Forgotten Freedom:91
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Terra: Why did you tell him we were going to adopt?
Lisa: I felt it best not to put images in his head.
Terra: You do know we're involved in the fantasy's of over half the males on board, right?
Lisa: Not to mention several of the females. I'm not adding fuel to that fire.
Terra: Ok. Good point.
Kes: Ok, now that you're back, let's continue.
The group launches an all out assault. Volrath and Nalfein are casting spells, Muradin, Steve, and Cuddles are charging him, Squinty is attacking the wall off to the side, and Vrin is still cowering in the corner.
Cuddles, Steve, and Muradin are trying to smash in Tyranthraxus’s knees (with little effect), Volrath and Nalfein are pounding at his head with spells. He drops Klaz and falls into a defensive stance.
Nalfein: It’s working!
Volrath: DON’T JINX IT!
As soon as he says this, Tyranthraxus unleashes a barrage of black flames that slam into everyone, knocking them back. Tyranthraxus: You thought that killing me would be so easy?
Volrath: You HAD to say something didn’t you?
Nalfein: …shut up.
Tyranthraxus: [COLOR=Red]My turn.[/COLOR] :devil:
Before they can do anything, Tyranthraxus casts a barrage of spells and then slams his fists into the ground causing a massive shockwave, smashing everyone against the wall. Cuddles and Steve are the first to recover.
Cuddles: Now?
Steve: Yeah.
Cuddles slips into the shadows and Steve melds into the floor as everyone else gets up.
Volrath: Why, oh WHY did you have to point out that he would be updated and trigger a puff of logic?!
Nalfein: Quite blaming me for everything that is going wrong!
Volrath: Even if it’s your fault?
Nalfein: SHUT UP!
While they are bickering, Tyranthraxus starts to cast Meteor Swarm. Before he can complete it, Steve rises up and uses the adamantine to weld Tyranthraxus’s left leg to the floor. Cuddles then freezes his right leg with his Ice Breath, pinning him to the floor and breaking his concentration.
Muradin launches his Hammer of Thunderbolt and it slams into Tyranthraxus’ face, bowling him over.
Volrath: GO!
Volrath runs at Tyranthraxus, jumps on him and starts to run up his body with each appendage in his upper body holding a blade and slicing into him, except his original arms, which are carrying a dinner plate (I don’t know why).
Volrath: Because it’s cool! And I’m hungry!
OORei: Ooooooooook.
Nalfein is running along side of his body blasting spells at him, Cuddles is slashing at Tyranthraxus’s other side; Pholly, Klaz, Squinty, and Vrin are still completely useless.
Volrath: KEEP GOING!
Nalfein: Duh!
Cuddles: [SIZE=1]Shut up[/SIZE], Shut up, SHUT UP!
Volrath & Nalfein: Sorry. :weep:
Before they reach Tyranthraxus’s head, he unleashes a massive amount of black flames that are much larger and much more powerful then the first ones; everyone is blasted back and severely burned.
As he is about to charge them down, he sees Muradin and Steve standing at his feet, both are wearing black suits and black sunglasses. Muradin has a black fro, and Steve has a brown mullet. They look at each other, then at Tyranthraxus, and then they each pull out a pistol.
Muradin: “And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know my name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon you.”
And then they both cap in his ass.
Volrath franticly searches his pockets, then looks at Muradin and Steve angrily.
Nalfein: You mean to tell me…that you had those this entire time…and you never USED THEM!!!
Volrath: They were in pockets that can only be accessed when it’s funny.
Nalfein: (looks at Rei) I HATE YOU SO MUCH!!!
OORei: :D
Bunny: :zzz:
13: :zzz:
OOcat helps Silver dispose of the bodies from the D&D convention.
Kes (slightly worse for wear affter a run in with the chili) - While we're here you can pick a few students to interview. Careful though the 'Zerks can be a little aggressive, and them and the Breakers love to throw down on each other. If stuff starts flying its best to get clear of the area.
Lisa - Zerks? Breakers? I thought Satnak was the Breaker?
Kes - Zerk is short for Berserk, breakers are graduates with a certain set of courses and capabilities, Satnak is just the best. They really take advantage of enegistic re-enforcement and disruption abilities, some of them can attack, de-buff, and hack all in one motion. Berserkers are almost like mortal hurricanes, lots of power physical and energistic, but the only got so much time before they wear down.
