Forgotten Freedom:8

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Doog: Ketler, what did you do to the keel?

Ketler: Hmm? Oh, John? I awakened him about a week ago.

Doog: No, I know that, but what did you do to him recently?

Ketler: Nothing, *looks as innocent as possible*

Doog: Ketler, if you don't tell me, I'll drop a hint to the captain about your illicit Jaela doll collection.

Ketler: I... uh... gave him a few enhancements.

Doog: What kind of enhancements?

Ketler: Well... Detect Evil for one, Shocking grasp and a few other things. Why are you so, ah... tetchy about this?

Doog: Cuz I had to talk the keel out of nuking the ship. You should remove some of those enhancements.

Ketler: Mmm... the shocking grasp probably was a bit excessive.

John: HEY! Don't come any closer man! I'll do it!

Michael: Do what?

John: I can do it! I'll nuke the ship, you evil person!

Michael: Whoa there, buckshot, why would you do that?

John: The ship is full of evil! Lisa says that all corruption should be smote.

Michael: Yeah, well, Lisa is a bit of an extremist.

John: What do you mean?

Michael: She was thrown out of her order for being too militant and violent.

John: She was?

Michael: Don't listen to her too seriously. Remember there are other ways to deal with evil.

John: There are?

Michael: Yeah, more peaceful ways, like lecturing people on how to change their evil habits.

John: I'll have to think on that.

Michael: Okay.

Doog: Michael, did you actually believe any of that?

Michael: Nope, but I still did an evil thing.

Doog: Are you kidding me? You turned the keel into Gandhi!

Michael: Yeah, but do you want to be lectured by him while you're hanging there?

Doog: Point taken.

Random Redshirt: NOOoooo!! Not the keel!!!!

John: You know, you really should think of changing your outlook. If you had a more positive view on the world...


John: ... and Cool Cthulhu told me that by sharing your feelings with those you are opposed to...

Jarlot: We are headed over mountains now! Why don’t I fly a little lower


John: ...if we just learn to work together Eberron can be a utopia for all...


Michael: A keelhauling with a lecture. Wow, this is the evilest thing I have done that I can remember. This calls for a victory drink!

Michael: The... hell?

White-wearing Captain Jarlot: We've all decided to convert to goodness and purity because of the light of our holy keel's teachings.

Ketler covered in flowers: Groovy, man! Peace out.

Pholly: I am overwhelmed with joy to my fellow man.

V: *has converted his grinning death mask to general good cheer* I no longer will engage in vengeance or violence.

Stupid: I like plow shears.


(Runs into the wall and leaves a Michael traced hole in it)

Ketler: Wow, that worked better than I thought.

Jarlot: I was hoping he'd jump overboard.

Ketler: That will teach him to go beyond our crew charter.

Jarlot: Kill, maim, and plunder but NEVER do you lecture a fellow pirate.

Cool Cthulhu: Hey John!

John : Yes, brother?

Cool Cthulhu: Have you reached enlightenment yet?

John: No, brother, I have not, nor ever will. What is enlightenment?

Cool Cthulhu: I don't know. I think there's a dictionary somewhere around here...

John: I sincerely doubt that would help you find Enlightenment.

Cool Cthulhu: Well damn, that's pretty enlightened of you! You know how to find enlightenment, so you must be enlightened! I'm going to name you Buddhasiddharthatheresagandhi.

John: My thanks. But my curiosity is aroused; what does it mean?

Cool Cthulhu: It means "Enlightened one"

John: You are far too kind... Honestly, though, it is a bit hard on the tongue.

Cool Cthulhu: Mmm... well it is in Xoriat, I suppose it could be shortened to "Buddha" without losing too much meaning...

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