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Silver grabs the mic.
Silver: Per special request: Something happening!
Four really high CR monsters appear out of portals and then sing in a barbershop quartet about how they're going to
kill everyone.
Crow: Never ask for something to happen around us.
Another portal opens, and from it hundreds of demons begin to pour. they're all running as fast as their demonic
legs will carry them. and creaming things like
" Tactical retreat!", " Women and children first", "W'ere all gonna Die!" and " Run away! runaway!".
A blast of crackeling magical energy vaporises a group of demons as they leave the portal. another figure steps out.
his usualy black armour dripping in blood. his eyes burn with the joy of slaughter. black flames cover his very
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Savor|Sa'vor]]: Didnt miss anything did i? *portal Closes. See's high CR monsters*  hmmm... i
deal with them later. *flexes gauntleted hand* Im going demon hunting. * turns incopreal and drops through the
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Norbaz|Norbaz]], in a white caterers outfit, stands before the spread for the reception, and
gets ready to wheel out the gargantuan cake.
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Norbaz|Norbaz]]: All right then, I do believe this is some of my best work.  Haven't done a
spread like this in a while.  Now for a few finishing touches on the layout and it'll be perfect.  Hey, where'd the
champaign fountain go?
In Captain Jarlot's room.
Jarlot: Sweet, a champaign fountain, this'll help me forget about Tifa in this situation and focus on
Erk is carting a new champaign fountain up to the party.  He makes use of the lesser-useds' corridors to avoid any
thefts this time.  However, when he reaches the area that must be right under the stage he spots
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Satnak|Satnak]] setting up what must be a very complex array of some kind.  Erk's god life
provides him just enough knowledge to deduce that it is a deific-energy projector, designed to pump up a being;s
power, but which would therefore render them brainless.  It's aimed at the ceiling above.  Yet this isn't the
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Satnak|Satnak]] of this world: this one has obviously never had a deicide arm, nor is she
Also, she's scantly clad.
Alt-[[Forgotten_Freedom:Satnak|Satnak]] (talking to herself): Soon, I will be the only
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Satnak|Satnak]] left, and I will be ALL POWERFULL!  MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!
Erk (i.h.): *Wow, [[Forgotten_Freedom:Igor|Igor]] would be proud of her.  Better not try anything: if she's that
dumb her power level's probably broken the ceiling.* :looloo:
Alt-[[Forgotten_Freedom:Satnak|Satnak]] turns around.
Alt-[[Forgotten_Freedom:Satnak|Satnak]]: Oh, it's just you, Erk.  Leave me alone. 
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Satnak|Satnak]] is very busy.
Erk (i.h.): (anime sweat drop) *Luckily she thinks I'm still a dumb minotaur.  Just got to back away slowly……don't
think too loud in case she has—*
Alt-[[Forgotten_Freedom:Satnak|Satnak]]'s ears twitch once.
Erk (i.h.): :help:
A blast of something familiar slams into him.  He crashes through two walls before coming to rest in what must be
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Caralot|Caralot]]'s room.  Alt-[[Forgotten_Freedom:Satnak|Satnak]] stides over to stand above
him, mondo-villain styles.
Erk: Deific power……*wheeze, cough*……That must mean you're…And why [[Forgotten_Freedom:Satnak|Satnak]] is got so
powerful so fast…
Alt-[[Forgotten_Freedom:Satnak|Satnak]] looks him over hungrily.
Alt-[[Forgotten_Freedom:Satnak|Satnak]]: Hmmm, I don't think I'll kill you. :drool:  I have a much better idea.
"OBJECTION!  The [[Forgotten_Freedom:Satnak|Satnak]] we know now cannot be the original
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Satnak|Satnak]] brought here!  My proof..  This recording!"  Allen shouts, pointing dramatically
at the air, his voice carrying all throughout the room.
He then plays the recording.
"I think they're done actualy but we still have the hardest part ahead since we still need to find somebody to weild
it. (Sa'avor)
Yes that is a problem. He needs to be perfectly sane, willing, an exemplar of the mortal spirit, and have lost their
left arm fighting for someone they love. Thats a tough bill to fit... By the deraged lords, I just had a brilliant
thought. (telekinetically grabs two redshirts) You, go find [[Forgotten_Freedom:Kithle|Kithle]] and tell him I have
found someone to wield his superweapon. You, go tell Kelter to come here and bring his helm of Absolute Opposition
with him. (Kanatash)" The recording says.
"From this evidence, and the fact that the original [[Forgotten_Freedom:Satnak|Satnak]] brought here was turning
into a raging mindless destructive machine, there is only one solution..  Somewhere along the line, our
