Combat Notes
- Main Page; The Lost City
Character: Total Current Armor Initiative Movement Melee Primary Secondary Ranged Primary Secondary HP HP Class Bonus Rate Bonus Melee Melee Bonus Ranged Ranged Aristophel 4 4 8 +1 12" -1 dagger 1d4-1 +1 Dagger 1d4 Bluto 9 9 2 +1 12" +1 Sword1d8+4 H Axe 1d6+1 +0 H Axe 1d6+1 Shortbow 1d6 Brother Valarn Ohlarinse 6 6 -2(-1) +1 12" +4 Sword 1d8+4 +1 Bow 1d6 Eldariel the Lost 7 7 0(1) +1 9" +8 BAxe 2d12+8 +5 Baxe 2d12+8 Grimgar 8 8 3(6) +2 12" +2 Sword 1d8+2 Dagger1d4+1 +3 Sbow1d6(+0/1/2) Dagger 1d4+1 Havan 4 4 4(5) +1 12" +1 Claws/Bite+1 FRIGHT Liku Iburte 9 9 4(5) +1 12" +0 Staff 1d6 Dagger 1d4 +0 na na Maren the Mighty 10 10 -2 +0 9" +4 Sword 1d8+4 Axe 1d6+2 +0 Axe 1d6+2 Longbow 1d6 Sparrow 4 4 -1 +1 9" +1 Staff 1d6+2