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OORei: Not worth the effort.
OORei: Not worth the effort.
OORampant - Ok lsten up any inevitables that might still want a piece of me, give it up I can run circles around your rigid little minds. Plus I've leveled
:D (insert corny victory music).

[[Forgotten_Freedom:92|Last Plot]] -- [[Forgotten_Freedom:Plot_Lines|Plot Line Home]] -- [[Forgotten_Freedom:94|Next Plot]]
[[Forgotten_Freedom:92|Last Plot]] -- [[Forgotten_Freedom:Plot_Lines|Plot Line Home]] -- [[Forgotten_Freedom:94|Next Plot]]

Latest revision as of 00:31, 20 August 2006

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The drow you know as Maddie Webber sits in bedroom full of silk and spider decorations.

Maddie: Might as well scry on the people I'm going to show around.

She pulls out an ornate silver mirror. After a wave of the hand and a quick incantation the mirror shifts to show an image of

Terra and Lisa in their room. The image only lasts for a split second as

Terra's scrying defenses activate. A blinding flash of light shoots out of the mirror and fill the room.

Maddie: Ah! Guards get in here!

Two male drow in black armor wielding longspear rush in.

Guard: Yes Mistress *name that is far to long and containing many more apostrophes than should be necessary in any name* What's wrong?

Maddie: I've been blinded you idiot! Get me a potion!

Guard: Yes ma'am.

Both guards rush out of the room.

Maddie: Of course the little bastard tells me to guide an elf. I am so going to get him for this.

Forbes - This Volrath fellow certainly is an ametuer. Such an obvious link, and no barriers.

Levy - Give 'em a break you may be the only real master empath in existance, of course everyone else is an ametuer.

Forbes - I'm glad i picked up this bit of telepathy from Tolos, its good to know that the little scamp is plotting against me.

Levy - How is he plotting against you?

Forbes - I'm dean of admissions its my job to choose good canidates, he is attempting to steal this one out from under my nose. Should I give Maddie a good

scare, or just give up and buy her campus? The Lady of pain owes me a favor, or I owe her one, eh same thing in the end. Normally I'd come up with something

less... Overkill, but i never liked Sigil Prep.

Levy - Yes a year or two in this business and you begin to detest party schools.

H4xx0r Race: Warforged Classes: Artificer 10

H4xx0r is a warforged artificer that only speaks in L33T.

Kithle and Reman franticaly look through the list.

Kithle - There has gotta be a rule!!

Reman - Damn you Wikipedia load faster.

H4xx0r: i m 1337 li3k wh0@! teh r0xx0rz meh b0xx0rz! lol!!!!!111!!!11!11111

Kanatash: Can anyone but me understand him?

H4xx0r: i pwn u! lol!!!11!1!!!11!11 gg.

Kanatash: teh n00b.

H4xx0r: wtf! u b azn cr4z?

Everybody Else: :confused: :weep:

OOChrys is typing away at his computer. He hears several loud explosions from behind his door, which promtly falls off its hinges. The smoke clears to reveal

the gram'mar wielding a hammer-gun.

OOChrys: Damn it not you again.

Gram'mar: Your horrible spelling has offended the very laws of the cosmo themselves. For that you must die.

A spiked chain whips out from behind the gram'mar and knocks him over. At the other end other the chain is a female figure. She is rather shapely and would

probably be called beautiful if not for the fact that her skin is made of a chromo like metal and her hair is made of tiny light blue wires.

figure: This one's mine!

OOChrys: Who are you?

Figure: I am one of the Muliebris, killers of those that cross-gender roleplay.

OOChrys: Well this is just my lucky day isn't it.

Gram'mar: *After standing back up* I found him first!

Muliebris: I am punishing a far more serious crime!

Gram'mar: Have you seen his spelling?!

As they argue OOChrys slips out his back door. He then breaks into a run trying to get as far away a possible. Too bad for him. The weighted end of a spiked

chain raps around OOChrys' leg and pulls it out from under him. He falls forward onto the ground. The Gram'mar and Muliebris walk over to his crumpled form.

Gram'mar: Alright rock, paper, scissors winner goes first.

OOKaizer: *shiver* The destroyer is doom is nigh... :weep:

Within Lamannia, the Twilight Forest, the happy couple snuggle beneath the trees, listening to the sounds of the world around them.

