Fate of Napoleon

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Campaign Overview

The untold occult and supernatural sphere of the secret war against Napoleon, from the Directory to Waterloo.


Player Character Phys Stress Mental Stress FP Consequences Corruption Sorcerous Spheres
Llayne Lanz Lowborn OOOOOO OOOO 2/2 OO-OOOO-OOOOOO [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] None
NightGoblyn Sophia Petrillo OOO OOOOOO 2/2 OO-OOOO-OOOOOO [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] Demonology, Ghosts & Spirits
Leliel Malkin Coinfound OOOO OOOO 2/2 OO-OOOO-OOOOOO [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] None
Timon Waldgren OOOO OOO 3/3 OO-OOOO-OOOOOO [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] None
Astronocky Anto Scritti OOOO OOOOOO 2/2 OO-OOOO-OOOOOO [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] Decay/Entropy, Memory, Secrets, Ghosts & Spirits
DannyK Nick "Lucky Bastard" Buonastella OOOO OOO 3/3 OO-OOOO-OOOOOO [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] Luck, TBD, TBD

Helpful Resources

Factions and Allegiances

The following are the twelve dominant factions and allegiances within Eversink, and their own allies and enemies. Starting characters declare their own membership of one as part of their High Concept, and usually take on that faction's own alliances and rivalries.

Ancient Nobility - the original aristocracy of Eversink, some dating back to the signing of the Golden Contract nearly a thousand years ago, frequently impoverished, always prideful. Allies: Church of Denari, Triskadane; Enemies: Mercanti.

Church of Denari - the church of the Mother Goddess of Eversink, including Marketpriests, Trade Missionaries, holy prophets and oracles, Church Militant agents and Inquisitors, and others devoted to the spiritual and material well-being of the city. Allies: Ancient Nobility, Mercanti; Enemies: Sorcerous Cabals.

City Watch - Eversink's nominal police force, home equally to upright and keen-eyed Sentinels, and corrupt and venal Watch Houses. Allies: Mercanti; Enemies: Mercenaries, Thieves' Guilds.

Commoners - the labouring poor, toiling masses, petty crafters and tradespeople; nominally the bedrock of Eversink, but despised and downtrodden by other factions. Allies: Thieves' Guilds; Enemies: Ancient Nobility, Mercanti.

Guild of Architects and Canal-Watchers - the secretive and select guild that keeps Eversink's buildings from sinking too quickly, its canals clean, and its passageways and cellars well mapped; rumoured to have a sorcerous heart where Corrupted senior members cast grave spells to keep the city intact. Allies: Triskadane; Enemies: Mercanti.

Mercanti - the upstart nouveau-riche winning ever-increasing power and wealth in Eversink, pushing to depose the Ancient Nobility from leadership in the city. Allies: Church of Denari; Enemies: Ancient Nobility.

Mercenaries - paid soldiery employed by nobles and merchants alike to guard their properties and defend their interests. Allies: Ancient Nobility, Mercanti; Enemies: City Watch.

Monstrosities - secretive and often semi-legendary communities of monstrous creatures and denizens of the city, barely tolerated by its human inhabitants. Allies: Outlanders, Sorcerous Cabals; Enemies: City Watch, Mercenaries.

Outlanders - barbarians, foreign merchants, emissaries, scholars, and other groups visiting, drawn to, or spying on Eversink. Allies: Monstrosities; Enemies: City Watch.

Sorcerous Cabals - small covens and cults of Sorcerers bound together by mutual interest and fear of persecution; frequently loyal to forces outside Eversink - or the entire mortal plane. Allies: Monstrosities; Enemies: Church of Denari, Triskadane.

Thieves’ Guilds - fragmented and feuding coteries and guilds of pickpockets, smugglers, robbers, beggars, blackmailers, assassins, pirates, and every other kind of villain. Allies: Outlanders; Enemies: City Watch.

Triskadane - the Secret Thirteen who rule Eversink from the shadows, selected by the Goddess Herself through granting of a coin - as well as the vast bureaucracy and governmental machinery responsible for executing their decrees. Allies: the Ancient Nobility, Church of Denari; Enemies: Outlanders, Sorcerous Cabals.


The five schools of magic are: Alchemy, Astrology, Sorcery, Theurgy, and Witchcraft. All essentially channel and direct the same magical forces through different means. Alchemy combines substances to release their magical potency. Astrology directs the powers of the stars and planets. Sorcery directs the power of human (and sometimes angelic or demonic) will. Theurgy employs divine miracles. Witchcraft channels the powers of the earth.

Powering Magic

Magic is powered by the Lore skill, and in many cases, consists of straight Lore-based attacks against physical or mental Stress - mediated according to the particular school. The caster rolls their Attack roll based on their Lore skill level plus any modifiers, and the target rolls their Defend roll - if any. (GM decides what skill is appropriate for Defend rolls, if any - default is Physique for physical Stress, and Will for mental Stress.) Ingenious magicians may be able to devise a spell form that gets around a particular defence.

For spell-casting where there is no specific target or harm intended, the action is an Overcome against a Difficulty set by the GM. Create Advantage can be used to boost chances of success. The GM will also balance the Difficulty against the power of the intended effect - greater power means greater Difficulty.

A caster can choose to pull their punch, and use less than their full rating of Lore, if they want to exert a more controllable, less destablizing, volume of magic. This should make the subsequent roll to resist mental Stress easier.

The detail comes in the different schools of magic which govern the description and nature of the magic.

Sorcerous Spheres
















Ghosts & Spirits
















Transformation (Physical)






Unfortunately, using magic isn't a free ride. Many types of magic induce mental Stress - or worse.