Terra - Hack?
Kes - like laying down a curse or poison spell or armor sundering anything that weakens your foe's ability to keep fighting at full effeciency short of killing it.
Lisa - Lets see any of these kids?
Kes - Sure but be careful some of them don't like being interrupted during a meal.
Terra - Ok lets start with those two.
Kes - Oi you with the nose, and you without.
'forged psi-ficer (Sparky)
Hobgoblin ardent (Ragnos)
Sparky and Ragnos - :rolleyes: What chyou want fuzzbut?
Kes - We got 'rents here.
Ragnos - Welcome to Open eye.
Sparky - 'rents means kids, kids mean sticky little fingers, must hide lenses.
Kes - Calm down there's no sprats here yet.
Sparky - Oh..., then hello.
Ragnos - Ever since that Gelion girl messed with his scopes and zapped him with his own lightning dorje, i can't take him near the main depot, too many kids, so we gotta schleck all the way up the mountain for the secondary, Oi.
Sparky - SOooooooo many smudges.
Ragnos - Literally got a few screws lose.
Lisa - More than I needed to know.
Terra - This seems familiar somehow.
Liam sits in his lab, tossing a wand up and down, apparently bored.
Liam: I don't have a reason to be here, now that I finished my research, but, well, it's kind of addictive, and I can't bring myself to leave. I still haven't gotten the energy to work for construction, but it's amazing amplifying existing items. Morgrave has recieved my report, and said that it was good and I was done.
Liam grabs a wand of prestidigitation and heads down to Erk's Place for a drink.
Liam: I need another project to work on as an excuse to stay here. What is there to do?
Liam sees a pair of redshirts walking by having a rather calm conversation, except that they're speaking complete gibberish.
Liam: A psychological study on how the redshirt supply remains constant even with the Forgotten Freedom's reputation? Nah.
With a sigh, Liam stops walking. He shakes his head.
Liam: I have a week to come up with another project before my funding is cut and I have to leave or join the crew. I would really rather remain a passenger.
Still with no idea in mind, Liam resumes his trip to the bar.
[EDIT] On his way, he spots 13 delivering the mail.
Liam: That's it! A study of the Non-existant Entities, and the Entities from Beyond Non-Existance!
Liam heads down to the bar to celebrate his new plan.
Serene - She's admitting feelings for me, but she started acting wierd after she got up the second time. She was crying in her sleep.
Terrek - Satnak is a girl with quite a bit of unexplored history, I've been doing some digging and it turns out she was brought here just as her fight with her sister and brother in law ended. She was comatose for a few days and had had her arm ripped right off. She was pretty wracked for a while, took her a long time to recover her full power. Also consider she is from a very different world this may be normal behavior for the people there as far as relationships go. Possibly a time without to think things through, or simply her needing to clear her head after that whirlwind she just went through. Satnak is many things, but she is not fickle with her affections (i.h.h. ten years dammit, thats loyalty). Now that leaves the question of the Cat.
Serene - Fluffy?
Terrek - Yes, I can't simply move against him openly, not only does he terrify the minions on board with his antics (i.h.h. how many times has he ruined my slippers this week?), but he has the uncanny ability to always have her around when he is in danger. I need a non-threatening way to keep him distracted.
13: I don't think that's possible. I mean, we don't, technically, exist, so therefore he can't study us.
Bunny: He could interview us. It just wouldn't amount to anything important. Like on talk-shows.
Silver: Star Trek, Nintendo, Tolkien, D&D. I think you’ve covered all the conventions I can be the joke of.
Silver finds herself standing in the middle of an animé convention.
Silver: :bored: Nice try. There isn’t a single animé cliché that I can be mistaken for.…………Hello?……………:confused: Should be able to hear me—
(behind her): What? :ahem:
Silver: Gah!…………*gasp, gasp*……:blink: Why are you carrying all those DVDs?
OOcat: We’ve got research to do.
Silver: For what? I mean, other than seeing some hot animé babe body.
OOcat: I just got an idea for an Erk plotline. If you help me, I’ll let you participate.
