Landsoftheblacksea:Main Page/realms/Blackport: Difference between revisions
BlackSeaDM (talk | contribs) |
BlackSeaDM (talk | contribs) |
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=== Aletown === | === Aletown === | ||
Primarily human village outside the walls of Blackport that specializes in the production of ales of all types. Bitter, dark, high alcohol-content brews tend to be popular in Blackport. A few breweries here produce the Orcish beer called ''ghâl''. There are a few distilleries as well, one of which distills ''ghâl'' into the foul and potent Orc liquor, saipâg. | Primarily human village outside the walls of Blackport that specializes in the production of ales of all types. Bitter, dark, high alcohol-content brews tend to be popular in Blackport. A few breweries here produce the Orcish beer called ''ghâl''. There are a few distilleries as well, one of which distills ''ghâl'' into the foul and potent Orc liquor, ''saipâg''. | ||
=== Godswood === | |||
A combination of sacred/profane ground for various temples as well as ancient crypts and mausoleums are to be found in this small stand of ancient trees outside the city. The area is proclaimed as property of The Sovereign, and touching the trees carries the penalty of death. The ancient trees that cover the ground here are twisted and gnarled; the stone buildings below them are old – far older than Blackport itself – and rumors abound about what is to be found beneath them – vast riches, power, and of course, unholy death. | |||
These are the only living trees within several miles of Blackport, which greedily consumes wood for its forges and shipyard. The Sovereign allows use and visits to the wood, so long as nothing is damaged or removed. The place is used for holy ceremonies by several religions, some dark and others less so, in the area. | |||
=== Slag === | === Slag === | ||
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=== Everdark Keep === | === Everdark Keep === | ||
Heavily fortified and armed, it is a second line of defense for Blackport’s harbor and wharf after the Outer Keep. | Heavily fortified and armed, it is a second line of defense for Blackport’s harbor and wharf after the Outer Keep. | ||
== City Districts == | == City Districts == |
Revision as of 14:55, 23 March 2025
Races | Religions | Realms | Geography | Organizations | Languages | Time & Calendars |


The very name is synonymous with corruption, sin, theft, immorality, and wantonness.
In a word, evil.
A city in the no-man’s land between the lawless and barbaric warlord-ruled lands of the Bakulanders and the Orc-dominated wastes of Ûgozh, Blackport is an independent city-state run by the powerful and mysterious Sovereign, who governs with an iron fist to keep the massive city under control.
Without a doubt, Blackport is predominantly evil – but it is a lawful version of evil, in stark contrast to the chaos that surrounds it in Bakuland and Ûgozh. It is a place where everything and anything is for sale for a price – so long as the appropriate taxes are paid so that the Sovereign’s coffers remain full. The laws, such as they are, are aimed at keeping the economy running; “crimes” that don’t affect the economics of the place are of little interest to the inhabitants.
The city’s population is an amalgam of races that are likely not found elsewhere: Orcs from Ûgozh; human bezerker warriors from Bakuland; barbaric humans of the Vulkul clans and tribes from the frozen north who arrive on ships; Goblins, Hobgoblins, and Bugbears; Ogres and Trolls, and a small number of true giants; even a few hardy Elves, Dwarves, Gnomes, and Halflings – mostly outcasts, criminals, and refugees from more civilized lands, who are tough enough to survive and thrive in a place dominated by their traditional enemies. Blackport is awash with pirates comprised of all these races, and more.
Blackport also imports slaves from across all the Lands, as far away as mysterious Nihar, as close as the Kingdom of Athervon, just over the Iron Mountains. Many can only look forward to a life of servitude amongst those wealthy enough to afford them; some wretches are destined for the games of the Arena, there either to earn their masters enough to win their freedom, or to be carried out to be processed for the humanoid denizens of the city; a slave’s only hope is that they are expensive, which means the laws of the City protect the economic interests of their masters.
Population: 80,000 (20,000 able-bodied)
Demographics: 25% Human, 25% mixed, 15% Orc, 15% Goblin/Hobgoblin, 6% Ogre, 4% Troll, 10% Other
Allegiance: Independent
Government: Dictatorship
Ruler: His Dark Magnificence, The Sovereign of Blackport
Law & Order
Most visitors depend upon the fact that virtually anything can be bought or sold in Blackport, so long as the proper taxes are paid.
Sale or purchase of information about the Sovereign’s armies, armaments, ships, or defenses is considered high treason, but the complex laws and regulations of Blackport do not prevent the sale of any other item, creature, or person.
