- Armor/Clothes:
- Half-plate armor, scavenged from an orcish soldier
- Open-faced plate helmet, 'Vanguard'
- Spiked steel mask, 'The Veil of Hell'
- Weapons:
- Talûn-karkû's Vardatch, 'Dragondoom'
- orcish composite longbow
- 11 arrows
- silvered punch-dagger
- Books
- The Book of Erotic Orcish Poetry [7.9 lbs]
- Charms:
- (True) a small carved figurine with broken chains dangling from its wrists. Grants the possessor a +4 on Will saves vs. Compulsion effects.
- (True) a tiny wooden mask with no eye-holes. Makes the possessor invisible to Fell.
- (Greater) a yellow and red silk rosette. When smashed, grants a +2 luck bonus to AC for one minute.
- (?) a woven silk wrist strap. When it fastened to the wrist and the hands held out, grants detect undead in a 60' cone for up to 1 minute.
- (?) a feathered tassel. When the bearer is struck by an attack that beats his AC by 1 or 2, it activates and increases his AC by 1 or 2 against this attack only.
- Other
- set of enchanted blacksmith tools (+4 craft, and another ability that involves reading Elfish)
- a necklace of bog orc tusks and two of the White Worm's fingers.
- small whetstone
- enormous wolf hide, covered in small symbols carved with a heated dagger
- A leaf, with writing, somehow... It's a mystery!
- 2 sets of manacles
- 6 potions of Cure Serious Wounds (cure 3d8+5 damage each).
- A vial wrapped in a piece of parchment. On the parchment is a drawing of an Orc with snakes for arms. ("The viscious tonic that is azure in color. It smells like peach, tastes like nuts and black pepper.")
- 30' of silk rope
- 27 doses of Aranasil poison (DC 31, Injury, 2d6 Str initial, 2d6 Str secondary).
- A mysterious golden sphere, given by the Witch-Queen.