Morgansfort: Difference between revisions

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**[[Lyman]] Thief 1 (25% Share), AC 5, HP -2/4.  Short Sword 10, 1d6, Sling (30) 7, 1d4.
**[[Lyman]] Thief 1 (25% Share), AC 5, HP -2/4.  Short Sword 10, 1d6, Sling (30) 7, 1d4.
**[[Tallad]] Level 0 (15% Share), AC 4, HP 3/3.  Spear 10, 1d8+1.
**[[Tallad]] Level 0 (15% Share), AC 4, HP 3/3.  Spear 10, 1d8+1.
*[[Dieterich the Blessed]] Cleric 1. AC 7, HP 1/1. Mace 8, 1d6+2, Sling (20) 9, 1d4.
*[[Dieterich the Blessed]] Cleric 1. AC 7, HP 4/4. Mace 8, 1d6+2, Sling (20) 9, 1d4.
*[[Morgansfort Blank Sheet]]
*[[Morgansfort Blank Sheet]]

Revision as of 17:52, 5 June 2019


  • Use double brackets [[]] around your characters name to link to the character page.
  • Rewyn Mage 3, AC -1, HP 8/8. Quarterstaff 10, 1d6, Darts (18) 11, 1d4. 1 2nd level, 2 1st level left.
    • Albrett Fighter 1 (20% Share), AC 3, HP 0/4. Battleaxe 9, 1d8+2, Sling (30) 12, 1d4+1.
    • Patransa Level 0 (15% Share), AC 4, HP 2/5. Spear 10, 1d8+1
  • Jelaina Paladin 3, AC 8, HP 10/10. Sword 7 (6 vs. spellcasters), 1d6+4 (+5), Cleave 3. Lay on Hands unused.

Deceased and Retired

Henchmen (only started recording these 11/18/18)

Marching Order

  • Current Marching order:
    • Albrett (AC 3, 4hp, fighter)
    • Jelaina (AC 7, 10hp, paladin)
    • Rewyn (AC -1, 6hp, wizard)
    • Aldereth (AC 0, 7hp, mage)
    • Lyman (AC 5,4 hp, thief)
    • Dieterich (AC 7, 1hp, cleric)
    • Tallad (AC 4, 3hp, hireling)
    • Patransa (AC 4, 5hp, hireling)
  • Party Speed: 60'/turn




Stonehell Maps Folder -


Area Map

Old Maps

Old Maps Folder -

Campaign Docs

Finances Not on Person

Time Passed

  • Last updated:5/19
  • Total time in campaign up to 3/13/18 is unknown (probably only a year or so).
  • Since 3/13: About 15 days (11/30/18)
  • 1 day in Sakkara, then 2 weeks selling, finding a crusader, hiring henchmen, and learning new spells. (Living Expenses paid)
  • 1 day in Sakkara, 2 days healing, 3 days travel to Loria, 2 weeks in Loria selling and hiring, 3 days back to Turos, 1 day in Turos
  • 1 day in Sakkara, 28 days healing (Living Expenses paid; due again in 3 days)

Magic Items Unclaimed

Mysterious Umbrella (unidentified)

Scroll of Ward Against Elementals

Scroll of Choking Grasp, Animate Dead, and Web

Scroll of Cure Light Wounds, Bless, Cure Disease

Treasure Unsold

  • 7 Amethysts worth 100 gp each
  • 6 Gems worth 100 gp each
  • 10 Bone Fetishes - 32 gp each

Treasure Found

  • mace with a six-flanged, spiked head set on an iron shaft carved with glyphs (Dieterich )

Reserve XP

  • Dohram: 100 (left the party)
  • Rewyn: 81