Project Narnia

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During the late 1960's, the American government conducted secret testing upon various breeds of animals, to determine the reaction of living tissue to radiation. This revealed a disturbing fact... When exposed to certain types of radiation, young animals with a particular gene sequence would mutate, and in the course of a week would gain humanlike characteristics and human-equivalent intelligence. This fact was kept secret from the public, and the gene sequence was referred to in the most classified documents as the Aesop Series. The subjects themselves would be known to their handlers as Aesopians.

Furthermore, the animals so mutated would gain considerable tolerance to radiation, becoming able to endure levels that would kill a human four or five times over. Testing continued at a slowed pace through mid-1970, as the ramifications and uses of the test subjects were thorougly explored. The project suffered a little from various escapes and mishaps, but overall remained secret to the public.

At the end of the 1970s, key Pentagon officials concluded that nuclear war with the Soviet Union was unavoidable. They took various measures to set up failsafes in the event of a nuclear holocaust.

One such failsafe was codenamed Project Narnia.

Project Narnia was a series of carefully hidden remote boltholes, concealed throughout the continental United States. The boltholes were well-equipped, stocked with cryogenic chambers, and manned by agents trained in a number of skills deemed useful in the event of an apocalypse.

Half of these agents were human. Bold and resolute patriots all, they would sleep until the radiation lowered itself to safe levels, at which point the computers would wake them from their icy slumber. They would secure the base, and stride forth to re-establish the united states government, and salvage what was left of America.

Half were Aesopians. Raised from a young age by the agents they would be working with, they would be awakened by the human agents when the time was right, and used as support staff, utilizing their unique talents and resistance to radiation to help their beloved masters. Left unsaid, at least to the Aesopians, was that they'd be used as a source of cannon fodder, disposable assets, and would get all the scut-work. They would die, so the humans wouldn't have to.

And then, in 1988, the sirens sounded. The alarms went out, and the agents and Aesopians sealed the boltholes of Project Narnia, and crawled inside their cryotubes to wait for the end of the world to be done with.

You are an Aesopian.

You have been slumbering in darkness for quite some time.

Now you have awakened. And the tubes have unsealed, the ice turned to water and drained away as the chemical cocktail pumps into your system, and brings you back alive. But something is wrong... No one is there to greet you! Where are your human masters?

Player Characters

  • Brigadier - Red Squirrel scout - Dave the Troll
  • Descartes - Falcon - Phantom Stranger
  • Moloch - Thorny Devil - Kreen Warrior
  • [[Floydd] - Kangeroo Medic - Skippster
  • Reynard - Fox - Von Gribblefaust
  • Melody - Cobra Infiltrator - Ladynero 69