Supporting Cast

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the Following is a list of the individuals that are more closely related to the main characters - the people within their "sphere of influence".


  • Matthieu Chalfant, Brian's best friend from law school friend and current bio-technology lobbyist. In law school, Brian and Matthieu kept each other sane and kept each other studying. They really pulled each other through the program at Harvard. They both went into politics, but in different directions. Matt's one of the Directors of Federal Government Relations at the Biotechnology Industry Organization, campaigning with Congress for more funding for genetic research. His friendship with Brian is strong, but was occasionally strained due to the stresses of their non-complimentary professional lives; they'd found themselves unable to do favors for each other far too often and that created a lot of guilt. Still, they did what they could. (Brian Jaffe 3x3 Friend)
  • Anderson Cooper, CNN correspondent. Friendly but totally professional relationship; as a very moderate Republican who wasn't in an elected office but was still very much on the inside (given Chafee's Committee seats), Brian was pretty much an ideal guest to speak on any topic in American politics - he could be sure to know what he was talking about and not have the stupid, pointless rancor against one side or the other that so many other guys did. (Brian Jaffe, 3x3 Contact)
  • David Jaffe: [59] Brian's Father, now estranged. A lawyer living in Hartford, Conn. (Brian Jaffe 3x3 Contact)
    • [Brian's Mother]: [age 57] Brians mother and first wife of David Jaffe. She is now staying with her mother in upper Conn. following her marriage break-up 2 years ago.
    • Emily Williams Jaffe: [age 52] David's wife of 2 years and an old friend of the family.
      • Candice Williams: [age 36] Emily's only daughter, she went to high school with Brian. Currently between jobs (as a graphic designer) and has stayed near home since high school. She drives a Toyota Celica that David bought for her. She is technically now Brian's step-sister.
      • Tommy (Thomas) Jaffe: [age 4] Tommy is the son of David and Emily, half brother to Candice and Brian and is the main reason for Brian's mother and father's devource. He is now Brian's step-brother.
  • Joelle Millar, Brian's most recent ex and policy think-tank manager. Brian and Joelle had broken up three months before 9/11 but had stayed in touch - they had really liked each other, but were each just too married to their jobs to work at the relationship. Prior to 9/11 Joelle was a domestic politics manager for the Brookings Institution (an education, policy and social sciences think-tank) and had repeatedly tried to get Brian to leave his job with Chafee and come work for them. In part she disagreed with Republican politics and wanted Brian out of it, in part she thought that them being closer during the work day might help their relationship.
    Following Brian's awakening he learned that Joelle is now the Director of Humanitarian Issues and Human Rights for the Brookings Institution. She has a special interest for Internally Displaced Persons and is currently involved in the Survivor case of 17 year old Zaida binte Shouk. (Brian Jaffe 3x3 Friend)
  • Daniel Turner, Brian's former Co-worker. Daniel was Senator Chafee's Communications Director when Brian worked for Senator Chafee. The two men were decent friends, looking out for each other and bonding against the idiocy of the others they had to work with. They were both a little too idealistic for their own good. (Brian Jaffe 3x3 Contact)