Magical Stress

For many types of magic, when the caster casts the spell, they have to roll their Will against the final amount of Lore in the spell - including any from third parties, but excluding any Advantages and other non-Lore bonuses. If their Will roll falls below the amount of Lore, they take the difference as mental Stress. If they use up their mental Stress and start to take Consequences, they will suffer Consequences related to the type of magic they used.

If they are Taken Out by the mental Stress of using the magic, they have to rewrite one aspect to reflect this - with the Trouble aspect and the High Concept the second last and last to be rewritten. Each aspect has been corrupted or distorted in some obvious and disabling or repellent way. Once all five aspects have been rewritten, the character ceases to be playable.


Astrology directs the forces of the planets and the constellations. In classical astrology, there are six planets, plus the sun:

☉ The Sun – determines the basic personality, the star sign of the person.

☽ The Moon – covers moods, emotions, and feelings.

☿ Mercury – rules over communication, wit, and intellect

♀︎ Venus – governs fertility, beauty, romance, passion

♂︎ Mars – influences strength, aggression, war, sports

♃ Jupiter – presides over good luck, growth, wisdom

♄ Saturn – causes misfortune, evil, bad luck

There are also 12 signs of the Zodiac, with the 12 Houses that the sun may occupy at any time.

Aries - Brave, adventurous, passionate, energetic, impatient, headstrong and naïve.

Taurus - Dependable, down to earth, great physical lovers, persistent, strong, stubborn, hard to convince, unimaginative.

Gemini - Charming, witty, mercurial, versatile, clever, two faced, unreliable and unable to commit.

Cancer - Intuitive, dreamers and visionaries, very imaginative, persuasive, empathic, moody, manipulative and insecure.

Leo - Proud, boastful, egotistical, leader, cheerful, generous, warm-hearted, courageous and stubborn.

Virgo - Intellectual, analytical, dependable, perfectionist, neat and tidy, obsessive, careful, cautious, hardworking and shy.

Libra - Just, fair-minded, peaceful, diplomatic, cooperative, gentle, avoids confrontation, self-pitying and holds grudges.

Scorpio - Resourceful, independent, secretive, loyal, psychic, passionate, lustful, violent, vengeful and perverted.

Sagittarius - A free spirit, idealistic, funny, and likeable, generous, often forgets a promise, tactless, impatient and easily annoyed by waffle.

Capricorn - Optimistic, responsible, self-disciplined, organised, family orientated, judgmental, critical, and a condescending know it all.

Aquarius - Eccentric, individualist, humanitarian, idealistic, calm, forward thinking, quiet, aloof, fights for a cause, rebellious and disobedient.

Pisces - Compassionate, mystic, musical, wise, artistic, romantic, impractical, daydreamers, overly trusting, prone to anxiety.

When an astrologer casts a spell, they roll 1d6 to see which planet is dominant, and 1d12 to see which star sign is involved. The effect of the spell has to be interpreted (described) in these terms. Usually the planet is the major influence, with the star sign a minor influence.

Weapons and Armour

Unlike other varieties of Fate, this version gives weapons and armour a more active role in the mechanics. All weapons and armour are divided into three classes - 1, 2, 3 - based on how much physical Stress they deal out - or absorb - when a target suffers an Attack. This is in addition to the +/- from the character's own skill roll.

Weapon classes

Weapons are divided into the following broad classes:

  • Light weapons (+1): Dagger, shortsword, cosh, brass knuckles, self bow, pistol, etc.
  • Medium weapons (+2): Sword, mace, axe, longbow, crossbow, musket, rifle, etc.
  • Heavy weapon (+3): Greatsword, maul, halberd, lance, pike, quarterstaff, arbalest, swivel gun, etc.

Weapon class and turn order

Weapon classes affect Fate Condensed's voluntary turn order in the following way - except in cases of surprise, where the ambusher always gets first shot/blow:

  • Ranged weapons (and applicable magic spells) always go first.
  • On first round, weapons go in order of their class: 3, 2, 1. This is to reflect the reach of heavier weapons and pole arms.
  • On subsequent rounds, the order is: 2, 3, 1. This is to reflect how cumbersome heavy weapons are to wield at close quarters.
  • Within each class, combatants Attack in order of their Athletics. Ties mean simultaneous Attacks.

Ranged weapons

Ranged weapons have their own rules, aside from just going first in turn order.

Thrown weapons - axes, knives, spears, rocks, etc. - use Athletics. Other ranged weapons use Shoot.

Ranged weapons can reach a number of Zones equal to their range. So, thrown weapons or pistols can reach one Zone outside their own, carbines can reach 2 Zones, muskets can reach 3 Zones, etc.

Reload times

Thrown weapons and strung bows require one turn to prepare a fresh shot before shooting at the start of the next exchange. For pistols and muskets, this becomes 4 turns. For rifles, it becomes 5 turns. For the Girardoni air rifle, whose air reservoir needed hand pumping for recharging, it becomes 10 turns.

Ranged weapon types

Weapon Class Damage Range Reload Shots Cost Examples
Pocket pistol Light 1 0 4 1 £2 None
Pistol Light 1 1 4 1 £1 French .69 pistol
Carbine Medium 2 2 4 1 £2 15s Musketoon, Brown Bess cavalry carbine
Blunderbuss Medium 3* 1 4 1 £1 Mail coach blunderbuss
Musket Medium 2 3 4 1 £3 15s Brown Bess, .69 Charleville musket
Rifle Medium 2 4 5 1 £10 Baker Rifle
Air rifle Medium 2 3 10 20 £30 Girardoni air rifle
  • Blunderbusses and similar grapeshot types can hit two adjacent targets for the same damage with the same shot.

Interesting Leads and Developments