User contributions for Knockwood
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2 February 2015
- 22:4822:48, 2 February 2015 diff hist +27 Chuubo: Glass for the Ladies No edit summary current
- 22:0922:09, 2 February 2015 diff hist +45,435 N Chuubo 2-7 Created page with "<Knockwood> Hiyo<br> <Knockwood> What's going on?<br> <Random_Nerd> Discussing what to do if we have no Laz.<br> <BethE> I emailed him this morning. And also last week but ne..." current
- 22:0522:05, 2 February 2015 diff hist +53 m Chuubo: Glass for the Ladies No edit summary
31 January 2015
- 00:3700:37, 31 January 2015 diff hist +46,330 N Chuubo 2-6 Created page with "<@Knockwood> There is the problem that there seem to be a lot of rules for a game that she wants people to pick up and play. :/<br> <@Etheric> So, as far as XP goes, should w..." current
30 January 2015
- 23:4023:40, 30 January 2015 diff hist +27 m Chuubo: Glass for the Ladies No edit summary
25 January 2015
- 22:2522:25, 25 January 2015 diff hist 0 m MMO Page Put DDO in alphabetical order
19 January 2015
- 07:5107:51, 19 January 2015 diff hist 0 MMO Page put in alphabetical order
18 January 2015
- 11:0311:03, 18 January 2015 diff hist −24 MMO Page →Marvel Heroes 2015
- 11:0111:01, 18 January 2015 diff hist +52 MMO Page →The Secret World
- 10:5310:53, 18 January 2015 diff hist +2,784 N MMO Page initial page with a few MMOs I've played
10 January 2015
- 02:1602:16, 10 January 2015 diff hist +3,735 m User:Scorch Reverted edits by Knockwood (talk) to last revision by Scorch
- 02:1602:16, 10 January 2015 diff hist −3,735 m User:Scorch Reverted edits by Scorch (talk) to last revision by
11 October 2014
- 08:5108:51, 11 October 2014 diff hist −169 Homebrew campaign settings rv several spams current
20 June 2014
- 05:5805:58, 20 June 2014 diff hist +55,589 N Chuubo 2-5 Created page with "<@Random_Nerd> So, before we've started, are people up on the rules concepts from the Fortitude PDF?<br> <@Etheric> I believe so? Haven't read every section though.<br> <@laz..." current
- 05:5705:57, 20 June 2014 diff hist +27 Chuubo: Glass for the Ladies No edit summary
- 04:0704:07, 20 June 2014 diff hist +40,322 N Chuubo 2-4 Created page with "<Knockwood> So have you picked out a character yet?<br> <@Random_Nerd> There are a couple new options, and the stock ones are changed a little.<br> <lazarus> (I wish I could f..." current
- 04:0704:07, 20 June 2014 diff hist +50 Chuubo: Glass for the Ladies No edit summary
28 May 2014
- 03:0603:06, 28 May 2014 diff hist +294 m Forum Archive:Roleplaying Actual Play Reverted edits by (talk) to last revision by GORT current
17 May 2014
- 06:5206:52, 17 May 2014 diff hist 0 m Chuubo: Glass for the Ladies No edit summary
- 06:4306:43, 17 May 2014 diff hist +42,342 N Chuubo 2-3 Created page with "<@Random_Nerd> So, it is once more time for a Chuubo session.<br> <Knockwood> You mean a Glass session<br> <@Random_Nerd> Chuubo's there. Somewhere.<br> * Knockwood is now kn..." current
- 06:4206:42, 17 May 2014 diff hist +46 Chuubo: Glass for the Ladies No edit summary
- 06:0306:03, 17 May 2014 diff hist +46,232 N Chuubo 2-2 Created page with "<Knockwood> Just to check, what's the absolute latest version of Nightmare's Angel?<br> <@Random_Nerd> Let me check if there's been an update.<br> <@Random_Nerd> The Nine Char..." current
- 06:0106:01, 17 May 2014 diff hist +54 Chuubo: Glass for the Ladies No edit summary
- 05:1305:13, 17 May 2014 diff hist +46,375 N Chuubo 2-1 Created page with "<BethE> Hey Knock, RN gave me a good viewpoint on Rinley. That she is the child of Captain Jack Sparrow and Pinkie Pie.<br> * Verithe has joined #nobilis<br> <Knockwood> Heh<..." current
- 05:1005:10, 17 May 2014 diff hist +36 Chuubo: Glass for the Ladies No edit summary
- 04:4104:41, 17 May 2014 diff hist +9,210 N Chuubo 2-0 Created page with "<@BethE> Last week, we were discussing the Glass folks and My Little Pony.<br> <@Random_Nerd> Basically, it's a Chuubo campaign thing with semi-variant characters, that the gr..." current
