Landsoftheblacksea:Main Page/adventures/uhrômunïhr
Races | Religions | Realms | Geography | Organizations | Languages | Time & Calendars |
The Mines of Uhrômunïhr
Maps & Figures
Adventure Log
Month | Day | Hour | Notes/Event |
Huma | 8 | - | Group arrives at Aven Mirba and is welcomed by Comte Chagnon. |
Huma | 13 | - | Group departs Aven Mirba towards Aven Bourlême. |
Huma | 14 | 1500 | Group encounters a strange knight on the road, who identifies himself as Avgustyn Abodovskij, from the land of Iruzhin. |
Surname | Given Name | Occupation | Location | Notes |
Fergasse | Vincent | Guildmaster | Belis-ar-Weil, Gorges Province | Boss of the Five Points Brotherhood criminal syndicate in Belis-ar-Weil; son was killed by Darithe. Has placed a bounty on Darithe's head. |
??? | Possa | Criminal | Outer Docks, Avis Armois, Armois Province | Leader of a local criminal gang (Mark of the Wolf, aka The Mark); former associate of One-Eyed Kem; requested Kem's head as proof he was dead in return for information on where the hideout was. |
??? | Alceste | Criminal | Outer Docks, Avis Armois, Armois Province | "The Asp"; Handsome, quick rogue of The Mark working for Possa |
Deramaut | Robin | Sherif | Asala, Cascade Province | Sherif of Cascade Province, in service to Comte Ladislas Chagnon du Cascade |
Chagnon | Ladislas | Comte | Aven Mirba, Cascade Province | Comte du Cascade Province, a vassal to Duc Féret |
Féret | Djeferson Chappelle | Duc | Aven Bourlême, Soirac Province | Duc le Domaine Sud, Comte du Province Soirac, Marquis du Marche Les Fens; vassal to King of Athervon |
De Verley | Côme | Archbishop | Aven Bourlême, Soirac Province | Archbishop of Soirac; resides at the Cathedral of St. Maudènan le Perdu in Aven Bourlême |