Adventures in the Distal Provinces

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Adventures in the Distal Provinces

A campaign wiki for a game of Fate Core

Recruitment Thread

Out-of-Character Thread

In-Character Thread

Setting Issues & Aspects

Current Issue: "Things fall apart. The center cannot hold..."

The Empire wants our loyalty and support. But the Emperor is far away and doesn't answer our mail.

Impending Issue: "Orcs to the left of me, Elves to the right. Stuck in the middle with you (and rebellious Autochthonous Populations)"

Orcs conquer pieces of the provinces year-by-year. Elves are resurgent and are now seen wandering outside their lands in great numbers. There are rumblings of resentment among the native populations. Weird magics are appearing that haven't been seen since the days of the rebellious Unorthodox wizards.

Semi-Permanent Setting Aspects:

These arise whenever someone rolls a natural +4 or -4 on the Fate dice. They can be beneficial (in the case of +4s) or troublesome (your -4s). So far we have:

Beneficial Scene Aspects:

  • Respects You as a Worthy Opponent. This can be invoked by Dru Gothehki in his encounters with Ward Master Arupan for the cost of a Fate Point. Other PCs can pay a Fate Point to invoke it as well by name-dropping Dru in some relevant manner.
  • The Secret Lay of the Land in Angbaria. Talanashta can invoke this for a Fate Point to slip in and out and around the city surreptitiously. She can also "gift" the use of this Aspect to others whenever she wishes by paying a Fate Point for them.

Troublesome Scene Aspects:

  • Off Your Game. Anytime Dru Gothehki is making any social/personal skill roll at Doctor Ikeibaw's place or with the Doctor and her associates & patients, this can be compelled against him. Something about this place and its inhabitants trips up Dru's normally suave and sophisticated ease. Also, if another player makes a social/personal skill roll in the same situation and it can directly benefit Dru, this can also be compelled against them.

Player Characters


A Rough Guide to the Distal Provinces

[Basic Map of the Distal Provinces]

[Map of the Distal Provinces with Roads, Rivers, and Town Names]


Distal Province of Moundan

Long neglected in favour of the Core Territories, Moundan remains nominally under the rule of the Empire, and agents from the heartlands have arrived to re-establish Imperial dominance in the region

The Principality of Matan

Ruled by ambitious aristocrats who seek to be declared the true rulers of the Distal Province, Malan has effectively broken away from the Empire

The Oceanic Republic of Loshiria

Established by rebel Sea Captains, the Republic has actually broken away from Imperial rule

The Clans of the Khokhorraasokq Orc

Once driven out of the Provinces, the Clans havde recently united and are pushing back against the human presence in the region

Lands of the Herenni Elves

Likewise driven back by the Imperial forces that seized the Provinces, the Herenni Elves wait for the Orcs to drive the humans out

[TBA| Link to player nutshell sheet here.]