Violence breaks out often, with the jaded citizens simply turning and walking away from the scene of a crime.
Slavery is both legal and normal in Blackport. It is not considered evil and, although very low in social status, slaves do possess a modicum of rights and protections. In some cases, slaves are more carefully protected and cared for than commoners.
Gambling is legal in Blackport and games of some type are played in almost every tavern, inn, or barracks one might visit.
While there have been attempts to overthrow the Sovereign in the past, all have failed and resulted only in increased power and support for his rule. Strict enforcement of laws (when the criminals are caught), and a complete lack of religious bigotry on the part of the Sovereign and his laws, keeps the city in order.
Crimes in Blackport are enumerated by their severity, or Circle. The higher the Circle, the more severe the crime.
- 1st Circle: Desertion, Expectorate on Gentleman, Trip Soldier, Foul Street or Road;
- 2nd Circle: Probation Violation, Battery, Offensive Poetry or Performance, Ogling, Bribery, Public Drunkenness
- 3rd Circle: Escapee *, Property Damage, Vagrancy, Trespass, Disorderly Conduct
- 4th Circle: Fugitive §, Theft of Property or Slave, Arson, Pauper, Manslaughter, Rape, Trespass on Noble’s property, Unauthorized dueling or fighting
- 5th Circle: Banditry #, Assault, Kidnapping, Robbery, Burglary, Blackmail, Extortion, Speeding,
- 6th Circle: Outlaw £, Expectorate on Noble, Unlawful Entry to City; Trespass on Royal Property
- 7th Circle: Assault on Noble, Murder, Tax Evasion,
- 8th Circle: Treason, Murder of Nobleman
- 9th Circle: Any crime against The Sovereign.
* has escaped confinement once
§ has escaped confinement twice
# has escaped confinement three times
£ has escaped confinement four or more times
Military & Paramilitary
Militarily, Blackport is an imposing city, the result of decades of effort on the part of the Sovereign and his minons, some physical, some arcane.
The city sits on a massive slab of black volcanic rock. Much of the outer perimeter sits on steeply sloped and relatively sheer cliffs of this foundation. The perimeter itself is a solid curtain wall of stone, thirty to forty feet high and no less than twenty feet thick, substantially more in places. The wall has guard towers every fifty feet or so irregularly spaced along its length, with larger structures near the gates at other strategic points.
On the landward side, a moat has been dug outside the entire perimeter of the city wall, further increasing the difficulty of breaching them significantly.
The piers and docks are, of course, open to the sea, but to reach them, a naval force needs to navigate the approach to the city, which is not a simple endeavor.
The outer islands have sheer, rocky coastlines that don’t easily allow for naval landings, and the Sovereign has built fortifications on these that protect the city proper from naval assaults.
Furthermore, the water channels in the harbor are dangerous to navigate due to the jagged rocks below. The Sovereign and Shadowatch maintain tight control over the Harbormaster and his navigators, who know the routes in. Ships not under direct control of the Sovereign are not brought in using the same approach twice, and periodically the Council of the Black Codex uses arcane means to reshape the rocks below the surface, completely changing where the safe approach routes are.
The Wardens
The City Watch & Primary Police Force of Blackport. The Wardens are typically the employment of choice for the younger sons of the nobility of Blackport. As a result, they have their share of both corruption and incompetence, which normally would be problematic. But with the Shadow Watch, The Iron Guard, and the Council of the Black Codex all doing their part in the city, things rarely get out of hand.
The Iron Guard
The Iron Guard are the Sovereign’s personal bodyguards. Members are picked for their combat prowess, ability to work in military teamwork, and their tested and unquestioned loyalty to the Sovereign.
The Shadow Watch continuously tests the loyalty of the members of the guard with schemes and operations designed to root out any who might betray the Sovereign. There have been few times such operations have resulted in catching anyone – but the resulting punishments have been so spectacularly cruel and public that they likely have revised any designs or thoughts of those guards who remain.
The Shadow Watch
The Shadowatch is a body of secret police with spies at all levels of society.
The Shadowatch maintains a headquarters in the Tower of the Shadow, on the island fortress of Everdark Keep.
Council of the Black Codex
Council of mages who regulate arcane magic use in the city, advise The Sovereign on arcane topics, and provide arcane protection and intelligence/divination services to the Sovereign and Archons. Headquartered in the Iron City in a large stone building known as the Arcem Mysteriis. The Arcem has at least seven levels above-ground, as well as extensive subterranean levels that connect with the Undercity.
