Combat Notes

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- Main Page; The Lost City

   Character:                           Total  Current  Armor  Initiative  Movement Melee   Primary    Secondary  Ranged    Primary      Secondary         
                                         HP      HP     Class     Bonus      Rate   Bonus   Melee      Melee      Bonus     Ranged       Ranged     
   Aristophel                             4       4      8         +1        12"     -1     Dagger 1d4-1             +1   Dagger 1d4  
   Bluto                                  9       9      1(2)      +1        6"      +3     BAxe 1d8+3   WHamm 1d6+3 +1   HAxe 1d6+3 XBow 1d4
   Brother Valarn Ohlarinse               6       6      4         +0        6"      +0     Mace 1d6     Staff 1d4   +0                
   Eldariel the Lost                      7       7      5         +0        9"      +0     BSwd 1d8     BS2Hd 1d8+1 +0   Shbow 1d6                
   Grimgar                                8       8      1(2)      +1        9"      +3     Sword 1d8+3  Haxe 1d6+3  +1   Haxe 1d6+3     Shbow1d6 
   Havan                                  4       4      5(7)      +1        12"     +0     Sword 1d8    Dagger 1d4  +2   Long CBow 1d6 Dagger 1d4
   Liku Iburte                            9       9      3         +0        9"      +3     THSwd 1d10+3 Dagger 1d4  +0   Shbow 1d6            na
   Maren the Mighty                      10      10      2         +0        9"      +1     Sword 1d8+1  Dagger 1d4+1+0        
   Sparrow                                4       4      8(9)      +1        12"     +0     Dagger 1d4               +1   Dagger 1d4
        Ayune- Heavy Foot. Ch,Sh.                   6       6      5         +0        9"      +1     Sword 1d8+1  Spear 1d6+1 +0   Handaxe 1d6+1   Morale 9. 
        Darue- Heavy Foot. Ch,Sh.                   6       6      5         +0        9"      +1     BAxe  1d8+1  Spear 1d6+1 +0   Hammer  1d6+1   Morale 9.

   Aristophel 1 : Sleep
   Brother Valarn 1 : Cure Light Wounds
   Eldariel the Lost 1 :
   Sparrow 1 :