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Revision as of 02:35, 24 February 2017 by Mindstalk (talk | contribs) (Setting)
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Another Day Another Delve A Dungeon World play-by-post-campaign. Dungeon World rules here or here or here (less complete)

IC and OOC


Kyouko the Dungeon Slayer, Human Fighter "magical girl", player Mindstalk

Lindorell Dragonbane, Elf Fighter, player Unka Josh

Embry Em Ranger, Human Ranger, player Shokubai

Yula Cindersoul, Salamander Immolator, player Lysus

Seranna, Human Bard, player Stormraven

Hawthorne Scargrin, Dwarf Cleric, player FrivYeti

Delbert the Exterminator, (Human Thief "working class exterminator"), player Caias Ward

Nigel Boswell Aspiring Wizard (Human Wizard "runaway carny"), player caseyjone5


Rules and Notes

Post Requirements: In order to help me track some data without needing to reference outside documents all of the time, please include two things in every post: your character’s name and Current/Max HP. This can be a simple tag at the top of a post:

Rolling Dice: Dice rolls will be done on Orokos, game 'anotherdelve'. Dice rolls will be handled using the website Unseen Servant ( Make an account and use the campaing ID 538 for our dice room. Please make an account and a character for the game. We will be using the dice rolls from here and linking them back to the thread, so that we have time stamps, results, and so forth in a single place that can be linked to easily. If you have any questions about the dice mechanisms/macros please refer to their macro section or ask me directly.

I want to preserve some level of control as GM to ensure that there is some veto power over the fictional space and there is a communal understanding of what is going on. Generally speaking, if you want to add cool fictional details to populate a space, I am fine with it, but if you try to drastically alter an area please ask me in PM or OOC beforehand to make sure it does not go too far.

When someone else is given a magic item from a Delve, everyone who did not receive an item receives 25 coins.

Once per adventure, if you add one or more of the emerging world/setting details to the wiki (this can include short write-ups on NPCs, steadings, monsters, events, religions, etc.) I will allow you to mark XP for doing so. Please only add things that come up during play, rather than writing random background fluff that may not be relevant to the game in its present tense. If you are ever in doubt, ask me and I’ll let you know, but generally if it is something I name drop or describe then it is probably fair game.



Dungeons and their monstrous denizens are “naturally” occurring threats that civilizations have to deal with. Imagine dungeons as a cross between ant hills, wasp nests, and beehives – they can spring up relatively quickly, have a mixture of consistent and messy structure within certain broad patterns, are inhabited by aggressive creatures which are mostly defensive but eventually begin to encroach on civilized areas, and generate treasure as a byproduct of the magic/creatures that create them. The production of treasure is equal parts nature, magic, and mystery to people in the world, something akin to how oysters create pearls or bees produce honey.

This means that groups must often hire Delvers to clear out these threats. Delvers are adventurers who specialize in clearing dungeons and removing them as a threat, something along the lines of exterminators but more in the flavor of the A-Team or Ghostbusters. The pay is good and there are spoils from the dungeons, they live free of most societal constraints, but it is dangerous work.

So the players would be an established Delver team or company, either the newest recruits for an existing group or a relatively new group themselves. The early focus would will be on killing monsters and taking their stuff, with a heavy action-adventure tone that may have dark elements but is not meant to be oppressively grim. Whether it goes beyond that into more plot-heavy narrative threads will depend entirely on the roleplay and group desires.

Delver’s Guild: A quick note about an in-setting conceit – the Delver’s Guild. Every major civilized region has one or more chapters of the Delver’s Guild, usually at major metropolitan centers. The guild provides official licenses after a training/induction process, and aggressively polices the clearing of dungeons. The Delver’s Guild is less considered with how a dungeon is cleared, and more concerned that only officially-licensed Delvers are doing the work. They spend considerable time enforcing “safe zones” around dungeons to make sure unlicensed parties don’t attempt to cut in on what is essentially their business, and also ensuring that licensed Delvers are maintaining the reputation the Guild has cultivated. The Guild won’t care how a dungeon gets cleared by your group, but if you run around acting like murder hobos or causing/allowing collateral damage that would look bad for the Guild they will get involved.

  • One of the busiest towns in the western Queendom of Zvezdala (if one believed such talk), Nestlebrook was never short of traffic or business. Dozens of new travelers found themselves in inns and taverns every week, while plenty more set out with their pockets a few coins lighter than when they came. At the crossroads of two major arteries, Nestlebrook was a place more known for its visitors than its locals. While the Queensroad brought the steady flow of merchants, dignitaries, and armed caravans on official business, Jesta’s Trail often saw foreign mercenaries, religious pilgrims, and fantastic carnivals from beyond the realm. All had coin to spend and need of resupply, and the locals were happy to oblige on both counts.
    • Few towns enjoyed Nestlebrook’s potent combination of the appearance of frontier life with the reality of consistent civilization. While at its founding it was the very definition of dangerous living, the western hills and northern mountains had been quiet for longer than most residents could remember – the orc tribes seemed content to squabble amongst themselves, and the centaur kindreds can settled their ancient blood feuds. Those locals who attempted to carry on the rustic lifestyle of their forebears could not achieve the full effect, their clothes a bit too crisp and hands bearing too few callouses. Even the Delver’s Guild had closed their local chapter house four summers ago, with so little business to speak of the cost had greatly outweighed the meager activity in the area. Nestlebrook was a town of comfortable business now, and danger no longer lurked at every sunset.
  • In her research, Lindorell discovered that the Nalvians were a group of nomadic tribes that would travel through these lands during their vast cyclical treks. They were largely wiped out or expelled during the formative years of the Queendom and the violent unification wars.

Non-exhaustive list of Bonds

X owes me their life, whether they admit it or not.

I have sworn to protect X

I worry about the ability of X to survive in the dungeon.

X is soft, but I will make them hard like me.

X broke up a fight I was involved in. I was probably going to lose, but they don’t need to know that part.

X and I are regular training partners.

X seems like they would fold at the first sign of trouble. I don’t trust them.

X is puny and foolish, but amusing to me.

X is always getting into trouble—I must protect them from themselves.

X trusted me with a secret.

X is a good and faithful person; I trust them implicitly.

X is in constant danger, I will keep them safe.