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Satnak|Satnak]] was switched with this one from another dimension!"  Allen shouts, dramatic
music now being played.
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Beryl|Beryl]] useing her ablity to see through the eyes of Red Shirts is Really ******!
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Beryl|Beryl]]:  How dare that Solor B*tch Bring my old body back to Life! Chibi-Balor Put both
of them on top of my arch-enemy list.
Chibi-Balor Yes mistress
two demons are talking to Liam. whos giving them an interview on the subject of [[Forgotten_Freedom:Savor|Sa'vor]].
Liam: so, whens the first time you met Mr.D'vol?
Demon 1: well, it was two days ago. he just appeared in the centre of our horde and well... the blood bath began.
Demon 2: yeah. i mean, we demons we're normally sadistic maniacs. but this guy. dear lord, some of the ways he
killed so many of us will give me nightmares for all time. Like this one time, he grabbed our friend bob...
Demon 1: poor poor stupid bob.
Demon 2: and he ripped out his skull and used it to beat him to death.
Liam: he used bobs own skull to kill bob? that doesnt seem physicaly possible
Demon 2: i know, thats what bob was screaming the whole time... well... intil his head caved.
Demon 1: it was a blood bath. we didnt stand a chance. the whole time, even as blood was spraying in his face he was
just laughing or smiling evily. he didnt even use his magic much. he just used his bare hands or even that accursed
Liam: i see.... so, your saying he was slightly unbalanced at that time?
Demon 1: unbalanced? that mans psycotic. he's part demon and he kills his own kind!
Demon 2:  yeah, but he's also part dragon, and a vampire, and an elf. and probably a few more templates added on to
Liam: thank you gentlemen. i've gathered enough notes now.
The demons leave the room, they here a slight creak from the floorboards.
the turn to see nothing. they turn back around to see [[Forgotten_Freedom:Savor|Sa'vor]] standing there.
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Savor|Sa'vor]]: boo
The Demons scream and run. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Savor|Sa'vor]] laughs and watches.
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Savor|Sa'vor]]: 10, 9, 8, 7, 6 , 5 , 4 , 3 , 2 .. 1 ... 0
an explosion sounds from further down the ship. [[Forgotten_Freedom:Savor|Sa'vor]] goes off to hunt more demons.
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Volrath|Volrath]] walks up to [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]]
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Volrath|Volrath]]: It'll never work between you and [[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]].
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]]: What are you talking about? It has been working for a while.
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Volrath|Volrath]]: She still doesn't even know where the flowers come from. She is unaware of
the depths of evil and deprevity you are willing to sink to. She hasn't met the real you.
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]]: Yes she has. I've told her everything about me and she has excepted everything.
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Volrath|Volrath]]: Lots of people can except things they've heard, all buttered up. Very few
however could ever stand to actually see things like what you've done. You are too different, just like
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Aerith|Aerith]] and  Cool Cthulhu .
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]]: She is a Deva and he's a horrible creature from beyond the stars
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Volrath|Volrath]]: But he was nice and wouldn't hurt anyone. He's a monster on the outside. You
are one within.
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Satnak|Satnak]] - I feel Loved again. :cloud9: Although Precisely how was I not a mindless
destructive machine there for a bit?
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Kithle|Kithle]] gets up to the mic.
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Kithle|Kithle]] - You still owe me for smashing up my arm graft!!!
13 gets up to the mic.
13: I hate to say this, but I have to be honest: [[Forgotten_Freedom:Satnak|Satnak]] is one of the least terrifying
people I have ever met.  Yeah, sure, she'll blow you up.  But where's the subtlety?
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Satnak|Satnak]] disintegrates him with a stare.  Yet when the mic falls down next to the pile of
ash it speaks.
13: Love me, babe. :inlove:
Silver (leaning over to [[Forgotten_Freedom:Satnak|Satnak]]): I think it's developed a crush on you.
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Satnak|Satnak]] - I'm not ino masochists.
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]] - Yeah you have a thing for berzerkers.
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Satnak|Satnak]] - Oh hi, [[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]] get you bent back into shape?