Terra: What do you think?

Lisa: It's beautiful. I'm so glad we decided to come here.

It had been about five weeks (their time) since the events in Syrania. Terra's body had begun it's change. A constant, throbbing

pain coursed through her, coming and going in no discernable rhythm. She had grown accustomed to it for the most part, but Lisa's

massages helped her get through the rougher spots. Their love life remained largely unchanged, since it often times kept her mind off of, as well as eased,

the pain in her body.

Terra: For some reason, I get the feeling you want to tell me something.

Lisa: *giggles* I do indeed. I was just waiting for the right moment. I guess that's now...

Terra:  :) Don't leave me in suspense too long.

Lisa: Well...I'm late.

Terra: :confused: You're late? For what?

Lisa:  ;) :cloud9:

Terra: :thinks: ... :mymy: [SIZE=1]Don't lie, 'cause that would be mean...[/SIZE]

Lisa pulls Terra's lips to her own. The child Terra carried wouldn't be

alone for very long...

Forbes - Now I'm just jealous.

Levy - Thats right you won't have kids 'cause you don't wanna pass down your empathic abilities.

Forbes - I'm not gonna force that on an incocent *shudder* the things you see *shudder*.

Levy - How long are you gonna spy on them?

Forbes - Until they get back to the FF, I don't trust the extraplanars, You know full well the Angels never had any qualms about backstabbing us, and they're

the "good guys". Their last invasion nearly cost us the school.

Levy - Not to mention Thrane, and most of the Half-elven Legacy Clans, including all, but two of the Borisheel. How is our little sister doing anyway?

Forbes - Satnak can block me I trained her to myself, I can try to get around it, but not accross planes.

Levy - I meant the one you're trying to rejuve.

Forbes - Very good, there wasn't much left, but She should be concious soon, my theory about The Rose was correct it does strengthen the wielder's hold on


Satnak and Serene are enjoying a steam room (is swimsuits you pervs).

Satnak - :confused:

Serene - Whats going on?

Satnak - Plot senses tingling.

13: Man, double your pleasure.

Bunny: ……………Okay, which one is the inevitable of bad puns?

OOcat: I'm surprised you aren't having a fit about this.

Silver: Meh, I need time to recover after all that hentai.

OOCat: (Note to self: keep hentai on hand for distraction)

Silver: Besides, it's not like I didn't intend this.

OOcat: :confused: (beyond-non-existant-thought-process) :OMG!

Silver: I'm not stupid: I knew everyone would make sure they didn't open my present.

NJ26: Well, we have a talking newspaper.

Erk: And no more time. At least I know I can be creative.

Jaela: Wait! I want to come with you.

Erk: Normally we don't allow main characters on these sorts of trips. Can't take you away from the main plotline.

Jaela: Come on, I haven't had anything to do for weeks now. Even my dad is sitting around on his lean, swashbuckling butt. He doesn't want to show it but I

think he's severely depressed that we've fallen in the Pirate Ratings. No one'll know I'm gone. And my class is listed as magical girl. I fit the genre

like I was born to it.

Erk: :thinks: Okay, but you have to skip the flashy transformation sequence. We have to observe that rule for others, but I'm not wasting time on something

that dumb.

Early one morning, Terra comes out of her nightly meditation. The sun had not yet risen, but a soft glow on the horizon said it

would be soon. She lay there in thought for a moment as the forest began waking up. She had been to places beyond imagining, seen things both wonderous and

terrible, but nothing even came close to the sight beside her. The entire host of angels simply couldn't compare to the beauty of the woman beside her.

Having a different sleeping pattern had concerned her when they had first started going out, but now had proven to be a blessing in disguise. The idea of

waking up to this sight for years to come gave her no small amount of joy. Lisa's soft heartbeat, her contented expression, the

rhythm of her breathing, Terra wouldn't trade this for the world. Running her fingers through Lisa's

hair, she couldn't imagine being anywhere else.

She noticed the subtle change in Lisa's heartbeat and breathing that announced she was close to waking up.

Terra got up without disturbing her, went over to the Breakfast Squirrel and had it begin making waffles. Where it found the

ingredients or cooked it in the middle of a forest was beyond her, but it was a gift from Caralot... Walking over to the lake, she began her bath. The water

helped soothe her sore muscles from both the transformation and a wild night. After a few minutes, a familiar pair of hands wrapped around her as she soaked.

