Combat Tracker

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- Main Page; Keep On The Borderlands

   Character                              Total  Current  Armor  Initiative  Movement  Melee   Primary    Secondary  Ranged   Primary   Secondary         
                                            HP      HP     Class     Bonus      Rate   Bonus    Melee       Melee    Bonus    Ranged      Ranged     
   Dayrell Goldenbrow                       60       7     -2(-1)     +1         6"     +5     Axe 1d8+5         -     +2    Axe 1d6+4     Crossbow 1d6  
      Dima Goldenbrow                       12      12      1         +0         6"     +0     Mace                    +0    Hammer 1d6    Sling 1d4     
   The Red Walker                           31      26      0         +1        12"     +1     Sword1d8+2   HAxe 1d6+1 +0    Axe 1d6+1     Shortbow 1d6              
      Anardiel Willow                       14      14      3(4)      +1        12"     +4     Sword 1d8+4             +1    Bow 1d6                     
   Edward (That's ed-WAHD, not ED-word)     21      21      3(6)      +2        12"     +2     Sword 1d8+2  H.Axe 1d6  +3    Axe 1d6       Shortbow 1d6  
   Zarbek the Goat                          31      16      1(2)      +0        12"     +2     Staff 1d6    na         +0    na            na            
   Ogóul Snake-Charmer                      37      34      1(2)      +1        12"     +0     Staff 1d6    Dagger 1d4 +0    na            na            
      Drazheng                              23      20      0         +0         9"     +2     Sword 1d8+2  Axe 1d6+2  +0    Axe 1d6+2     Longbow 1d6    possessed 
      Dima:       - -           Cure Light Wounds      Detect Magic    Bless            Hold Person
      Red:        - 1 - 2 - 3   Sleep                  Magic Missile   Phantasmal Force  Web      Dispel Magic
      Anardiel:   1 - 2         Detect Magic           Read Magic      Phantasmal Force
      Ogóul:      - - - - 3 3 4 Hold Portal            Magic Missile   Invisibility     Web       Fireball
      Zarbek:     - 1 - 2 3 -   Purify Food and Water  Fear            Resist Fire      Bless     Curse           Sticks to Snakes
   Healed with Staff of Healing: Red, Edward, Zarbek, Ogóul, Dayrell
   Reserve Characters:
   Muerte con un Cuchillo Grande            53      53      0(1)      +1        12"     +3     Axe 1d12+4   Dagger     +1    Dagger 1d4+3  Crossbow 1d6  
      Rilstil the Unicorn                   19      19      2         +0         6"     +0     Mace 1d6     na         +0    
      Soonk the Wise Man                    14      14      2         +0         6"     +0     Mace 1d6                +0    
      Orrin Goldenbrow                      22      22      2(3)      -1         6"     +1     Axe 1d8+1               +1    Axe 1d6+1     Crossbow 1d6
      Envar of the Flame                     5       5      3(4)      +1        12"     +1     Sword 1d8+1             +1    Bow 1d6
      Soonk       1 1
      Rilstil     1 1
      Envar:      1           Cure Light Wounds
      Vinnie                                27      27      0         +0         9"     +5     Spear 1d6    na         +0    na            na