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]] -  :embarrass for now.
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Volrath|Volrath]] stumbles up to the mic. He has a dazed expression on his face. Everyone
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Volrath|Volrath]]: *hic* [[Forgotten_Freedom:Satnak|Satnak]] has attempted to destroy more BBEGs
and story arcs than I care to mention. Not to say that is a bad *hic* thing. We owe quite a lot to her. Most of the
situations [[Forgotten_Freedom:Savor|Sa'vor]] probably would have got us out of, but
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Satnak|Satnak]] did so with far *hic* higher casualties on the enemy side. Without her *hic* we
would have had far less carnage and chaos. Thank you for everything [[Forgotten_Freedom:Satnak|Satnak]]. *passes
The ash pile that was once 13 sidles up to Silver.
13: Psst!
Silver: I'm not helping you out on this.
13: No, that's not why I said it!
Silver: Well then why did you?
13: I want to join you.
Crow: Define "join".
13: Become an entity of non-existance.
Silver and Crow: :OMG!
13: No, seriously, I was considering it way back when I was filled with the screams of the tormented.
Crow: But you don't have that now.
13: And because of that I have no reason to exist.  It was the only thing holding me together.  This me only exists
in a quasi-state because I still have a few things left to express before I go.  I figure non-existance is better
than any afterlife that I might have to go through.
Silver and Crow: OHYEAH!
13: So, that act was my job application.  Do I have what it takes?
Crow: You deliberately ****** off [[Forgotten_Freedom:Satnak|Satnak]]……:thumbsup:
Silver: You expressed love that was obviously insane……:thumbsup:
13: :w00t:
Kanatash approaches the mic next.  Most of the Redshirts and some of the scum in the audience begin to murmer and
shift nervously.
redshirt 1: (whispering) You think he's going to try and drive us all crazy?
redshirt 2: (from a pedastal of experience having been on the ship a whole week longer than redshirt 1) Probably
not.  He doesn't want to tick of Satnack by ruining the ceremony like that.  Of course that just means he won't do
it on purpose, he might still do it by accident.
Kanatsh: (speaking above the whispers) As I'm sure most of you know I had a major role in the bringing of
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Satnak|Satnak]] to this ship.  I was one of the primary contributers to
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Kithle|Kithle]]'s project to construct the deicide arm and in fact it is highly unlikely that
the project could have moved forward without one such as I who is capable of comprehending all the prefect madness
of Xoriat.  In fact  much of this crew would be lost without my-
He is cut of suddenly by a sharp slap to his shins.  He looks down to see [[Forgotten_Freedom:Death_Paper|Death
Paper]] at his feet.
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Terra|Terra]]: (calling out from the back of the room) MONOLOUGING!
Kanatash: Hmm, that anime **** must be affecting me more than I thought.  Now I digress, let me return to the
subject of [[Forgotten_Freedom:Satnak|Satnak]].  It was my use of Kelter's Helm of Absolute Opposition that
origionally brought [[Forgotten_Freedom:Satnak|Satnak]] into this world - No [[Forgotten_Freedom:Death_Paper|Death
Paper]], that won't be neccessary, I have it under control now - Now I know there is a certain amount of controversy
that has cropped up about whether the [[Forgotten_Freedom:Satnak|Satnak]] we are here to honor today is the original
created from the helm or not. Personally I don't know for certain, but I had always assumed the helm acted to
transport from her universe to ours rather than actually create her from scratch or perhaps the helm somehow brought
her universe into being at the same time she was created.  I don't know and don't care.  However I must question how
well the helm functioned in the first place considering the penchant [[Forgotten_Freedom:Satnak|Satnak]] has shown
towards violence and mayhem so similar to that wreaked by yours truely.  I suppose at this point I have rambled long
enough so let me leave you with this final thought, that I want you to think long and hard over: [FONT=Franklin
Gothic Medium][COLOR=DarkOliveGreen][SIZE=4]Calico Orangutan Nattier Goalies Racked Aberrant Telletubies Uuduvan
Lollipops Apple Teacup Integer Oak Nationcide Seprioth.[/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT]  Thank you.
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Levy|Levy]] - That was beautiful sniff...:weep: .
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Satnak|Satnak]] - Uh huh  :rolleye2:
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Lisa|Lisa]] - uuuuh... :confused:
[[Forgotten_Freedom:Norbaz|Norbaz]]: Alright, food set up, gotta grab the mic before its off.
Deftly the half giant assassin cooky pulls off his caterers outfit to reveal a stately tuxedo beneath.  Slowly he
approaches the mic and begins an operatic ballad in Giant.