  • Senator Edward 'Ted' Kennedy: Senator Edward M. Kennedy has represented Massachusetts in the United States Senate since he was first elected in 1962 to finish the term of his brother, President John F. Kennedy. Since then, he has been re-elected seven times, and he is now the second most senior member of the Senate. Senator Edward 'Ted' Kennedy Supplimental
    His home is in Hyannis Port, Mass., where he lives with his wife Victoria Reggie Kennedy, a Washington lawyer and daughter of a Lousiana judge, and her children, Curran and Caroline. He has three grown children from his first marriage with Virginia Joan Bennett: Kara, Edward Jr., and Patrick, and four grandchildren. After his brothers John and Bobby were assassinated (in 1963 and 1968, respectively), he took on the role of surrogate father for his brothers' 13 children.
    • Joan Bennett: Jack's mother. Since her divorce, Joan has become an accomplished musician and grandmother to her four grandchildren, from Kara and Ted Jr. In addition, Kennedy has worked as an advocate for the mentally retarded and for cancer research and was a supporter of the Pine Street Inn, a Boston-based homeless shelter, and Children's Hospital. She has been arrested on several occasions for drunk driving. In 1974, she was arrested in Virginia. In 1988, she was arrested in Barnstable, Massachusetts. She was ordered to undergo treatment following a 1991 arrest in Quincy, Massachusetts. In 2000, she was arrested in Barnstable, and charged with DUI and failure to provide a license or registration. In the 2000 case, she was sentenced to 2 years probation.
      • Kara Kennedy Allen: [age 45] Jack's older sibling. She married Michael Allen on Sept. 9, 1990 in Centerville, Mass. They have two children: Grace Kennedy Allen, born Sept. 19, 1994 in Washington, D.C. and Max Greathouse Allen, born Dec. 20, 1996, in Rockville, Md.
      • Edward Moore Kennedy, Jr.: [age 44] Jack's older sibling. In 1973 cancer was discovered in his right leg. The leg was amputated. After graduation he worked at the New Haven, Connecticut law firm of Wiggin & Dana specializing in disability issues. Kennedy is the co-founder and President of the Marwood Group, a business development firm. He married Katherine Anne "Kiki" Gershman on November 9, 1993, on Block Island, Rhode Island. She is an assistant clinical professor of psychiatry at the Yale University School of Medicine. They have a daughter, Kiley Elizabeth Kennedy (born Aug. 7, 1994) and a son, Edward Moore Kennedy III (born February 25, 1998).
      • Representative Patrick ("Patches") Joseph Kennedy: [age 38] Jack's older sibling. Kennedy has been mentioned as a possible challenger for the United States Senate against liberal Republican Senator Lincoln Chafee in 2006. On his House web page, Kennedy denied that he will make a bid for the Senate in the mid-term elections. Patrick Kennedy has twice considered running against Lincoln Chafee for the U.S. Senate, in 2000 and 2006. One Senate seat in Rhode Island is held by fellow Democrat Jack Reed, so barring major faux pas on Reed's part, Kennedy will likely not challenge that seat while Reed holds it. Chafee's seat, being held by a Republican, is a different story. In the 2000 Senate recruiting phase, Kennedy gave serious thought to challenging Chafee, but Dick Gephardt moved Kennedy to the important House Appropriations Committee, a committee assignment so lucrative that Kennedy passed up the opportunity for 2000. Since Appropriations distributes money (and pork projects), Kennedy will have an increasingly influential role in where the money goes as his seniority increases. Given a perceived lack of strong Democratic challengers to Chafee in 2006, Kennedy again considered a Senate run in 2005, but declined due to his power on Appropriations and the condition of his ailing mother. All told, Kennedy has shown throughout his career a desire for increased political power. At this point, his young age of 38 and committee assignments make it likely that he will remain a House member, presumably assuming the very powerful role of House Appropriations chair when he becomes the most senior Democrat on the committee and the Democrats find a way to regain control of the House. While it's unlikely that a relatively liberal member of the Kennedy clan could make a serious run for the presidency (or be tapped as a nominee for vice president), in politics, stranger things have happened.
    • Victoria Reggie Kennedy: The Step mother.
  • Randel "Van" Styles, Georgetown College Graduate and former roomate of Jack Bennett. Currently employed at Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP Law Firm in Washington DC. (Jack Bennett 3x3 Friend)
    • Marcy Styles, Randel's wife and Editor with In Touch Magazine. Published weekly, In Touch is packed with the latest celebrity gossip, stunning photos, fashion, news, plus articles that touch the heart. It's the perfect magazine for the on-the-go reader! (published by Bauer Publishing USA)

Team Extreem!!!!!!!

<spelled wrong on perpose> TE is the group of rich nardewells into extreme sports and not quite professional athletes who comprised Jacks urban explores and xtreem sports team also called the Urban Tigers. Made up of people who could have all gone pro if it wasn't for quirk here or there that held them back.. like Dale Ernhart Jr's Little brother Danny Earnhart who got kicked out of nascar for dangerious driving, crashing, reckless stunts, brawling, and all around demolition derby like driving… but more about him latter.

  • Randel "Van" Styles: driver of the equipment Van
  • Danny "CrazyCar" Earnhart: the youngest son of Dale Earnhart. Danny drives like his daddy only he has a penchant for driving angry and likes to smash things up.
  • Bunny "The Babe" or "Brat" Bension: <depending on who you ask>, Hot Chics rock right? Hot chics who like drinking beer and watching anime –to much- anime and can skate like the devil are WAY HOT!!!!!!!!!
  • Carl "Big Boom" Berleski: Carl former Private 1st Class of the Army Airborn Rangers was given a Dishonrable discharge his second year in the Airborn.
  • Mah-lahah-Lahah "little Budha" Kurawanimanniarah: Little budha is the teams resident Surfing expert..
  • Mike "Scary Fucker" Patterson: Mike has been taking martial arts since he was a 4 year old boy his father is a 3rd don in multiple forms and raised is son not to be no wuss. Mike has short guy syndrome hes 4'2" and dosnt like being picked on about it.
  • Wilhelm "Blue Balls" Barbatos: Expert with pyrotechnics and extreme survival his ideal vacation is roaming the woods with Ted nudget killing things with their bar hands or going dipping in a polar glacial pool.
  • Kim "Whats in here" Martin: master spelunker and urban explorer proficient in all manor of locks and security system kim loves to seek out forbidden places.


