Xia: Mook With a Twist
Xia: Main Page -> Xia: Foes and Allies -> Xia: Mook With a Twist
Just a mook! Or is it?
The Mook with a Twist is a generic mook or a super-mook, that happens to have a special power of some sort.
Either take those of an ordinary mook, or of a super-mook. For example:
Cavalry Lancers:
- Physical 1
- Mental 1
- Social 1
Living Shadow:
- Physical 3
- Mental 2
- Social 1
Even Mooks with a Twist can't mess around with chi, and so have Trigram ratings of 0 all round.
Chi Pools
None still.
Resilience Pools
Cavalry Lancers:
- Physical Resilience 5 or 10
- Mental Resilience 5 or 10
- Social Resilience 5 or 10
Living Shadow:
- Physical Resilience 13
- Mental Resilience 12
- Social Resilience 11
Kung Fu Secrets
This is where you add the twist, giving the mook a power of some sort. Don't go overboard here, they're still mooks!
Cavalry Lancers: Lance Charge - When the mooks make a mounted charge into combat, add +1 to the physical attack's power, accuracy and motion.
Living Shadow: Bifurcate! - When a Living Shadow is physically defeated, it splits into two Living Shadows! This power cannot be used if the Living Shadow is under direct bright light.
Asklepios 09:15, 13 January 2009 (PST)