Army of the Sovereign
A massive army of soldiers provided by the factions of the city. Turned over at birth and raised and trained to be loyal to the Sovereign alone. Most of the army is kept out of Blackport, on patrol in the south or north or dealing with incursions. A small contingent of the forces are kept within the Iron City to deal with any rebellions or riots if needed.
Crime & Criminals
While the Shadow Watch keeps a close eye on the city, and the various enforcement forces are quick to bring any who transgress against Blackport's Laws to "justice", crime is alive and well in the city. See Criminal Gangs & Guilds, below.
Non-Government Organizations
Criminal Gangs & Guilds
A number of independent criminal syndicates operate in the city, all paying a kickback of their gains up to the Sovereign's coffers, and all knowing that there will be no mercy for their members if they are caught.
Orcish Organizations
The orcs of Blackport are for the most part immigrants from the nearby lands of Ugoz. As such, they are not from a single blood-relative clan and thus do not organize around extended family structures. But neither are they a homogenous group. Over time, they have formed alliances around different political and social aims.
Grunt and Spearaxe are dominated by orcs, half-orcs, and other halfbreeds. Charsoot, Miner's Gate, The Maw, and Slag have significant if not dominant numbers of orcs and halfbreeds.
Orcs make up about 25% of Blackport’s population.
Blackport’s main economic engine is the massive markets within the city walls, which allow for the buying and selling of virtually anything for a price so long as the appropriate taxes are paid.
In particular, Blackport is the primary center for slave trade for the entire western side of the peninsula, with Bakuland and Ûgozh providing most of the supply and the lands of Nar Duath, Sinalia, Phalegos, and Ypasi being the main consumers. Slaves of all races are bought and sold within the auction blocks of the city, but the bulk of the trade is humans, orcs, goblins, and some giant-kin. Smaller in number but present can be found elves, dwarves, halflings, and gnomes.
A secondary economic driver is the rich mineral resources that are mined in the hills around the city (when military actions allow). Much of the production here is controlled by the Orcs and Goblins of Blackport, who bitterly despise each other and who work to undercut the other at every opportunity, a situation that the Sovereign finds to his benefit. In addition to the tough basalt and onyx stones, the mines produce significant quantities of iron and copper, and lesser amounts of nickel, platinum, and titanium.
Blackport is also a primary trading port for hides, meat, and other animal products that are harvested by the various clans and tribes that inhabit the outer islands as well as the frozen lands north of Ûgozh. The Orcs and Bakulanders are unreliable trading partners without the enforcement mechanisms that Blackport provides, and so many of the clans and tribes sell their goods to sea traders, who bring the products to Blackport as a common market for trade.
Finally, the bounty of the sea around Blackport is a source of income; given that neither Ûgozh or Bakuland have significant traditions of farming (and place low value on plant-based food regardless), the fish and other meats that the fishing fleets of Blackport harvest are important sources of nutrition. Dried, smoked, pickled, and salted fish are in high demand, and the meat of larger creatures including whales, seals, sharks, and the like fetch even higher prices.
Blackport must import wood and charcoal to keep the fires of its forges running. Much of this is sourced from the forests to the north and south in Ûgozh and Bakuland, or brought in via ship from points further north or south.
Culture & Society
Most social aspects in Blackport are determined by one's social status, which is a complex function of many factors including lineage, wealth, patronage, and power (social, political, or magical).
In game terms, social status is reflected by a Social Level (SL) score, which reflects the perceived social status of an individual.
Social Level scores can range from 1 to 20; a slave or perhaps a beggar will have a SL of 1; The Sovereign of Blackport has a social level of 19, outranked only (in principal at least) by a diety or god, as far as Blackport's government is concerned.
An individuals Social Level score is used for several things, but it most directly will impact how any interactions with the government of Blackport, particularly its system of Law and Order, are handled.
Blackport is, oddly, a town where all religions are tolerated and where there are stiff penalties for transgressions on the Sovereigns order on this topic. That said, temples to neutral and evil gods are far more prevalent than those to good deities – and the ones that exist heavily favor lawful gods rather than chaotic ones.
While faithful of almost any religion practiced in the Lands can be found in the city, not all have temples and an associated organized priesthood.
There are several temples in Blackport dedicated to the pantheon of Gods worshiped by the humanoids of Blackport. These range from major temples to Gruumsh, Maglubiyet, and Vaprak to smaller shrines and outdoor altars to some of the lesser gods or those whose following is small, such as Gnolls.