  • Harold James Redford, Arthur's Father. Harold was a career Colonel in the Army until he took the option for early retirement to be with his son after his wife died. He used his savings and retirement package to purchase a decent apartment complex in the NW Washington D.C. His wife died when Arthur was 12 and both of them were hit hard by the sudden loss. He was since, been Arthur's best friend and Father. This relationship was slightly strained when he remarried five years later. Prior to 9/11 Harold resided with his wife on the top floor of their apartment building in a penthouse made from three apartments converted into one residence. Parkfair Apartments After learning of the tragic events that seemingly cost him his son, Harold moved to the site of the incident in Hopewell, NJ. His wife Gloria died of a (seemingly) drug overdose in 2003.
    • Gloriana Hanes Redford: Arthur's Stepmother. Glory married Harold almost 17 years ago, just before Arthur went into the Service. They didn't get along then and the relationship has only gotten more strained. She loves Harold but resents the fact that Arthur refuses to accept her as his Mother, and therefore see her as an athority figure in his life. That is the real friction in their lives. She wants control over Arthur, and believes she has the right to direct him. Arthur sees her as an interloper, and only ever refers to her as "My Father's wife". She is a somewhat shallow petty control freak who sees Arthur as a threat to her marrige to Harold, and truely resents that at his death, while all of his money and possessions go to her, Arthur gets the Apartment complex. She died of a supposed drug overdose in 2003.


  • Elizabeth Smith: Mother is alive and living in NY. House wife that lived off of the father's income and maintains the family home which is the center of the families activities.


Ladder Company 42 in the Bronx ORG. 661(657) Prospect Ave. (Nov. 27, 1913)

  • Matthew Smith: Father (Deceased): Captain of Ladder company 42 in central Manhattan island. Left a substancial life insurance policy to wife and kids to maintain the home. The house was in his family for 3 generations passed from first born to first born.
  • Nathan Smith: Eldist Brother (Deceased): Fire Fighter with Ladder company 42, worked as a on sight team leader and managed to gain a good rank of Fire Sargent. Died in 9-11.
  • Gabe Smith: Next Oldest Brother: Replaced Nathan on father's company after his death. Runs the group that is first in on every fire. He was just promoted to Liutenant.


Ladder Company 47 in the Bronx was organized on November 27, 1913.

  • Mikky Smith: Younger Brother: Member of Company 47 in the southern tip of the Bronx. Driver of the Pumper and works the pumps during a fire. Common Fire fighter with little rank as of yet. Lost about 3 years of time recuperating from a near fatal accedent during a factory fire. Was rescued by Mandy and returned to the company as a pumpman.
  • Ralph MacNemara: Captain of Ladder 47: Leader of the ladder company that Mandy is a member of. He is a robust, drunken sot who cares way to much about his men. He didn't like her in his company at first and gave her plenty of shit. She proved herself as a valuable member of the team after she saved her younger brother in a fire and nearly got killed herself when she tried to rescue him. She watched him get burned over 60 persent of his body and helped him recover. This incedent solidfied her position in the company and with the Captain.
  • Owen Meeny: Driver of the Ladder: A practical joker who can't let anyone get away with anything. Hated Mandy at first but has warmed up to her as she worked with the company.
  • Julio Manendez: Break Man: Serious Latino with an "I'm to sexy" Attitude. He is the company casanova and secretly resents Mandy not being "With" him. She doesn't do Firefighters, especially in her company. He doesn't like to be rejected. He did not cheer when she disappeared, but he didn't shed a tear either.
  • Toddy Williams: Rear Driver of the Ladder: Young hotshot rookie who just graduated from Fire Acadamy. Can cook like an SOB and everyone loves him for it. He's good at the wheel of the ladder but has problems following orders on the ground. Has 3 comindations and 6 complaints, he's never going to be anything but a driver, but thanks to the union, he'll always have a job.
  • Vincent Havers: Hose Man: He's as serious as a 3 alarm fire. Cool under pressure and willing to fight the flames with his trusty hose, this man is going places...ON FIRE! Off duty he drinks like a fish to hide the pain of his job and his dark obsession with people he can't save makes the rest of the company leave him alone.



Washington DC Fire Department Members both past and present joined the early evening festivities on October 16, 2004 to celebrate the 100 years of glory for Engine Company 16.
E16 is the Battalion Chief's Quarters, it is the Sixth Battalion including: E-1 & T-2 , E-2 , E-13 & T-10 , E-16 & T-3 , E-23
B/C 6 - Amb 16 - EMS 5
1018 13th St. NW - 202.673.3216 Photos of E-16