Lisa: How are you feeling?

Terra: Much better, thanks. I think it's almost finished. The pain has been lessening the last few nights.

Lisa: Here. Let me help you with that...

Lisa washes Terra's back as the sun finally peeks over the horizon in front of them.

Breakfast Squirrel: *whirrrrrrrrr, DING!*

Illithid: Dude, like, no one can understand you.

OORampant and OOKaizer border a plane headed for an unmapped region in hopes of escaping their fate.

Intercom: Welcome passengers. Please keep your seat-belts on until the light has turned off. Do not be alarmed by the robot coming out of the cockpit. Only

the guilty ones will be killed. Please don't mind the blood it will be cleaned up shortly.

Muliebris: Those that cross-gender roleplay must be punished.

OORampant: Well ****.

OOKaizer is already at the emergency exit wearing a parachute

OOKaizer: See ya.

OORampant: Wait for me.

Both of them jump out of the plane. OORampant opens his parachute shortly after, but OOKaizer just falls like a rock.

OORampant: What the hell are you doing?

OOKaizer: I don't have to out fall the inevitable. I just have to [SIZE=3]out[/SIZE] [SIZE=2]fall [/SIZE] [SIZE=1]you[/SIZE]...

OORampant: Piece of ****.

The plane turns around and flies right over them. The Muliebris then falls right by both without a parachute of any kind. It hits the ground feet first, and

bends its knees only slightly. The Muliebris then pulls out an unaturally long sword and points it straight into the air...

  • knock, knock*

OOUrial: Now who could that be? I'm not expecting-

  • opens the door*

OOUrial: any-

  • sees a metallic humanoid form dual wielding swords in the doorway*

OOUrial: -[SIZE=1]one.[/SIZE] :eek:

Gram'mar: You have sinned against all that is grammatically correct. For that you must pay.

OOUrial: But...but...I've been good lately...

Gram'mar: True, your violations have lessened as of late, but your past crimes have not yet been atonend for.

OOUrial: *cringing* OOChrys and OORampant are greater violators than I am...

Gram'mar: The one called OOChrys has been dealt with for now. The one called OORampant is busy with the Muliebris.

OOUrial: Damn.

Gram'mar: This is the part where you run.

An egg shaped inevitable approaches Bunny and 13.

Inevitable: You called?

Bunny: You the one in charge of bad puns?

Inevitable: Yes. My kind have no name so it cannot be made into a pun.

13: Would it really be that bad to come out of your shell once in a while? Zing! :rimshot:

  • lots and lots of violent retribution on 13*

Inevitable: My task is done. Farewell. *disappears*

Bunny: Ok, that may have been a little excessive. Even by my tastes.

13: Good thing I don't exist anymore. But I thought you were the god of death. How was that excessive?

Bunny: That much violence and no one dies. Seems pointless to me.

Bunny: Why did you make such a lame pun, anyway? The first time it was just a bad pun.

13: :schemes: All part of my crazy master plan.

Bunny: This I gotta see…

Somewhere in the darkest recesses of your mind. A two foot tall psiforged stands holding a kitchen knife almost as long a it is tall. An dim glow emendates

from the creatures eyes. As you take notice of it, it simply tilts it's head to one side and smiles as much as was warforged can, uttering two simple words

in a disturbingly cheery voice, "I'm back."


Just as Gram'mar is about to inflict it's punishment on OOUrial a figure springs from the shadows, smashing the inevitable over the head with what appears to

be a baseball bat.

OOCrystalforged: One down, one to go.

OOUrial: How did you get here!

OOCrystalforged: Some questions are better left unanswered, like how do Kanatash and Caralot's do :pile: .

OOUrial: (shudder) Good point. (looking towards the inevitable) I'm surprised a single hit took him down.

OOCrystalforged: (shrugs) I taped a disk with Microsoft word on it beforehand. I use little copy/paste on more important post's to make sure people can at

least understand my spelling if not my logic. Therefore I figured it would be enough to get past damage reduction.

OOUrial: So what now?

OOCrystalforged: Well Muliebris needs to be taken care of. I'm not in any danger from him/her/it but we can't just leave that thing wandering around in our

world. I'm still working on that part. Now we just need to hope those are the only two that made it into our world.

