Combat Tracker

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- Main Page; Keep On The Borderlands

   Character                              Total  Current  Armor  Initiative  Movement  Melee   Primary    Secondary  Ranged   Primary   Secondary         
                                            HP      HP     Class     Bonus      Rate   Bonus    Melee       Melee    Bonus    Ranged      Ranged     
   Dayrell Goldenbrow                       53      26     -2(-1)     +1         6"     +5     Axe 1d8+5         -     +2    Axe 1d6+4     Crossbow 1d6  
      Dima Goldenbrow                       12      12      1         +0         6"     +0     Mace                    +0    Hammer 1d6    Sling 1d4
   The Red Walker                           26      21      2         +1        12"     +1     Sword1d8+2   HAxe 1d6+1 +0    Axe 1d6+1     Shortbow 1d6               
      Anardiel Willow                       14      14      3(4)      +1        12"     +4     Sword 1d8+4             +1    Bow 1d6
   Edward (That's ed-WAHD, not ED-word)     18      18      4(7)      +2        12"     +2     Sword 1d8+2  H.Axe 1d6  +3    Axe 1d6       Shortbow 1d6  
   Zarbek the Goat                          31      16      1(2)      +0        12"     +2     Staff 1d6    na         +0    na            na            
   Ogóul Snake-Charmer                      32      29      3(4)      +1        12"     +0     Staff 1d6    Dagger 1d4 +0    na            na            
      Drazheng                              23      20      1         +0         9"     +2     Sword 1d8+2  Axe 1d6+2  +0    Axe 1d6+2     Longbow 1d6      
      Dima:       - -         Cure Light Wounds      Detect Magic
      Red:        - 1 - 2 -   Sleep                  Magic Missile   Phantasmal Force  Web      Dispel Magic
      Anardiel:   1 - 2       Detect Magic           Read Magic      Phantasmal Force
      Ogóul:      - - - 2 3 3 Hold Portal            Magic Missile   Invisibility     Web       Fireball
      Zarbek:     - 1 - 2 3 4 Purify Food and Water  Fear            Resist Fire      Bless     Curse           Sticks to Snakes
   Healed with Staff of Healing: Red, Edward, Zarbek, Ogóul, Dayrell
   Reserve Characters:
   Muerte con un Cuchillo Grande            53      53      0(1)      +1        12"     +3     Axe 1d12+4   Dagger     +1    Dagger 1d4+3  Crossbow 1d6  
      Rilstil the Unicorn                   19      19      2         +0         6"     +0     Mace 1d6     na         +0    
      Soonk the Wise Man                    14      14      2         +0         6"     +0     Mace 1d6                +0    
      Orrin Goldenbrow                      22      22      2(3)      -1         6"     +1     Axe 1d8+1               +1    Axe 1d6+1     Crossbow 1d6
      Envar of the Flame                     5       5      3(4)      +1        12"     +1     Sword 1d8+1             +1    Bow 1d6
      Soonk       1 1
      Rilstil     1 1
      Envar:      1           Cure Light Wounds
      Vinnie                                27      27      0         +0         9"     +5     Spear 1d6    na         +0    na            na