Revision as of 22:20, 4 August 2006

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Silver grabs the mic.

Silver: Per special request: Something happening!

Four really high CR monsters appear out of portals and then sing in a barbershop quartet about how they're going to

kill everyone.

Crow: Never ask for something to happen around us.

Another portal opens, and from it hundreds of demons begin to pour. they're all running as fast as their demonic

legs will carry them. and creaming things like " Tactical retreat!", " Women and children first", "W'ere all gonna Die!" and " Run away! runaway!". A blast of crackeling magical energy vaporises a group of demons as they leave the portal. another figure steps out.

his usualy black armour dripping in blood. his eyes burn with the joy of slaughter. black flames cover his very

form. Sa'vor: Didnt miss anything did i? *portal Closes. See's high CR monsters* hmmm... i

deal with them later. *flexes gauntleted hand* Im going demon hunting. * turns incopreal and drops through the


Norbaz, in a white caterers outfit, stands before the spread for the reception, and

gets ready to wheel out the gargantuan cake.

Norbaz: All right then, I do believe this is some of my best work. Haven't done a

spread like this in a while. Now for a few finishing touches on the layout and it'll be perfect. Hey, where'd the

champaign fountain go?

In Captain Jarlot's room.

Jarlot: Sweet, a champaign fountain, this'll help me forget about Tifa in this situation and focus on


Erk is carting a new champaign fountain up to the party. He makes use of the lesser-useds' corridors to avoid any

thefts this time. However, when he reaches the area that must be right under the stage he spots

Satnak setting up what must be a very complex array of some kind. Erk's god life

provides him just enough knowledge to deduce that it is a deific-energy projector, designed to pump up a being;s

power, but which would therefore render them brainless. It's aimed at the ceiling above. Yet this isn't the

Satnak of this world: this one has obviously never had a deicide arm, nor is she


Also, she's scantly clad.

Alt-Satnak (talking to herself): Soon, I will be the only


Erk (i.h.): *Wow, Igor would be proud of her. Better not try anything: if she's that

dumb her power level's probably broken the ceiling.* :looloo:

Alt-Satnak turns around.

Alt-Satnak: Oh, it's just you, Erk. Leave me alone.

Satnak is very busy.

Erk (i.h.): (anime sweat drop) *Luckily she thinks I'm still a dumb minotaur. Just got to back away slowly……don't

think too loud in case she has—*

Alt-Satnak's ears twitch once.

Erk (i.h.): :help:

A blast of something familiar slams into him. He crashes through two walls before coming to rest in what must be

Caralot's room. Alt-Satnak stides over to stand above

him, mondo-villain styles.

Erk: Deific power……*wheeze, cough*……That must mean you're…And why Satnak is got so

powerful so fast…

Alt-Satnak looks him over hungrily.

Alt-Satnak: Hmmm, I don't think I'll kill you. :drool: I have a much better idea.