- 04:4004:40, 17 May 2014 diff hist +45 N Chuubo: Glass for the Ladies Created page with "Session 0: Choosing Characters"
- 04:4004:40, 17 May 2014 diff hist +34 m User:Knockwood No edit summary current
2 May 2014
- 05:4705:47, 2 May 2014 diff hist +52,432 N Chuubo-1:15 Created page with "<@Random_Nerd> Oh, Knock. Remember the "mechanism of original sin" thing we talked about earlier?<br> <@Knockwood> LdM's external conscience?<br> <@Random_Nerd> Yeah.<br> <@R..." current
- 05:4705:47, 2 May 2014 diff hist +52 Chuubo:the SNURCers No edit summary current
- 01:4101:41, 2 May 2014 diff hist +3,393 m Biotech Industries Reverted edits by (talk) to last revision by GORT
25 April 2014
- 09:0109:01, 25 April 2014 diff hist +37,245 N Chuubo-1:14 Created page with "<Random_Nerd> So, let's see.<br> <@Lili> (Hey Leo, can the zep have a tv?)<br> <deMontreal> (Sure, assuming there's someplace with enough space)<br> <Random_Nerd> So, Leonardo..." current
- 09:0009:00, 25 April 2014 diff hist +40 Chuubo:the SNURCers No edit summary
- 08:3708:37, 25 April 2014 diff hist +38,129 N Chuubo-1:13 Created page with "* Knockwood (~chatzilla@71.9.104.IP) has joined #Nobilis<br> <@Verithe> Hi, Knock!<br> <Knockwood> (Sorry I'm late)<br> <Angelo> Hi Knock<br> <Knockwood> By way of apology, le..." current
- 08:3608:36, 25 April 2014 diff hist +52 Chuubo:the SNURCers No edit summary
- 07:2207:22, 25 April 2014 diff hist +36,005 N Chuubo-1:12 Created page with " <deMontreal> Let's see, we had just 'volunteered' to fight off the rift in space to save Celestia...<br> <Random_Nerd> Most of you had, at least.<br> <@Lili> We were heading ..." current
- 07:2107:21, 25 April 2014 diff hist +28 Chuubo:the SNURCers No edit summary
- 06:3106:31, 25 April 2014 diff hist +44,236 N Chuubo-1:11 Created page with "<BethE> (I so totally am not in a Chuubo stage of mind because of finishing Fable of the Swan. *shifty* Although the other night, we watched an anime that had a main charact..." current
- 06:3006:30, 25 April 2014 diff hist +51 Chuubo:the SNURCers No edit summary
- 06:0306:03, 25 April 2014 diff hist −46 Chuubo-1:10 No edit summary current
- 06:0206:02, 25 April 2014 diff hist +35,303 N Chuubo-1:10 Created page with "<@Random_Nerd> So, anyway.<br> <@Random_Nerd> I hear there's, like, this Nobilis game or something?<br> <@Angelo> yay Nobilis!<br> <@Random_Nerd> And tonight is Chuubo Night.<..."
- 06:0106:01, 25 April 2014 diff hist +49 Chuubo:the SNURCers No edit summary
- 05:4305:43, 25 April 2014 diff hist +61,881 N Chuubo-1:9 Created page with "<@Random_Nerd> So, I believe the plan was to do Chuubo tonight.<br> <@Random_Nerd> Any objection?<br> <@Lili> None here.<br> * Knockwood is now known as deMontreal<br> * Verit..." current
- 05:4005:40, 25 April 2014 diff hist +57 Chuubo:the SNURCers No edit summary
24 April 2014
- 05:0905:09, 24 April 2014 diff hist +48,038 N Chuubo-1:8 Created page with "<@Knockwood> OK, who's actually read the Scene rules?<br> <@Lazarus> (ah, so T is a zombie!)<br> <@Verithe> I've been sick all week. I forgot.<br> <@Theresa> I completely forg..." current
- 05:0905:09, 24 April 2014 diff hist +27 Chuubo:the SNURCers No edit summary
- 04:3304:33, 24 April 2014 diff hist +42,392 N Chuubo-1:7 Created page with "<@Random_Nerd> Okay, so, let me refresh my memory on what happened last in Chuubo.<br> <@Knockwood> Let's see, we'd just launched the ship, right?<br> <@Verithe> We opened an ..." current
- 04:3204:32, 24 April 2014 diff hist +56 Chuubo:the SNURCers No edit summary
- 03:5703:57, 24 April 2014 diff hist +45,411 N Chuubo-1:6 Created page with "<@Knockwood> BTW, I feel bad, I haven't been putting anything on the message board about the game<br> * BethE is now known as Lili<br> * Etheric is now known as Natalia<br> * ..." current
- 03:5403:54, 24 April 2014 diff hist +11 Chuubo:the SNURCers No edit summary