Thousand Cities:Yedan
Yedan, The Sword
- Yedan is the ruler of the Gods of the Cerulean Sky. Although he is one of the youngest Primal Gods, he quickly rose to power after his exaltation. Yedan rules with his war host, consisting of his children Gard and Roane.
- Yedan's notorious virility is the stuff of legend. He has been credited with leaving entire cities of gravid women just through his brief presence. Of the many children he has sired, seven have become powerful enough to enter the Cerulean Host. Most of these are the product of his marriage to Klesthes.
- Yedan's Wives
- Yedan has been married to Klesthes for most of his life, except for a brief period when he put Klesthes aside and married Seyanne. Their marriage lasted long enough to produce a single child, and ended with Seyanne's infidelity with Yedan's son, Gard. Gard was forgiven, Seyanne set aside, and Klesthes returned to the throne.
- Challenges to Yedan's rule
- Yedan has only been challenged once during his lifetime, by Vanar. The two duelled, and Yedan killed Vanar before the gates of the Celestial Palace, retaining his position as ruler of the Gods. A peerless warrior, Yedan does not fear ever being challenged successfully.
- With Klesthes
- With Seyanne
- With Tardrace
- Other
- Miris (unacknowledged)
- Moon, Owls, Strix, Wasps, Weapons (particularly swords and spears).
- Yedan is the Patron of Melee.