At that a new creature steps out of OOUrial's computer. It appears to be a tall, dark, androgynous human in a solid black suit with dark sunglasses.

Inevitable: I am Dramadar. I come to punish drama queens and others who are overly dramatic.

OOCrystalforged: ... :censored: . RUN AWAY!

Jaela Jarlot: :dancin: I know! I know! They let me take pictures. :smirk:

OOcat: No.

JJ: But—

OOcat: I mean not now.

JJ: Wha—OH, right, the joke. :devil:

OOcat: Fortunatley, if there was an inevitable of Evil Bastards it would have wiped everyone out by now.

OORampant - Actually there is he's just devoted to being one. Part of being around bastards too-long.

Muliebris - How do you know of Jernek?

OORampant - I just made it up.

Muliebris - What :confused:

OORampant - Think who your dealing with.

OORampant angles its fall so the blade of the distracted ienvitable slices the chute off. Then begins sliding down the blade.

OORampant - Rule one of combat never try to fight your opponents strengths, against a poster that means don't try to apply logic. Rule two, only banter when

its a distraction.

Muliebris looks over its should and gets kicked in the face by OORampant.

OORampant - What did i just say *****?

Satnak and Serene are letting the masks for their facials dry.

Serene - ...Satnak How much more are you going to change?

Satnak - Well hopefully over the course of my life I will constantly grow, learn, and maybe even acquire true wisdom, but you

mean my little metamorphisis don't you.

Serene - ...Yes

Satnak - ... Not much, my tail finally tanned to a proper shade so i match now, the grey marks have reached their full coverage,

and the internal mods are nearly done. The worst part is gonna be the final realignment, when my body forces the energistic re-enforcement pathways to break

down. I'll have to redo the whole system from scratch but that part is painless and just like re-starting a pathway after losing a limb. I've got a surprise

for you when thats done with,... well a couple actually.

Serene - So the pain of the change is almost over, but the finale is going to suck?

Satnak - Yes.

Serene - Why did you do this to yourself?

Satnak - ... After Levy turned me down... I just needed to change something. I felt like I wasn't good enough... Levy has that

effect on people. She's stronger, faster, tougher, meaner, and more skilled than everyone, except maybe Forbes, and she knows it. I can out maneuver her for

a while, but thats it. No one can actually match her except, Forbes and he's just sneaky as all... well there isn't a word for the way he can manipulate

energy, and phisiology.

Serene - You talk about them the way a younger child talks about respected older siblings.

Satnak - Levy thinks of Forbes and I as her siblings. I guess some of that mentality rubbed off.

Serene - How do see her now...

Satnak - Is that where this is going? Ok listen I'll be honest, I love Levy, she protected me when I was weak, trained me to not

be weak, and has been a family for me. She's right we are sisters. It hurt that we couldn't be more, but I'm accepting that. You are my girlfriend

Serene, I wouln't say that if I didn't mean it.

Satnak extends her tail accros the space between their chairs, and places the tip in Serene's


Satnak - (i.h.h. I hope she never realizes quite how sensitive this thing is)

Serene - (i.h.h. her tail is so cute)

Deep within the perfect order of Daaniv it had lain, not sleeping, not dead, but in that non state shared by the charicters of a book left forgotten upon its

shelf. Kyber had destroyed Syberys, it had not sturred. Demons had conquered Ebberon, it had remained quesent. the Dealkyr had ensiged ebberon, and it had

remained in readyness. Some questioned even if it was an inevitable, that it migt belong more in a plane of good rather than law. this mattered not, it was, it was here, it had

waited. But it did so no longer, in a tranquil valey the earth shook, tore, rivers writhed as the land was riped apart, it rose, first to its knees, then its feet. A

thing of gold and glass, taller than dragons, stronger than giants. neiher myth nor legand, perhaps it had not even existed before it was needed. what

everthe case it was The Inevitable of evil bastards and it was comming...

Dramadar: When I'm finished here, I'm coming for you next.


Dramadar: Don't think I've forgotten about you. (Pulls out MIB-style blaster)

OOCrystalforged: :eek:

First booze Paraelemental: "Are you sure this will work?"

Second Booze Paraelemental: "It has to, there killing us."

First booze Paraelemental: "What if they catch me?"

Second Booze Paraelemental: "Better than sitting at home wating to die isnt it?"

