Scum and Villainy - No Disintegrations

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A Scum and Villainy Game run by MrPrim
Recruitment | OOC | IC

The Galaxy

The bounty hunting vessel the Last-Chance-2.

And her Crew:

The Worlds of the Galaxy.

Factions of the Post-Imperial Era.

The Galaxy is full of Faces. These are some of them.

What To Do

If you're not sure what to do, do one of these, they're how you earn XP!

  • Roll a desperate action.
  • Address a tough challenge with insight or compassion.
  • Express your beliefs, drives, heritage, or background.
  • Struggle with issues from your vice or traumas during the session
For the Mechanic
  • Address a challenge with technical skill or ingenuity.
For the Muscle
  • Address a challenge with force or threats.
For the Mystic
  • Address a challenge with wisdom or the Force.
For the Pilot
  • Address a challenge with speed or flair.
For the Scoundrel
  • Address a challenge with charm or audacity.
For the Speaker
  • Address a challenge with deception or influence.
For the whole Crew
  • Execute a successful extraction operation or capture of a bounty.
  • Contend with challenges above your current station.
  • Bolster your crew’s reputation or develop a new one.
  • Express the goals, drives, inner conflict, or essential nature of the crew.

Current Status

Current Bounty

The Client:

The Reward:

The Target:
