower 10 of 7. 26 Bonus Points. -SunRunner 01:39, 11 September 2009 (PDT)

Health Levels

  • -0
  • -1
  • -1
  • -2
  • -2
  • -4
  • Incapacitated

Wounds are designated as bashing, lethal or aggravated


  • Compassion: •••••
  • Conviction: ••
  • Temperance: ••
  • Valor: ••

Limit Break

  • 0/10
  • Red Rage of Compassion





  • Dodge DV:
  • Parry DV:


  • Dodge MDV:
  • Parry MDV:






Basic Awards (8XP)

Story Awards (10XP)

Other Awards (Variable)

  • 12/09/2009: 174 Initial


Backgrounds (3XP/dot)

Favoured Charms (10XP)

Non-Favoured Charms (12XP)



Debt until

30/12/2014, UTC+12