First booze Paraelemental: "Ok, lets do it"

Shortly after this conversation a new rule apears n the list, apparently penned using Kranathi bitterale as ink.

'Hence forth no member of the crew or pasengers of the forgotten fredom shall posess Levels in the 'drunken master' prestege class, nor take any feat flaw or

other rules related construvt whose name or nature shall in any way reffer to the imbilement of intoxicating liquids, solids or vapors nor enchant any items

pertaining to the above, on pain of pain.'

ooc Eled "You cant scare me Dramadar . Im Dyslexic Ive been in hiding since the Gram'mar showed up... :eek:

Muliedris - Haha

OORampant sidesteps and trips the inevitable.

OORampant - If its too good to be true its not. :P Really what are they teaching you in inevitable school these days?

Slaypaw - Bathtime kitty :D

Fluffy - MEOW-EOW (run away!)

Muliebris: I had merely thought that you had met a grizzly end that the poster had simply not wanted to detail. That it why I was unprepared. As for your

instructing me. I know how to fight far better than a wimpy little nerd such as yourself ever could. After all you didn't notice where my second weapon was.

Did you? :devil:

OORampant looks down to see a chain rapped around his leg.

OORampant: Well ****.

The Muliebris swings OORampant up into the air and then back onto the ground over and over. After a few minutes of beating she drops OORampant to the ground

without lifting him back up. Then electricity runs through the chain and into OORampant, causing him to convulse.

Muliebris: I have trained my entire four thousand years of existance to kill. You on the other hand played a little game pretending to fight and maybe took a

few combat classes.

The shocks end and OORampant goes limp on the ground. The Muliebris pulls out her sword.

Muliebris: Now get up and face defeat with some dignity.

OORampant - Gaming has taught me one thing you can't do.

Muliedris - What?

OORampant - Cheating :D *blinks out*

Muliedris - HUH?

OORampant (in mewtwo costume) - *blinks in behind the inevitable* Bring it!

Muliedris: Anti-psionic field.

OORampant: Damn it!

Muliedris: Yes I know how the games work. Now I offered you a good clean death that. You regected it. Now we're going to have to do things the hard way.

The Muliedris' left arm forms into a canon looking device. It unleashes a volley of energy blasts moving immpossibly fast. They rip through OORampant leaving

gaping hole. He falls to the ground. He was still alive albiet just barely. The Muliedris once again pulls out her sword and this time places it once

OORampant's throat.

Muliedris: Good bye foolish mortal.

OORamapant - eat lightsaber *****


OORamapant - I love ground recovery attacks and item drops. You're in a game world now. I'm about to go Captain SNES on your chrome plated can.

Liam and OOGladius have been sitting, talking about the Entities from Beyond Non-Existance, when OOGladius senses something.

OOGladius: Well, that can't be good.

Liam: What happened?

OOGladius: One of the E.B.N.E. just got the crap nearly beaten out of him. He's in the middle of a fight with an inevitable from this existance. There are a

bunch of inevitables chasing the E.B.N.E.s for various infractions. I'm just glad there isn't one assigned to keeping Kanatash in line.

Kanatash sticks his head in.

Kanatash: They couldn't handle me. :D My E.B.N.E. is having fun with one, though.

Liam: This could be interesting, and useful for the project. Is there anyway we can get there or watch it?

OOGladius: Sure. *Summon Plot Device* We have OORampant, Kithle, Satnak, and Chalky's E.B.N.E., and

OOKaizer, Terra and Lisa's, on this screen, OOCrystalForged, Kanatash's, over here, and OOUrial,

Volrath's E.B.N.E., is on the third.

Liam watches intently and scribbles down notes.

A hail of arrows decends upon Muliebris, shredding its arm cannon.

Muliebris: What it the name of-!

OOKaizer: *dressed as Link* Suck on it. :P

OORampant: Where have you been?!

OOKaizer: I had to find some self-help books to use as arrows and attach to my swords. Cuts past the damage resistance.

OOKaizer whips out the Master Sword and the Big Goron Sword with what appears to be book pages wrapped around them. He and Muliebris enter into an awesome

sword duel too cool to describe with words.

Muliebris: For a nerd who lives in his parents basement and plays RPGs all day, you're not bad.

OOKaizer: God mode is one of the many things we can do that you can't. :D

Muliebris: We?