Silver: *:w00t: OF DOOM!*
A thin man wearing a tall, dark hat and pinstripe suit, shades, strutted into Erk’s Place, took one quick glance around, then grabbed hold of NJ26 and pressed a knife to her neck.
Shades Man (flashing a HUGE predatory evil grin): Now…everyone remain calm.
Everyone remained calm. In fact, they weren’t the least bit perturbed by the event, going about their business as if this happened every day.
Shades Man: :ahem: Can I have some attention over here?
A couple of patrons glanced up from their drinks, then returned, grumbling.
The shades man waited until a young waitress wearing too much black makeup passed by.
Shades Man: *significant cough*
Silence: Like, I’ll get to you in a second!
There was a low murmur of agreement from the patrons.
Erk: Oh for—NJ26, will you take care of this?
Shades Man: (evil smile) Ah, a negotiator perhaps?
Erk: No. You’re holding her.
NJ26: Don’t you want to hear the evil rant this time?
Erk: I’m in the middle of something.
NJ26: Right, chief.
Shades Man: Um…what am I missing here?
NJ26: You have any ninja training?
Shades Man: No.
NJ26: You an old and wise master of some fighting style?
Shades Man: Not very.
NJ26: You do know what happens when anyone who isn’t an old master of fighting or doesn’t have ninja training grabs a ninja?
Shades Man: Wha—*gurgle* (SFX demon strike, no sound of body slumping)
NJ26: Wonder if Andrea’ll want this one…
NJ26 drags the shades man into the back room. Erk is there, lost deep in thought.
NJ26: You okay, chief?
Erk: Read this. (hand her a letter)
Letter: Dear Mister Erk, The evil [insert name of evil being/race/company/just plain weird entity] from [insert name of company/magical organization/city/country/planet/alternate time(/timeline/reality)] is/are trying to take over/destroy [insert name of innocent target reality/city/person/natural force] by means of sending out robots/demons/weird monsters/people transformed into monsters (at least once a week). Your mission should you choose to/not choose to accept it is to journey to [insert name of target’s location] and seek out the guardian/fated savior [insert name of magical girl/(possibly) boy]. If you cannot find him/her, then find their love interest/rival/pain-in-the-rear (note: these titles are not necessarily exclusive in combo) who shall be searching for him/her for reasons of love/honor/friendship. If you cannot find the love interest/rival/pain-in-the-rear, simply wait around for one of the robots/demons/weird monsters/people transformed into monsters to cause a panic, and there is likely to be an evil minion(s)/villain there to taunt you.
The Goddess Animé
NJ26: Hey, aren’t these things supposed to explode?
There is the sound of amiturishly-created-by-people-who-aren't-professionls attack magic from the bar. NJ26 looks through the door. There is some hot-babe witch—obviously a villain—standing at the bar door.
Witch: This transitive space is now the property of the Dark Rams! You will all kneel before our master, the great Lord Ram-page! AH HAHAHAHAH—
A paper airplane flies into her mouth. The witch cross her eyes to look down at it in surprise. It begins to smolder. (SFX demon strike resolved)
- boom*
NJ26: Better get the chili in here to clean that one up.
Terra - How dangerous is this place? I want my child to live long enough to pass exams.
Kratwe - Yeah it can get a little rough, but the older students tend to keep everyone else in line, especially the 'zerks they are hell bent on the rules. First ones for a little tussle, but the minute blood or bones get involved its all lockdown time.
Lisa - What is with the titles that everyone seems to have?
Kratwe - Yeah, those are kinda wierd. They just sort of happened, Forbes and Levy got their titles from their adventuring days. It started out as just a couple people using nicknames for competions and tournaments, its just spread to the point were you get a title. Most aren't official or anything, but they mean alot to us, its sort of like a pecking order. Your given a nickname then your supposed to make it famous, Satnak was Wrack-Attack for a while 'cause she knew how to make it hurt. My bro is the trance blader because the eye on his sword is hypnotic. Its sorta like making a name for yourself. Usually forbes and levy don't involve themselves so much as to grant a title, Satnak was a legend though. Its hard to explain.
Lisa - How are the classes?
