Fogotten Freedom:Classes

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Camp Forgotten Freedom Classes

Counselor: Kanatash


- Planar Dynamics: Bonus Field Trip! (OOC: guess which plane will be the focus)

- Psionics: Exploring the Mind (OOC: cuz someone needed to do it)

- Physiology of the Impossible: Aberration Anatomy (OOC: think high school anatomy except replace the frogs with the dread spawn of Cthulu)

- Psychological Warfare and Torture (OOC: need I elaborate?  ;) )

Counselor: Chalky


- Hunting: Melee style

- Art

- 101 Illegal Uses for Chalk

Counselor: Kithle


- Philosophy

- History

- Politics

- Ethics (yeah right :rolleyes: )

Counselor: Satnak


- Hunting: Free-for-all style

- Glaring

- Pugilism

- Astral constructs 101 and 102

- Game Theory

Counselor: Serene


- Music

- Healing 101

- Theatre

- Dance

- Etiquette

- Wooing that Special Someone

- Dealing With an Over-Powered Lover

Counselor: Cool Cthultu


- The best dealers

- Terminology

- World Peace

- Growing your own

- Avoiding the Feds

- The Munchies

- Bad trips and what to do about them

- Why we should all just get along

- Emo kid single tears and you

Counselor: Liam


- Advanced Magi. Sci.

- Applied Artifice.

- Field Study: The Entities. (scrawled in: ) [COLOR=Red]The Entities are to be worshipped, not studied![/COLOR]

- Staying sane and Staying alive.

- Open Computer Lab.

- Adventure Games: Paychecks and Paperwork.

Counselor: Naz'roth


- Planar anatomy and Planar studies

- Tactics

- Forgecraft

- Litriture

Counselor: Tara


- The Anataomy of the Unliving

- Necromancy

- Arcane studies

- Religious studies: what the cults DIDNT tell you

Counselor: Sa'vor


- The Art of Combat

- Eldritch studies: drawing on your Inner Hatred

- Draconic studies

- Draconic anatomy

Counselor: Squishy


- Psycology

- Economics

- Statistics

- Slave Ownership

- Public Speaking

Counselor: Volrath


- Creature Crafting

- Religious Studies: elder gods

- Cooking: the other other white meat

- Sex Ed (P/Y/R provides help on the "demonstrations")

On another bulletin below the others, more classes are scrawled in what looks like blood:

Counselor: Smig


- Poison and Venom: What's the difference? With Live (albeit temporarily) Demonstrations!

- Various Diseases and what they do

- Why cities are crimes against nature

- How to taint the well and not get caught

- Three easy ways to destroy the abomination that is technology

- How to eradicate civilization as we know it

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