"OBJECTION! The Satnak we know now cannot be the original

Satnak brought here! My proof.. This recording!" Allen shouts, pointing dramatically

at the air, his voice carrying all throughout the room. He then plays the recording. "I think they're done actualy but we still have the hardest part ahead since we still need to find somebody to weild

it. (Sa'avor) Yes that is a problem. He needs to be perfectly sane, willing, an exemplar of the mortal spirit, and have lost their

left arm fighting for someone they love. Thats a tough bill to fit... By the deraged lords, I just had a brilliant

thought. (telekinetically grabs two redshirts) You, go find Kithle and tell him I have

found someone to wield his superweapon. You, go tell Kelter to come here and bring his helm of Absolute Opposition

with him. (Kanatash)" The recording says. "From this evidence, and the fact that the original Satnak brought here was turning

into a raging mindless destructive machine, there is only one solution.. Somewhere along the line, our

Satnak was switched with this one from another dimension!" Allen shouts, dramatic

music now being played.

Beryl useing her ablity to see through the eyes of Red Shirts is Really ******!

Beryl: How dare that Solor B*tch Bring my old body back to Life! Chibi-Balor Put both

of them on top of my arch-enemy list.

Chibi-Balor Yes mistress

two demons are talking to Liam. whos giving them an interview on the subject of Sa'vor.

Liam: so, whens the first time you met Mr.D'vol?

Demon 1: well, it was two days ago. he just appeared in the centre of our horde and well... the blood bath began.

Demon 2: yeah. i mean, we demons we're normally sadistic maniacs. but this guy. dear lord, some of the ways he

killed so many of us will give me nightmares for all time. Like this one time, he grabbed our friend bob...

Demon 1: poor poor stupid bob.

Demon 2: and he ripped out his skull and used it to beat him to death.

Liam: he used bobs own skull to kill bob? that doesnt seem physicaly possible

Demon 2: i know, thats what bob was screaming the whole time... well... intil his head caved.

Demon 1: it was a blood bath. we didnt stand a chance. the whole time, even as blood was spraying in his face he was

just laughing or smiling evily. he didnt even use his magic much. he just used his bare hands or even that accursed


Liam: i see.... so, your saying he was slightly unbalanced at that time?

Demon 1: unbalanced? that mans psycotic. he's part demon and he kills his own kind!

Demon 2: yeah, but he's also part dragon, and a vampire, and an elf. and probably a few more templates added on to


Liam: thank you gentlemen. i've gathered enough notes now.

The demons leave the room, they here a slight creak from the floorboards. the turn to see nothing. they turn back around to see Sa'vor standing there.

Sa'vor: boo

The Demons scream and run. Sa'vor laughs and watches.

Sa'vor: 10, 9, 8, 7, 6 , 5 , 4 , 3 , 2 .. 1 ... 0

an explosion sounds from further down the ship. Sa'vor goes off to hunt more demons.

Volrath walks up to Terra Volrath: It'll never work between you and Lisa. Terra: What are you talking about? It has been working for a while. Volrath: She still doesn't even know where the flowers come from. She is unaware of

the depths of evil and deprevity you are willing to sink to. She hasn't met the real you. Terra: Yes she has. I've told her everything about me and she has excepted everything. Volrath: Lots of people can except things they've heard, all buttered up. Very few

however could ever stand to actually see things like what you've done. You are too different, just like

Aerith and Cool Cthulhu . Terra: She is a Deva and he's a horrible creature from beyond the stars Volrath: But he was nice and wouldn't hurt anyone. He's a monster on the outside. You

are one within.

Satnak - I feel Loved again. :cloud9: Although Precisely how was I not a mindless

destructive machine there for a bit?

Kithle gets up to the mic.

Kithle - You still owe me for smashing up my arm graft!!!

13 gets up to the mic.

13: I hate to say this, but I have to be honest: Satnak is one of the least terrifying

people I have ever met. Yeah, sure, she'll blow you up. But where's the subtlety?

Satnak disintegrates him with a stare. Yet when the mic falls down next to the pile of

ash it speaks.