Demihumans tend to keep a low profile in Blackport due to the large number of their historical and racial enemies. But small temples to some of the neutral or evil gods of the Elves, Gnomes, and Halflings can be found, primarily in Devil's Horn, Hero's Gate, Lord's Gate, Darklane, and Ironshadow.
There are no known Dwarvish temples in Blackport.
There are temples and shrines to a large number of the Vulkul pantheon, comprised mainly of the spirit animals of a given clan, or for the ancestor worship that each clan follows.
The Baku pantheon is organized around their clan structure; there are no fixed places of worship for the Baku, whose rituals are performed by their shaman and priests primarily before, during, and after battle, and for events such as birth, death, or coming of age of members of the clan. But there are a substantial number of Baku in the city, attended to by their own holy men.
There are temples and shrines to most of the Old Athernian Gods in Blackport, although they are not as popular as the humanoid, Vulkul, or Baku pantheons - particularly the good-aligned ones.
Unusually, Blackport is home to temples dedicated to several of the Old Ones - Haastur, Dagon, and Tsothoggua, specifically - due to its policy of religious tolerance. While staying true to his policy, it is said that The Sovereign nonetheless keeps these under close watch lest the city become overrun by abominations.
There is a single church of The Holy Faith within Blackport, St. Adrijan's, located in Hero’s Gate. Lawful Good religions are not popular in Blackport, and the following is small and tends to keep their heads down and tend to their own business. They try to bring the word of Il Matio to others here, but have made little progress over the years.
Finally, there is a small, lone mosque of The True Faith of A'Salam located in Crossbones, catering primarily to Jhonian sailors who are unfortunate enough to find themselves in Blackport. There are rumors of a hidden temple dedicated to an older form of religion worshipped in what is now Jhon, but if true, it is likely that only the Shadow Watch is aware of its location.
Blackport is no different from most cities in the lands in that there are strong racial preferences and prejudices; however, it is different in the respect that while humans are the largest of the demographics, they are not so overwhelmingly dominant that all other races are under their power. This results in any member of any race being able to be discriminated against or persecuted depending on where in the city they are - for example, within Grunt and Spearaxe, where orcs dominate, humans are the second-class citizens, along with almost any non-orc; in Goblintown, where goblin-kin are the dominant race, orcs keep their heads down and humans wash the dishes (when dishes are even used); and in Ironshadow and Highwall, where humans dominate, the only orcs or goblins you will find are either performing menial labor, guarding something, or running messages.
Within the races there are various factions who have organized to promote their aims and objectives; these are noted under the Organizations section.
Surrounding Areas
North Mine
Veins of ore here are higher-value materials but harder to mine. Volume is lower but still very lucrative. Uses less personnel than the South Mine. Heavily populated by Goblin-Kin, some humans and orcs.
A large village inhabited primarily by Goblins, Hobgoblins, and Bugbears.
Primarily human village outside the walls of Blackport that specializes in the production of ales of all types. Bitter, dark, high alcohol-content brews tend to be popular in Blackport. A few breweries here produce the Orcish beer called ghâl. There are a few distilleries as well, one of which distills ghâl into the foul and potent Orc liquor, saipâg.
A combination of sacred/profane ground for various temples as well as ancient crypts and mausoleums are to be found in this small stand of ancient trees outside the city. The area is proclaimed as property of The Sovereign, and touching the trees carries the penalty of death. The ancient trees that cover the ground here are twisted and gnarled; the stone buildings below them are old – far older than Blackport itself – and rumors abound about what is to be found beneath them – vast riches, power, and of course, unholy death.
These are the only living trees within several miles of Blackport, which greedily consumes wood for its forges and shipyard. The Sovereign allows use and visits to the wood, so long as nothing is damaged or removed. The place is used for holy ceremonies by several religions, some dark and others less so, in the area.
Low-class village dominated by miners, carters, teamsters, wheelrights, smiths, and other crafts related to the nearby South Mine.
Small village primarily composed of former fighters who have lost limbs or been otherwise maimed, but who can still perform services or have craftsman’s skills.
South Mine
Highly productive mine producing large amounts of iron ore. Dominated by humans with some orcs.
Devil’s Horn
Bustling town – significant number of demihumans compared to most other places in Blackport.
Azar’s Cove
Small village primarily fishing. Many here worship the Old Ones. Smugglers.
Small fishing village. Smugglers.
Outer Keep
Heavily fortified and armed island castle that protects the entrance to Blackport’s harbor and wharfs.
