Keep On The Borderlands

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rstites's Basic D&D game, set in the famous module B2: Keep on the Borderlands.

Current In Character Thread

Current Out of Character Thread

Active Player Characters

- Archy the Example. An example character.

- Dayrell Goldenbrow played by Black Adder LXX

- Milo Leagallow played by Black Adder LXX

- Arthrella Finas played by Dolnikan

- Rathra Halber played by Dolnikan

- Leander Goodluv played by James_Sure_Would

- Xanster Silverkin played by James_Sure_Would

- Edward played by Peers

- Peligos played by Peers

- Kerwun of the Silver River Order played by Peers

Inactive Player Characters

Party Logistics





Surrounding Lands