OORampant: :devil:

Muliebris is now short one arm and half its face, not to mention all the arrows protruding from its body. With another flurry of arrows, its feet are pinned

to the ground. The anti-psionic field wears off.

OORampant: *charging a ball of energy* Now?

OOKaizer: *readies the Master Sword* I'm ready when you are.

OORampant fires the energy ball at OOKaizer, who repels it with a swipe. They bounce the ball back and forth, each strike causing it to grow in power. Just

as Muliebris breaks free, they redirect the energy ball at the Inevitable, disintegrating it in an explosion of cliched proportions.

OOKaizer: :w00t: ness!

OORampant: Don't celebrate yet. We still need to prepare for the arrival of Dramadar. We're both pretty high on his list.

OOKaizer: :weep:

OORei is playing video games with a bag of chips on his lap. Lazuis, the Inevitable sent to kill lazy posters, is laying on the couch with a bag of Cheetos.

Lazuis: Are you going to post the rest of it anytime soon?

OORei: I'll get to it.

Lazuis: You said that 5 days ago.

OORei: :rolleyes: Ooooooooooo, I'm so scared. What are you going to do about it?

Lazuis: I could always kill you, like I'm supposed to.

OORei: You said that 4 days ago.


OORei: (starts to get up) OH SH*T ... (slumping back into his chair) *sigh* Whatever. I'll run later.

Lazuis: :confused: :confused: :confused: Aren't you going to run? You're not even going to try?

OORei: *shrugs* Eh, too much work.

Lazuis: ...ok, I'll give you that.

He sits back down and picks up the bag of Cheetos.

Lazuis: Got any MMORPGs?

OORei: God no! Do you have any idea how much those things cost?

Lazuis: Got anything by Blizzard?

OORei: Diablo 2 and Warcraft III. But I'm not setting them up for you.

Lauzis: Awwwwwwwww...

OORampant stabs Lazius through the couch.

OORei - Hey man you gotta clean that!

OORampant - Not really inevitables don't bleed, rot, or start to stink. Damned convinient corpses once you chop off their heads. *shwipe* Best part is if

your careful to debug everything, you can use 'em for parts. Mind if I keep the face? Wasn't enough left of the other one for a decent trophy.

Fluffy is running from Slaypaw, who is being chased by a chili, running from a squirrel horde, being pursued by a clipboard wielding Tabitha, followed by

Squishy screaming about his quarterly reports, followed by Chalky. No futher explination required.

Korrenlius curled a hand around Naz’roth old staff; Lightbringer. it had all been so easy, those fools had fallen for it. Of course he'd had to keep his

actions in the shadows, no sense revealing himself until he could take on Naur. Korrenlius walked along the walls of his Citadel. it was night, not a soul

stirred. He reached out with his mind, as he usually did. he caught the usual pulse of thoughts that he felt every night. but there was another mind.

Completely shielded, around it dark power swirled in a whirlpool of hatred. it was coming closer and closer to the Citadel. Korrenlius looked out over the walls, In the horizon on the endless Sky a storm was coming. pitch black

clouds swirled and danced around a distant figure, a distant winged figure. in the Figures left hand was a staff, glowing with emerald. Korrenlius felt that old feeling, the feeling of those piercing eyes scouring his soul... he knew

who this figure was.

A Bolt of Lightning blasted one of the towers from the Citadel. Korrenlius shuddered, and stumbled. he caught himself in time and reached within the staff,

Drawing on the ancient power within, he shaped it into a Shimmering Golden shield. another lightning bolt struck, causing ripples in the shield. the figure came closer and closer, the storm swirling around him. a crimson cloak flowing behind him, black feathered wings beating gently. eyes burning with

emerald light. the familiar face, hatred and anger occasionally glancing across the otherwise calm features. there floated

Naz'roth, equipped in all his gear. staring strait at Korrenlius.

Naz'roth: Hello Korrenlius.

Korrenlius felt fear grip at him, he barely managed to splutter Korrenlius: H...h...hello ... N..Naz'roth, Err.... H... how.. Are you?

The calm split, and a seething anger blazed all across Naz'roth, wreathing him in black flames. Naz'roth: It would be unwise to try and charm me, Traitor. save those words for the Council.

Korrenlius: why have you returned? here to face your execution?

Naz'roth: *a sadistic grin crossing his face* I’m here to return the favour you gave me all those many years ago.

