Midnight RPG - Chapter 42.875

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Sometime on the evening following Zal'Kazzir's spat with Ahemia, the spat that ended with Ahemia's determining that perhaps she'd given too much credence to her belief in the Master of the North, sometime that evening as Ahemia stewed from the arguments had at dinner with Kyuad regarding her "leash" and "control" - a familiar thought is brought to Zal'Kazzir's head.
Or rather more appropriately a thought is given to Fazhitazorilnavenath...

Vipheri, The Wise Mistress

...I call upon you to gaze within your mind, mine to your oh my charitable and deadly peer of the realms - Prince Fazhitazorilnavenath, first tanar'ri abyssian master of the southern lands of Eredane... I ask that you head my words and return back in kind. Peer to peer, demon to demon, prince to princess...
...without much of a breath's length the crisp sweat soothing voice of Vipheri (aka. Etri, Petrus, and her true name: Pahinparon'anuarc) continues...
...by a dram of life's ichor we are forever entwined, you and I, Fazhitazorilnavenath as was the first stage of your becoming. An audience with you is needed on this night. I trust that your time with Lady Loomear has found you in full grace and embrace of a new will forcing heart-muscle to pump. You must tell me, Fazhitazorilnavenath, tell me the tale of regret and woe for which you made your way into the Sighing Cliffs. I should weep tears to reap the whirlwind of your becoming story. A story that I have only begun to pass along to your fellow bloodlines beyond the pale... I would hope that you found my service to be of adequacy in your quest for lusty power.
the demon witch pauses again as if reminiscing on the pains and pleasures of the becoming ritual...
...as you have given me my own reward, not the least of which I have found to be prospering quite nicely already in this dawn of new life... My alu'fiend will have some time before it finds its way out amongst the world - yet I feel its mind swarming ... can you feel it as well Fazhitazorilnavenath? The father is as the son in his want to become and be set free... Can you feel it?
again the mistress pauses, this time as if taking a moment to safe-guard her position...
... my service to aid this First-Hold of mankind in the guidance behind the throne continues at the rough water of a storm for which I have dissipated, great prince...

Vipheri goes on to speak in great detail of every notion set down in the role-played scenes that Kyuad took part in, with the new vote. All of the information you had out-of-character about that situation is now IN-character. As if watching it from the eyes of "Petrus", of course with Vipheri's slightly expanded version of events prompting up her actual importance...

and she continues...
... so then Prince Fazhitazorilnavenath... what of your times and travels. Are you making your way into the Bluff of the Baden's as you'd hoped? Hardly would I be of key service and informant were I not to know the goings on, so I must ask what others have assumed... What of the chaos of the Bluff? Was that a seed sewn by a new-formed tanar'ri? Is this to be your first proud moment that I might report into the void at the pinnacle of the veil? And if so, if these "rumors" are true, you surely must be in need of something - that perhaps for a favor to be given in time - something that I could arrange? Is there a courtly fiend-friend that I might direct your way if seen on the wind? What will you do next then Prince Fazhitazorilnavenath ride on the Scar itself? heheheh...
she laughs with both wit and guile - in a congratulatory and amazed point of veiw...
... So then Fazhitazorilnavenath, what of your weery band these days? After this, my curing of the First-Hold tantrums I'm considering launching a probing eye into the Bluffs of Baden - perhaps sending the girl Naline to view in on things of need to know within. Make sure, the understandings of the factions within. Know the movements of the Avatars following this..... following YOUR catastrophe... heheheh... But it is not my wish to foul your plots, will you be bandying about the Bluff in these next weeks? Should my claws reach out? Otherwise, what can I speak of in your further tales... what will you do now, you and your band of muckrakers... How can I aid you in this, your next triumph Prince Fazhitazorilnavenath...?