Everdark Keep
Heavily fortified and armed, it is a second line of defense for Blackport’s harbor and wharf after the Outer Keep.
City Districts
Long ago, the Sovereigns of Blackport initiated the construction of a massive stone complex northeast of the city outside the walls where various events – races, gladiatorial combat fights, and the like – could be held to provide distractions for the populace. The area around the complex built up with time, eventually holding many businesses and inhabitants. Finally, the Sovereign decided to wall the area in, both to better protect it and to establish more direct control over what went in and out of the area.
Market district where non-living goods are traded and sold. The Grand Bazaar area is a huge open market with stalls and tents everywhere. The Smaller Midnight Market specializes in specialized, expensive goods. There are more guards in the Midnight Market, resulting in less theft and crime.
A poor district of laborers and other low job holders who work on the wharfs, as well as criminals and those who provide services to them.
An area outside the arena. The bodies of fallen gladiator slaves are brought here for processing into various products that are valued by the humanoid and giant-kin residents of Blackport.
Named for the smoke and soot that issue from the Blacksmiths that work in this quarter. Primarily skilled craftsmen and merchants.
The favored quarter for the cities more well-to-do pirates and seamen, Crossbones has its share of crime – mostly drunken fights and pickpocketing – but is also the scene of many a duel fought after a perceived slight.
Many mages, sages, astronomers, seers, and other practicioners of the esoteric arts.
Golden Way
Expensive Shops & Goods patronized mostly by wealthy & nobility
A poor district comprised mostly of Orcs and Half-Orcs as well as some giant-kin.
Grunt is the no-mans land between the Skull Crown and Blood Mask factions of orcs, based out of Spearaxe and The Maw, respectively. It is heavily populated by members of the Iron Forge faction. When tensions between the Skull Crowns and Blood Masks spill over, Grunt is usually where the resulting killings happen.
Houses many of the halls for Blackport’s guilds, as well as a good number of Inns and Taverns which rent out large rooms for those guilds that cannot afford their own building. A center of business deals and trade.
Hero’s Gate
Middle-class district with homes for merchants and skilled craftsmen as well as many fighters who retired from the arena after earning their fortunes there.
An area of walled mansions mostly inhabited by rich and/or nobles.
Middle-class residential area – many guards, merchants, traders, and craftsmen live here. Named for the fact that it is shadowed by the Iron City and Doomkeep until nearly mid-day.
Lord’s Gate
Upper-Middle class district.
Midnight Gardens
A district of beautiful gardens. The entire area is fenced and requires a fee to enter. It is heavily guarded and watched. Many of the trees, bushes, and plants here bloom only at night, giving the area its name. Places within the gardens can be reserved or rented for private functions for a price.
Miner’s Gate
Working class area where much of the ore brought in from the South Mines is sold, to then be transported to the docks or to Charsoot for processing into ingots.
Moloch’s Circus
Sometimes shortened to just “The Circus.” A place where the most cruel and foul desires can be had – for the right price. The things that are paid for and sold in Moloch’s Circus would turn the stomach of most good and honorable people. The practices within are one of the reasons for the constant demand for new slaves within the city.
Red lantern
Low class district of cheap thrills and entertainment; many houses of ill repute, drug dens, gambling parlors, bawdy theaters, taverns, decrepit inns, and the like.
An area dominated by noble houses.
A lively area filled with taverns, gambling houses, bawdy houses, courtesans, as well as weapons schools and the like.
A working-class area dominated by those who work on the wharfs.
Many mercenary fighters here. Also many shops selling armor and weapons.
Slaver’s District
District that holds the auction blocks where slaves are bought and sold. Many of the buildings here are prisons for holding slaves who are in transit or awaiting their fate. Residents tend to be slavers, guards, or the poorer traders, as well as those who work on or service the ships that transport slaves to and from Blackport.
Dominated by Orcs; considered a better place to live than Grunt – higher ranking and/or more wealthy Orcs tend to live in Spearaxe. Still a violent district due to intertribal fighting. A few giant-kin can be found here as well.
The Iron City
The center of the Government of Blackport. Massive guard and military presence. Crawling with members of the Shadowatch. Doomkeep, the citadel and residence of the Sovereign, lies within an additional protective wall inside the Iron City.
The Maw
Many of the giant-kin that live in the city reside in The Maw.
The Warren
A horrible area of extremely poor people consumed by crime, addiction, and crushing poverty. Primarily human, but significant numbers of other races are present.
Self explanatory.