Korrenlius panicked, reaching into his dark power he struck out at Naz'roth. shattering the shield around the Citadel. the

Dark energy rocketed towards Naz'roth who stood still as it crashed into him. inflicting absolutely no damage.

Naz'roth: tut tut Korrenlius. is that the best you can do?

Naz'roth raised a hand, sending forth a bolt of black flames, Korrenlius parried with his staff.

Naz'roth smiled. and raised his own staff, sending a forth a wave of energy towards Korrenlius. Korrenlius quickly formed a

shield, he shuddered as wave after wave of energy crashed into the shield. all around, the dark storm was doing its work. bolts of lightning destroyed the

once beautiful citadel. Acid rain burned the tree's and plants. fire scorched the crystals. Thunderclaps shattered entire towers.

Naz'roth reached into the wall below Korrenlius, it shattered and vanished. Korrenlius fell, only to pull himself back up

again with a beat of his wings. Naz’roth put his self in a defensive stance.

Naz’roth: Lets see if your skill with a weapon is as appalling as your mastery of magic?

Korrenlius roared and charged, swing his staff in an arc. Naz’roth parried it and smashed with his shield, the shield struck Korrenlius in the chest sending

him spinning in the air. Naz’roth pressed his advantage swinging his staff one handed in wield sweeps, each struck home with a sickening crack. Korrenlius

recovered and struck Naz’roth in the chest as he prepared an overhead attack. Naz’roth felt pain lance through him as holy energies flowed into his skin.

Naz’roth snarled, Naz’roth poured energy into his staff and swung it two handed. The crackling dark power flowed around the staff, wreathing it in black

flames. Korrenlius attempted to block, but Naz’roths staff split Light bringer in two. The sound of bone and flesh being torn by a blunt instrument filled Naz’roths

ears. A spray of gore stained his armour as Korrenlius’s shattered form fell from the sky’s. Naz’roth roared in triumph. Blood staining his face and body.

Naz’roth reached within and launched a bolt of lightning towards the Shattered Citadel. The bolt of lightning punctured the citadel, causing it to fall into

ruins. Naz’roth summoned more and more energy and let forth a barrage of lightning. Soon nothing but dust remained. Naz’roth opened a gate way and stepped

through. There was still much work to be done… but now they had been warned.

OOKaizer is doing a victory dance over what little remains of the Muliebris (don't deny it Kaizer you would :P ), namely one arm and its mouth.

Muliebris: All your base are belong to us.

OOKaizer: Holy crap you're still alive. * begins poking it with a stick*

Muliebris: You think you have won. You think all is well. Well kiss my green ass I'll see you in HELL!

OOKaizer: Your ass isn't gr-

A charge of C4 shoots out of the Muliebris' arm and into OOKaizer's gaping mouth.

When the smoke clears all that remains of the two combatants is twin piles of dust and a floppy green hat.

13: The E.B.N.E.s are starting to become characters in their own right. This thread is getting weird.

OOcat: :D I started it.

13: Goes double for you.

Bunny: I think it's just a natural outgrowth of roleplaying: it's come to the point where they just want to be themselves, to have fun without the screen of

a character.

OOcat: :confused: You mean they aren't just the collective influence of their characters upon the workings of the multiverse?

Bunny: Unlike you they actually have existance.

13: Oh, by the way, I'm thinking of changing my color to red. I hear it's one of those colors people feel closes in on them.

OOcat: Please do not use my Art History knowledge on a gaming thread.

Bunny: Say………………why don't any inevitables come after you?

OOcat: I have a peace treaty: they warn me beforehand so I can correct my behavior.

OOUrial, OORei, and a new Lazuis are all on a sofa playing Tales of Symphonia.

OOUrial: Ya know Lazuis you could kill us right now. All you would have to do is swinge you sword to the right and left a few times. It would only take

alittle more effort than getting another cheeto.

Lazuis: But it would take more effort than getting a cheeto. *picks up another cheeto*

OORei: He has a point there.

OOUrial: I guess.

OORei: We should probably get back to the main story or finish killing off the E.B.N.Es.

OOUrial: But that would mean getting off the sofa.

OORei: Not worth the effort.

OORampant - Ok lsten up any inevitables that might still want a piece of me, give it up I can run circles around your rigid little minds. Plus I've leveled

D (insert corny victory music).

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