Midnight RPG - Chapter 42.198

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This is a Bluebook entry for you to inquire about all the various memories, visions and seer site informations Durgaz has had. You can ask any questions you like. I'll reply and you can continue asking questions until you're satisfied. The reason you can do this is because you have the crystal sphere that allows you to review and show your images. Otherwise it would be Intelligence checks.

However, just as we've always done I want YOU to ask questions and I'll answer as best I can.

If you'd like to determine anything regarding Zal'Kazzir's true name or transformation I'll need you to be as specific as you can about:

    • what you want to know (people/places/things and any details)
    • when you're looking (over the time that you can)
    • what you're looking for or what you're looking for that might be absent, etc...

Feel free to ask as many questions as you like, here by bluebook to get you rolling and then again in-game when needed.

I have a touch of info that I'll start you off with since you said you were reviewing all Zal's history and related images. This has nothing to do with his true name (yet) but is another note that Durgaz could find as result of questioning. THIS note below is what you got for asking to look into Zal's past as your "freebie"... the rest is up to you to figure out and ask the right questions.

If I can't answer or think you need to ask more questions before I can answer I will say so.

Vision Memory

Durgaz received some interesting visions one night... I described these during a game session (in the hallway) so I only have my notes about what was said. HOWEVER, the reason that this is out of the ordinary is that this "vision" was not "normal". Though I mentioned it, you didn't pick up on it at the time but THIS "vision" was actually in a dream when you slept. Durgaz has rarely gotten ANY seer visions when sleeping. They have normally come on him when awake, forcing him to go unconscious (his eyes turning white and rolling back) for a few seconds as the vision is shown.

Blank Spot Vision

So... as Durgaz reviews his visions and such he notices that a "vision" he remembers cannot be replayed on the crystal sphere. Its like it didn't happen. It wasn't a vision in the normal seer way... Here are those notes:

  • Scene 1: Durgaz standing in the mouth of a Dragon, barely holding on, until a flash of silver on his left reveals Ahimia, stabbing her blade up through the beast's mouth, and a few words in courtier from behind him fill him with the strength he needs to break the beast's jaw.
  • Scene 2: Durgaz stands before a large crowd of Dead Mother orcs, all of whom are chanting for him, and he thinks back to what led him to this place, he can see a serpent finding the orcs, a serpent calling to them to bring them to him, and providing the freedom he needs to break them of the sendings. (there are both male and female orcs involved)
  • Scene 3: Durgaz marshalls his forces, battling threats in the mountains to secure his people's future. As Durgaz rushes to aid a number of Dead Mothers who are about to be overpowered by foul shadow-trolls, a huge dog-headed giant, with pincers like a crab steps around a corner and decapitates a troll, just as a huge spider-like creature sinks deadly fangs into another, saving the orcs from certain death. The two huge creatures then bend down to speak with Zal, who orders them back to defend the City, as he and Ahimia approach Durgaz.
  • Scene 4: Black robed humans (very distinct from legates; black robes with green and silver trim - Zal's family colors) are seen in numerous locations across the human lands, spying, gathering intelligence, sabotaging shadow operations and funneling the information back to Zal'Kazzir, who walks into a war council and moves several troop markers on a battle map, changing a plan to prevent disaster.
  • Scene 5: Durgaz stands at the head of HIS new tribe, now arrayed for battle, Vardatches and armor glinting in the sun, as he looks around, he can see Eranon at the head of a Cadre of Elven warriors, gleaming and bright, a large phalanx of dwarves, grim and strong, a host of Erenlander warriors and a mighty wedge of Sarcosan Cavalry, lances tipped with beautiful pennants. All of these mighty forces are united and held together by the coils of the serpent, and as he follows the serpent to it's head, he looks behind to see Zal and Ahimia standing with him, prepared to battle at his side.
    • The serpents across the vision seems to represent Zal and Ahemia, and are shown to be crucial in a number of scenes above.

Craigth Steps Forward

In a way all pathwalkers have a connection. You could say that those of the same path might be even more entwined. This has seemed to be especially true with Craigth Galeck and Durgaz. When they first met the visions Craight "shared" with Durgaz were strange and mixed but still yet important to Durgaz's own destiny. And in the past Durgaz has see Craigth within his visions ... what if seeing Craigth was not by chance. What if Craigth somehow was helping Durgaz, helping to point out flaws in the visions handed down to the new pathwalking seer (Durgaz) from the elder (Craigth)?

It was in one particular vision (aquainted to the above inconsistency) that Craigth interceded to point out the mechanations of others in dream, destiny and fate... It was THIS vision that Durgaz looked in on, seemingly from a dream had by Eranon - that Craigth tried again to help.

However, at the time it wasn't seen as "help". Because there was no reason to doubt... Until now.

In the link above to the vision - you can see specific passages highlighted in RED. These passages are the main points that Craigth was questioning by repeating them over and over. This entire vision IS a "real" vision for sure. However Durgaz was seeing a dream vision given to Eranon. It was a false vision and Craigth reached out to warn Durgaz in the best way his broken mind could...


Start asking... You can ask further questions on the points above. You may also begin investigating and asking questions about any other visions or times/things in Zal'Kazzir or any other person you have access to...