Half-orc Soulknife (Jeck) - Its hard work, lotta book work, that ethics class is maddening. Tos in the fight training and your lucky to get 2 free periods to rub together in a given week, but you do it because the rules say you gotta have this many credits in these subjects, before your allowed to take the really advanced classes. I wanna be a blade weaver, so I have to learn how to use a real loom, and the history of the discipline, and the secondary discipline, I've been studying druidry off and on for most of my life so... Is that a ginkel stem?
Terra - What about these tournaments?
Changling wilder (Ricky) - Most of the time there is an event of some sort going down. Races, restricted tournaments, and such.
Lisa - Restricted ?
Ricky - Most of the competitions are restricted based on experience, and the number of courses you have, its not a good idea to let people who are near graduatiing to compete with the untested.
Kes - Ok time to meet the big man
Lisa - Forbes ?
Kes - Yep he'll be easy to find today he has been sunning himself on the rim all day.
Terra - Huh? :confused: oh yeah were-snake
Feal-Thas glided through the undergrowth, as silent as a wraith. it was dusk, and the woodlands where as silent as the grave. Feal-Thas saw the glow of campfire up ahead and smiled, he moved in circleing around the camp. the camp was a standard fair, tents set in a hexagon around the Flag in the centre. gaurds had been posted on watch at each of the points of the hexagon, But Feal-Thas Knew Daggroth. he would have more posted in the tree's and sweeping the area, Feal-Thas glanced back to the infiltrator teams behind him. he sent forth his orders telepathicaly and the infiltraitors spread out, Above him Feal-Thas heard one of his snipers doing his deadly work. one of Daggroths gaurds was already out of the game.
Feal-Thas drew his bow and notched it, scanning the camp for Daggroth or one of the captains. he saw none. he heard a bird call which told him that everyone was in place and selected his target, a warmage on the edge of the camp. Feal-Thas aimed and fired, the arrow delt forth silent death onto the Warmage. who dropped to the floor, and arrow lodged in his throat. instantly his body was teleported away to be resurrected. the whisteling noises of more arrows was heard as the infiltrators and snipers opened fire on the camp, many of the camps occupents where taken out before they could react. Feal-Thas broke cover and drew his Valenar Double-bladed Scimitar, he heard the notching of an arrow from across the clearing as a sniper too his aim. it came speeding towards screaming though the air, time around Feal-Thas slowed as he deflected the arrow with his weapon. Feal-Thas reataliated on the sniper with a ball of flame.
Feal-Thas raced into the centre of the camp, Skirmishers all doing the same, arrows whisteling past him. every one of the defenders that tried to get in his way he cut down before they could even retaliate. Feal-Thas grabbed the flag from the ground and placed it in the sheath on his back. instantly the Skirmishers made a defensive wall around him, there was silence in the glade. Feal-Thas spotted movement in the bushes as one of his snipers dropped from a tree, Daggroth and the other half of his force stepped out from the bushes. Daggroths crimson mind blade glowed in his hands, currently it was in the form of two short bladed swords. Daggroths prefered fighting style. his pale features where masked by camoflauge paint and his black cropped hair had been concealed with mud.
Feal-Thas sent telepathic messages to his remaining two squads ( Defence team and Skirmisher Team), Feal-Thas put on a defensive stance and collected his mental energy. Daggroths men advanced slowly, their line two ranks deep. Feal-Thas sent the command message and the skirmisher teams spell casters unleashed a barrage of spells. Daggroths team where forced to take on defensive stances, Feal-Thas struck plunging forwards in a deadly dance of death. his blades flashing. he managed to penertrate the defensive ring, Feal-Thas turned and saw that two skirmishers had made it. the sprinted through the woods, though it was easyier to ambush and place traps within this form of Terrain it would provide them cover from spells and missile weapons. Feal-Thas heard screams as the Infiltrators behind him fell into pits, Feal-Thas ran on. Feal-Thas saw campfires ahead of him and he ran faster arrows thudding into the trees around him, he reached the camp edges and leaped over the nearest tent, and pretty soon had reached the centre of the camp.
[SIZE=4]redteam has won the match! [/SIZE]
the voice boomed as they where all instantaniously teleported from the arena. instantly Feal-Thas collapsed to his knee's. he felt a shadow above him and looked up, there stood Daggroth hand outstretched. Feal-Thas took it and Daggroth pulled him to his feet.
