Vampire: Natchez By Night

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                                                                    A Vampire game set in steamy Mississippi.


Jul 2011

  • 30 July 2011

Tentative Schedule:
Aug 2011

Sep 2011

Oct 2011

Adventure Log

The campaign is current day and kicks off on the RL date of 30 July 2011.

30 Jul 2011 - Game 1.0: TBD - In which we find ourselves in Natchez, Mississippi, and kick things off.


A list of our adventures with player RPs and Journal entries inserted chronologically. Click on the titles to access the stories.

Player Journals

The DiSanti Files ––– Irina DiSanti's case notes and journal entries.

Player Characters

Irina DiSanti, PI, private investigator
Zadie Calhoun, bartender/college student

Non-Player Characters

The Court of King Cornelius "Cotton" Johnson
Eliza Beauchamps, Seneschal and Chairperson of Ventru Council
Evangiline Beauchamps Maguire, Keeper of Elysium

John "Midnight" Johnson, Sheriff

John was a slave on the King's plantation, who was turned by a Nosferatu who hoped to use him to kill the King. Out of loyalty to his master, John presented himself to the court, revealed the plan, and led a posse back to the lair of the revolutionaries. Granted his freedom as his reward, John has ever since been the strong right hand, the stranger with a knife that enforces the rules of tradition. "Ain't gonna be no changes 'round here, no sah."

Thaddeus "Boone" Daniels, Warden
Boone Daniels ended his life as a fur trapper in the wild uplands near the river when Natchez' former warden decided he needed a replacement for himself before heading further west, to wilder lands. None of the other Gangrel of the area had the couthe to last long in the court of King Cotton, but the woodsman was a natural politician. As the wild lands have shrunk, Boone has been more and more marginalized in the court, but his personal popularity, and the stray werewolf lurking on the edge of town have maintained him as one of the powers of Natchez. "Them streets is a jungle more dang'rous then any forest I ever seen, I tell y'all."

Other Important Vampires

Felicia DuBarrais, Fashion Police
Felicia is the leader in fashion tasteful rebellion. Unlike her sire, Evangaline, Felicia considers herself fashion forward, daring, and struggles to keep up with the times. Her nightclub/restaurant Felicity is always tasteful, but never respectful of tradition.

Catfish, Crazy Injun

Malkavian, who scares the king enough that while he has had his childer hunted down to control the population, he has never had the blood hunt called on him. Claims to be the oldest vampire in Natchez, and no one seems able to prove him wrong.





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