Index |
Background |
Mechanics |
Essays |
Campaigns |
The game mechanics of the world of Trinity are based upon d20. While it would be theoretically possible to play in the setting in other systems, those systems would undoubtedly require a good deal of overhauling to handle all the mechanics that play an important role in establishing the flavor of the setting.
- Abilities
- Races
- Classes
- Akashic (Aka)
- Anarch (Ana)
- Antipaladin (Ant)
- Archer (Arc)
- Artificer (Art)
- Assassin (Asn)
- Barbarian (Brb)
- Bard (Brd)
- Cleric (Clr)
- Corsair (Cor)
- Defender (Def)
- Druid (Drd)
- Erudite (Erd)
- Fighter (Ftr)
- Gadgeteer (Gdg)
- Gambler (Gmb)
- Greasemonkey (Grm)
- Gunslinger (Gun)
- Incarnate (Inc)
- Inventor (Inv)
- Knight (Kni)
- Lancer (Lnc)
- Learner (Lrn)
- Lorethief (Lor)
- Mediator (Mtr)
- Medic (Med)
- Mimic (Mim)
- Monk (Mnk)
- Mutator (Mut)
- Ninja (Nin)
- Noble (Nob)
- Paladin (Pal)
- Psion (Psi)
- Psychic Warrior (Psw)
- Ranger (Rng)
- Reckoner (Rec)
- Rogue (Rog)
- Samurai (Sam)
- Scout (Sco)
- Shifter (Shi)
- Sorcerer (Sor)
- Soulknife (Sol)
- Technologist (Tec)
- Templar (Tem)
- Trainer (Trn)
- Unfettered (Unf)
- Voidchild (Voi)
- Warlock (War)
- Wilder (Wil)
- Wizard (Wiz)
- Zodiac (Zod)
- Skills
- Equipment
- The Forces
- Trinity of Reality
- Trinity of Remembrance
- Trinity of Philosophy
- The Wandering Force
- Creatures