Daggroth: good game Feal
Feal-Thas: Same time Next week?
Daggroth: *smileing* this time we'll beat you.
Feal-Thas: i'd like to see that. well, it better go rest up. i've got drill with Naz'roth in the morning.
Daggroth: *chuckeling* good luck, i'll see you at lunch ... if you survive.
Feal-Thas: see you then.
they and their teams departed.
Kes - Most students start about the early teen level, to many races with different age rates to make a big deal of objective age, some pre-teens can get in if they work really hard. That Meshka kid for instance spent a whole year studying and practicing for the entrance exams.
Lisa - Entrance exams?
Kes - Nothing major. Usually find something within a cavern full of vermin and minor traps and get it out. Plus a small written portion, you gotta convince the reviewers you actually want in. (I.E. usually level one to three)
Satnak - *knockknock* Serene? Terrek?
Terrek - That door holds the record for number of times she's hit something without breaking it.
Serene - :rolleyes: *opens door* -Hugs Satnak-
Satnak - I take it your dads ok with this. :embarrass
Terrek - I know better than to get in the way.
Satnak - You may change your mind. Heres the new couch I owe you.
An astral construct lugs a new leather couch through the door.
Satnak - I would advise you both use it,... I'm not sure how you will react, where I'm from this is a big deal, here it might not even be unusual.
Serene and Terrek - (trade :confused: looks and sit)
Satnak - My last name is Borisheel, it means my family is from a sort of nobility. Generations ago during the rise of the first Half-elves, a few dozen families were given or crafted special artifacts, their origen is unclear, what is known is that each of these artifacts respond only to members of their specific family. If a family line was wiped out the item would self-destruct. Over the centuries families with these items became a sort of elite, with special traditions and customs that transcended those of nationality, religion, and political affiliation. After the war started, this put strain on the families, as others grew more hostile the families reacted by becoming even more aloof and focused on their own affairs. By my time we were almost considered our own nation, albeit one without a mark on a map. Thats when the slaughter began, Families were wiped out. My home was one of the last strongholds from what I was able to piece together afterwards. A few others made it to the island or some other refuge. The point is I lost track of my parents' swords when I lost my sister in the escape. When I faced my sister years later she wielded both against me, probably part of the reason I beat her, the artifacts can't kill a member of their own family. Cut me to pieces yes, kill me no, though I have a suspicion thats why she was carrying a few extra daggers. Before I went after my dear brother in law, I marked them to be returned to my room at the island by the clean up crew.
Serene - Sword's as in plural?
Satnak - Yes as the families grew more insular a few intermarried. My parents' both bore Ancient blades. Gaurded Heart and The Rose. Gaurded Heart belonged to Father, it was to be mine, Ketty was to be given Mother's blade upon reaching majority.
Serene - Thats alot to digest, but what does it have to do with us?
Terrek - Yes why tell me?
Satnak - Family is important, if Iwant to be with Serene, she, you, and I must come to an understaning, we are never to force her to choose between us, understood *glare*
Terrek - of course ( i.h.h. this is unusual behavior, is she trying to be ... *shudder* diplomatic?)
Serene - Your dodging the point, silly girl.
Satnak - sorry :( ,... The point is that I can't let the blades sit there forever. Either I have them transfered to a high security vault, or I bring them here. I was never trained to use them in a fight, and I really do prefer my own hands, butt I have a responsibility to make sure they are safe, and well cared for. Also... they are required for certain ceremonies.
Serene - Oh :eek:
Terrek - Again why tell me?
Satnak - Because what little remains of my honor demands that you know what your daughter is getting into NOW STOP ASKING THAT!
Terrek - (i.h.h. is that restraint?)
Serene - It souds like the choice is simple, why ask anyone?
Satnak - Because when I accept the responsibility to gaurd them it affects you because you are close to me. I'm just trying to do right by you Serene.
Terrek - I'll just be going now -winks out-
Serene - Come here silly girl -hugs Satnak again- Go ahead bring them here, their a part of your heritage, apart of you, and I want to know all about you. Good, bad, and Crazy.
Satnak - I don't think we ever finished testing your theory on breathing.
Serene - haha, shut up and kissme silly girl.
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