Xia: The Way of the Sorcerer
Xia: Main Page -> Xia: Inner Masteries -> Xia: The Way of the Sorcerer
"You know three dozen spells, and I know only three. Yet at this duel's end, it seems I am victorious. How did I win? The truth is that it doesn't matter how many spells you know... what matters is how you use them."
This page is a Lore Sheet for the The Way Of the Sorcerer, a set of Inner Masteries reflecting intense training in spellcasting and understanding of the arcane.
Efficiency of Casting
"It is not that I am casting spells faster than you... more that I can do other things at the same time."
Keywords: Continuous;
Effect: Any Magic you know replaces the "Action" keyword with the "Modifier" keyword, unless it also has the "Attack" keyword.
Arcane Energies
"Out of Chi already? You have no stamina... I can keep this up all night."
Keywords: Continuous;
Effect: Each turn, reduce the cost of the first Magic you cast by 1 yang chi or 1 yin chi.
Stream of Revitalised Shen
You can open inner reserves to flood yourself with newfound strength, finding resources deep within.
Keywords: Action;
Effect: As an action you can heal a number of points of mental damage from yourself up to a maximum of your Mountain trigram. This costs you a number of Yin Chi points equal to the damage healed.
Also, your Shen healing gives you some additional benefits:
- You are immune to madness and mental illness. You will never hallucinate, nor suffer psychotic delusions.
- You can calm your emotions perfectly with a moment's concentration. Though social conflict still might persuade you through logic and intelligent discourse, you can never be ruled by your emotional drives. If you choose not to fear, then fear is suppressed. If you choose not to lust, then lust goes away. This calming lasts only as long as you deliberately maintain it, but your concentration is sufficient that you can maintain it for as long as you are awake.
This page created by Asklepios.