13: Love me, babe. :inlove:

Silver (leaning over to Satnak): I think it's developed a crush on you.

Satnak - I'm not ino masochists.

Lisa - Yeah you have a thing for berzerkers.

Satnak - Oh hi, Terra get you bent back into shape?

Lisa - :embarrass for now.

Volrath stumbles up to the mic. He has a dazed expression on his face. Everyone

groans. Volrath: *hic* Satnak has attempted to destroy more BBEGs

and story arcs than I care to mention. Not to say that is a bad *hic* thing. We owe quite a lot to her. Most of the

situations Sa'vor probably would have got us out of, but

Satnak did so with far *hic* higher casualties on the enemy side. Without her *hic* we

would have had far less carnage and chaos. Thank you for everything Satnak. *passes


The ash pile that was once 13 sidles up to Silver.

13: Psst!

Silver: I'm not helping you out on this.

13: No, that's not why I said it!

Silver: Well then why did you?

13: I want to join you.

Crow: Define "join".

13: Become an entity of non-existance.

Silver and Crow: :OMG!

13: No, seriously, I was considering it way back when I was filled with the screams of the tormented.

Crow: But you don't have that now.

13: And because of that I have no reason to exist. It was the only thing holding me together. This me only exists

in a quasi-state because I still have a few things left to express before I go. I figure non-existance is better

than any afterlife that I might have to go through.

Silver and Crow: OHYEAH!

13: So, that act was my job application. Do I have what it takes?

Crow: You deliberately ****** off Satnak……:thumbsup:

Silver: You expressed love that was obviously insane……:thumbsup:

13: :w00t:

Kanatash approaches the mic next. Most of the Redshirts and some of the scum in the audience begin to murmer and

shift nervously.

redshirt 1: (whispering) You think he's going to try and drive us all crazy?

redshirt 2: (from a pedastal of experience having been on the ship a whole week longer than redshirt 1) Probably

not. He doesn't want to tick of Satnack by ruining the ceremony like that. Of course that just means he won't do

it on purpose, he might still do it by accident.

Kanatsh: (speaking above the whispers) As I'm sure most of you know I had a major role in the bringing of

Satnak to this ship. I was one of the primary contributers to

Kithle's project to construct the deicide arm and in fact it is highly unlikely that

the project could have moved forward without one such as I who is capable of comprehending all the prefect madness

of Xoriat. In fact much of this crew would be lost without my-

He is cut of suddenly by a sharp slap to his shins. He looks down to see Death Paper at his feet.

Terra: (calling out from the back of the room) MONOLOUGING!

Kanatash: Hmm, that anime **** must be affecting me more than I thought. Now I digress, let me return to the

subject of Satnak. It was my use of Kelter's Helm of Absolute Opposition that

origionally brought Satnak into this world - No Death Paper, that won't be neccessary, I have it under control now - Now I know there is a certain amount of controversy

that has cropped up about whether the Satnak we are here to honor today is the original

created from the helm or not. Personally I don't know for certain, but I had always assumed the helm acted to

transport from her universe to ours rather than actually create her from scratch or perhaps the helm somehow brought

her universe into being at the same time she was created. I don't know and don't care. However I must question how

well the helm functioned in the first place considering the penchant Satnak has shown

towards violence and mayhem so similar to that wreaked by yours truely. I suppose at this point I have rambled long

enough so let me leave you with this final thought, that I want you to think long and hard over: [FONT=Franklin

Gothic Medium][COLOR=DarkOliveGreen][SIZE=4]Calico Orangutan Nattier Goalies Racked Aberrant Telletubies Uuduvan

Lollipops Apple Teacup Integer Oak Nationcide Seprioth.[/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT] Thank you.

Levy - That was beautiful sniff...:weep: .

Satnak - Uh huh :rolleye2:

Lisa - uuuuh... :confused:

Norbaz: Alright, food set up, gotta grab the mic before its off.

Deftly the half giant assassin cooky pulls off his caterers outfit to reveal a stately tuxedo beneath. Slowly he

approaches the mic and begins an operatic ballad in Giant.

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